

作者: 夏浪效率工具营 | 来源:发表于2024-01-27 19:59 被阅读0次








*2024年1月27日 16:55:38*

After mulling it over for days, I finally decided to jump on the bandwagon with the English learning program in the community. Truth is, I rebooted my English studies last year and clocked in over 800 hours. But, I gotta admit, most of that time was just cramming vocab. Kinda embarrassing, considering I've been at this English thing for years, and it's mostly been a word memorization marathon.

I've been wrestling with whether to join the English learning plan in our community for days. Speaking fluent English has been a long-time dream of mine, almost an obsession. But the kickoff task, reading out loud for at least 3 hours daily, really freaked me out.

Been going through a rough patch these past few days, really torn up inside. The minute I hear about the course, I get this urge to jump in. I'm well aware of the grind, spending three hours a day reading out loud. Think about it, for years I've been putting "wake up early 350+ days a year" on my to-do list. But since 2016, I haven't nailed it once.

Waking up early isn't the only tough part this time around. My body's definitely taken a hit. Been dealing with a nasty neck issue for months – just sitting for a bit and my neck's screaming. Turns out, I've got a herniated disc in my neck and lower back. Even my knees are acting up, had to put a 14-year running streak on hold. Now, I'm just focusing on afternoon sessions, working my back and pumping some iron for my shoulders.

After hearing all the perks from the teacher, I've decided to jump on board with this event. When I hit a snag, I'll deal with it—up at the crack of dawn if I have to, hitting the gym as needed. It's all about hitting the books—rising early and working out, all for the sake of learning.

Spent the morning hustling, but finally got my gear all set. Gave it a whirl and, man, got a bit of a buzz from the results.

Here's the script for day one. Let's hit the ground running tomorrow! Up and at 'em at 6 AM.

January 27th, 2024, 4:55 PM.


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