2018-11-20 Equivalent

2018-11-20 Equivalent

作者: 桂灰灰 | 来源:发表于2018-11-20 22:44 被阅读0次

1. direct/exact/nearest equivalent to



There is no exact male equivalent for witches.

This qualification is the equivalent of a degree. (大学学位)

It is the approximate equivalent in height to the Matterhorn.

2. 中国武侠小说作家金庸,常被人称为是中国的斯坦李。

Louis Chia,a  martial arts writer, is often called as the Chinese equivalent of Stan Lee.

Jin Yong is often regarded as the Chinese equivalent of Stan Lee.

Jin Yong, a Chinese martial arts novelist, is widely regarded as the Chinese equivalent of Stan Lee, the legendary American comic book writer.

3. 今天突然真的懂得了语言之间并不是完全的对应关系。

Many Chinese words  have no direct equivalents in English.


An escort agency , in some sense,  is a morden equivalent of a delivery firm.


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