爱的教育 | 1.入学日

爱的教育 | 1.入学日

作者: 一艘慢船 | 来源:发表于2017-11-03 15:45 被阅读73次


Monday, 17th

Today is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. These three months of vacation in the country have passed like a dream. This morning my mother conducted me to the Baretti schoolhouse to have me enter for the third elementary course. I was thinking of the country and went unwillingly. All the streets were swarming with boys: the two book-shops were thronged with fathers and mothers who were purchasing bags, portfolios, and copy-books, and in front of the school so many people had collected, that the beadle and the policeman found it difficult to the entrance disencumbered. Near the door, I felt myself touched on the shoulder: it was my master of the second class, cheerful, as usual, and with his red hair ruffled, and he said to me:

"So we are seperated forever, Enrico?"

  • conduct :organize and carry out (manage, direct)
  • swarming:a large number of animate or inanimate things massed together and usually in motion
  • throng:a crowding together of many persons
  • portfolio:a hinged cover or flexible case for carrying loose papers, pictures, or pamphlets
  • beadle:a minor parish official whose duties include ushering and preserving order at services and sometimes civil functions
  • disencumber:to free from encumbrance
  • encumber: to burden with a legal claim (such as a mortgage)
  • ruffle: an unevenness or disturbance of surface

I knew it perfectly well, yet these words pained me. We made our way in with difficulty. Ladies, gentlemen, women of the people, workmen, officials, nuns, servants, all leading boys with one hand, and holding the promotion books in the other, filled the anteroom and the stairs, making such a buzzing, that is seemed as though one were entering a theatre. I beheld again with pleasure that large room on the ground floor, with the doors leading to the seven classes, where I had passed nearly every day for three years.There was a throng; the teachers were going and coming. My schoolmistress of the first upper class greeted me from the door for the classroom, and said:

  • perfectly : to a complete or adequate extent
  • pain: acute mental or emotional distress or suffering
  • nun: a member of a religious community of women, especially a cloistered one, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
  • anteroom: a small outer room that leads to another room and that is often used as a waiting room
  • behold: see or observe (a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one).
  • greet: to meet or react to in a specified manner

"Enrico, you are going to the floor above this year. I shall never see you pass by any more!" and she gazed sadly at me.The director was surrounded by women in distress because there was no room for their sons, and it struck me that his beard was a little whiter than it had been last year. I found the boys had grown taller and stouter. On the ground floor, where the divisions had already been made, there were little children of the first and lowest section, who did not want to enter the class-rooms, and who resisted like donkeys: it was necessary to drag them in by force, and some escaped from the benches; others, when they saw their parents depart, began to cry, and the parents had to go back and comfort and reprimand them, and the teachers were in despair.

  • distress: a painful situation (misfortune)
  • stouter: physically or materially strong
  • division: a group of organisms forming part of a larger group
  • depart: to go away from (leave)
  • comfort: to ease the grief or trouble of
  • reprimand: a severe or formal reproof (blame)
  • despair: to lose all hope or confidence

My little brother was placed in the class of Mistress Delcati: I was put with Master Perboni, up stairs on the first floor. At ten o'clock we were all in our classes: fifty-four of us; only fifteen or sixteen of my compainions of the second class, among them, Derossi, the one who always gets the first prize. The school seemd to me so small and gloomy when I thought of the woods and the mountains where I had passed the summer! I thought again, too, of my master in the second class, who was so good, and who always smiled at us, and was so small that he seemed to be one of us, and I grieved that I should no longer see him there, with his tumbled red hair. Our teacher is tall; he has no beard; his hair is gray and long; and he looks at us fixedly, one after the other, as though he were reading our inmost thoughts; and he never smiles. I said to myself: "This is my first day. There are nine months more. What toil, what monthly examinations, what fatigue!" I really needed to see my mother when I came out, and I ran to kiss her hand. She said to me:

"Courage, Enrico! We will study together." And I returned home content. But I no longer have my master, with his kind, merry smile, and school does not seem pleasant to me as it did before.

  • gloomy : partially or totally dark
  • grieve: to cause to suffer (distress)
  • tumble: to fall suddenly and helplessly
  • inmost: deepest within
  • toil: exhausting physical labor.
  • fatigue: extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.
  • content: in a state of peaceful happiness (satisfied)
  • merry: giving pleasure (delightful)

星期一, 10月17日

译 | 刘年


"Enrico, 我们要分开了,不能再教你了。"


"Enrico, 今年你要去楼上上课了,我们很难碰到了。"她看着我略显伤感。校长被一群焦虑的女士们团团围住了,因为学校没有更多的名额接收她们的孩子。我吃惊的发现,校长原本略显发白的胡须比起去年有白了些。同学们也都长高张壮了。一楼大厅基本上被刚入学的低年级孩子们占据了。有的不愿意进教室的;有的勉强拽进教室,跟犟驴似的,又从椅子上逃出来;还有些孩子,看见父母离开就开始哇哇大哭,父母们不得不重新回来,有的轻声安慰,有的严加训斥。最无奈的当属他们的老师了,个个满脸绝望。


"勇敢一点,Enrico!我们一起学习。" 我心满意足的回家了。想起再也看不到老师和蔼可亲的笑容,上学和之前比起来显得有些无趣了。


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    本文标题:爱的教育 | 1.入学日
