FEAR 你可曾害怕?

FEAR 你可曾害怕?

作者: Becomingzoe | 来源:发表于2018-02-05 09:32 被阅读0次

"Most fears are mirages, 

generated by dark force to keep you from your destiny"

---John Paul Jackson



There are two powerful attractions in the world.  Belief and Fear.

这世界上两个强大的吸引力系统,  相信的力量和惧怕的力量.

Both will attract what you believe into your life. one is from the positive side and another is from the negative ,which is man called : the dark side.


What is FEAR ?  Fear is something we all have/had , at least we all experienced.


For the best definition I ever heard is :


F-------False (假的)

E--------Evidence (证据)

A--------Appear 出现(在)

R------Real 真实的(生活中)

Recently I experienced some fear that I never had before, some thoughts like someone shooting to my head , something wasn't nice at all. 


At first I was follow that thoughts and feel terrible, my body and mind are getting frozen and don't know what to do ......


Then I realize that thoughts is never from me or for me, so I start to refuse it, 


Actually when those thoughts are coming to me without any early warning, and sometimes they come to me with high frequency , I have to admit that when my body are tired or my mind are weak, it was difficult to refuse it , instead was so easy to get into and stuck there.


The most fear is fear itself, and weather you like it or not , you got to know this is a war, we have to fight for it . like people said: you can't  leave it then face it."


It is not our hands or feet that determined our life but our thoughts are.


Ok,cool, I know I got to fight it ,but how ? we can't just beating the air or beating yourself on the head.


mind is like the battlefield, first recognized your enemy which is fear, then catch it and kill it, but never forget to replace that fearful thoughtswith something on the contrary, something more than nice, something awesome and marvelous. 


Actually this is a training process, keep practice, until it becoming a habit, once we get it , it's will benefit us life long.

这会是一个训练的过程,直到可以成为习惯, 此后我们就会终身受益.

Final words: never choose anything out of fear, but out of love,otherwise will hurt you,sooner or later.even you make any decision for your loved one,but because of you are afraid.



know the truth , and the truth will set you free. again,most fear are mirages.

明白真理,真理会使你得自由. 再一次,大部分的惧怕真的只是虚晃。

put yourself under light, not under darkness.





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      本文标题:FEAR 你可曾害怕?
