Word encouragement

Word encouragement

作者: 鴨子的筆記 | 来源:发表于2018-11-14 00:34 被阅读0次

Hi, you have made you a significant change, it’s quite nice, cutoff most useless contacts, shut the chat moments. When you leaving you left odd words to group, most members misinterpreted the words to suppose a suicide commitment could occur, then action were taken immediately to prevent this deadly event happening, that was a really rescue mission everyone holding breath staring at the phone screen looking the newest massages, all willing the optimistic outcome. Fortunately when police men kicking off the door of bedroom, at that moment I can imagine surprisingly pleasant yelling by everyone “Alive! she’s alive! She’s rescued“

I understand you recently felt more frustrations, felt be trapped, without future, lonely, hopeless and helpless, might be some kind of mental frustration. This feeling is often from youths when they left home to go to university or work outside independently. Like sailing a boat toward deeply vast ocean the ahead were fearful uncertainties, might be giant monsters, fierce storms, or might be nothing, with warm sunshine and peaceful water. One thing is clear that all maintenance of survival is by the boat, the boat is yourself, you have to make decisions and deal with everything by self.

There is only a suggestion now, focusing your mind into one thing, forget others useless in current period, for example, less salary, working environment not good, pressure of workload, worries of boyfriend and marriage, even unrealistic fantasies luxuries Louis Vuitton, jewels, house, etc. If do that you’ll feel more relaxed, your mind is focused on solving one thing, as get a cert to pave the way to go into a prominent company.

Fate is in your hands



      本文标题:Word encouragement
