2022-06-06 周一 英文记录

2022-06-06 周一 英文记录

作者: 狼牙雪豹 | 来源:发表于2022-06-06 23:05 被阅读0次

The first day I go to work nomarly.

In the morning we did a flu test but one by one house(?). It was random that if you went there then standed on line and waited. So I spent about half an hour then finished it. I went to office late.

When waiting for the bus, I waited more than half an hour. When I entered every public place I should scan the QR code to ensure my flu test was at least in 72 hours. It was not convinese.

Though it was not hormarney, so many people in the subway and bus. I think people also want to go out, even its to go work.

And today a friend from Jianshu, he pointed some errors or tips to my daily records. And give me encourage about the relationship in family. Thanks a lot.
I know we are all soft engineers. And I also know you WeChat number from you home page. I want to add friends with you, but I also afriad we have nothing to communicate. In the future, I will learn from you, for your professional skills and so on. Thank you very much, my friend.


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      本文标题:2022-06-06 周一 英文记录
