

作者: code_w | 来源:发表于2018-01-06 17:50 被阅读61次






    第一部分  揭露恐怖分子


    MK:The Road Map is very clear, in the coming weeks and months we will go through the governments and pull the contacts and officials we have, our portfolio of friends and colleagues, many of them business colleagues which now have become leaders in their own right, and in so many ways the Road Map, the Peace Road Map, is the ultimate goal.


    There is something that I discussed yesterday with the Knowledge Seekers here, to go through it later on, I hope we have time, and we’ll explain exactly what we are planning to do. The integrity of world peace comes according to what you do personally, how you get it put out, how you match the road map, the document of the peace treaty that you signed yourself into has to go together. This has caused very big problems for a number of world leaders in the past two weeks.


    You got to understand, we have access to different governments in different ways and it’s the first time I’ve been told, the political scene, diplomatic scene, and military scene have no objection to the Peace Road Map. What this means? It means the world leaders think it will not happen so they don’t object to it, the military think of it as a laughing stock they don’t see that it can be done, because they’ll have no position as military heads, and the politicians see it as a point they can score against their other colleagues that they are for the peace.


    So what I’ve said in the teachings of past few days in the SSI, if you are a student or a knowledge seeker, and to the people around who I speak to in the diplomatic and political side, and the military, is that, you take your time. We shared the patents, we shared the knowledge, and now we enforce the knowledge. So it is going to be the effort of the collective Keshe foundation, if you are here to serve peace and not your pocket, and if, as I said to somebody in the past few days, if your target is peace and this is what your intending and you’re hoping to get, don’t wait for the 21st of June, allocate half an hour a day, to send the world peace message to as many people as possible around the world, half an hour a day, make peace part of your work and your life, 10 minutes a day, doesn’t matter who you send it to, how many other people you contact, how many other websites you can put it on, let it be seen, then we show our way.


    The position is very clear. The governments will not act because with it there will be no government, they will not be in the position. The religious leaders will not act because once there is a peace and man understands there is no need to go to a house to pray, because in space there are no houses to pray to, they have no position! So – they are fighting for their position.


    This way goes back to a lot of you, hundreds of thousands of you, I received thousands and thousands of emails – I betrayed humanity, I’m another one of the Illuminati, I’m a crook in the pack when I gave the key, the USB stick of patents to the world governments, and then when you received it – nothing. You got what were stealing, you were hoping to steal, because you thought it was stolen from you.


    This time around, if you do not push for the world peace, its only you who can blame yourself for what you have left out. If the target is to achieve world peace through technology this is most probably one of the only chances. We seen organizations like Greenpeace talking, activists, they don’t have anything to substitute. With the Keshe foundation not only do we have a substitute, we have the facilities to replace, that it guarantees jobs, the correct way.



    I have delivered what I came here to do, now I have to see it through. What does this mean? It means most of the knowledge needed for you to achieve lift, motion, energy, food, the structure of security and defense in space, and materials, and the medical part, has all been delivered. So now we enter, as of now that we push for the world peace, in a direction and phase that has never been known, and we never disclosed but we spoke about – I explained this yesterday to the knowledge seekers, and that is – we have taught in the past years the knowledge. Now we brought you as knowledge seekers, but all of you, according to your ethos of teaching, when you have a knowledge, and a thought – you want to see a practicality, or (want) somebody (to) show you a tesla.


    The target of the Kf originally has been, and it has stayed the same, that we are teaching for two purposes, one is for Peace, and the consequence of that takes man into Space, to join the man into the Universal family. Man has been, as I’ve said, in his village of Earth, and now to go to the Universal community, as is tradition, family helps to bring their child up into society, we have told the child, we have given everything we can, consequence of it will be Peace, and as of this month, as we showed yesterday, and in the past few days, we start opening so that the man of space will teach the man of earth the way to become part of the universal family.


    So – from now on you will not see explanation of emissions or testing by me, but we bring technology from space, taught and shown by man of the space. This is the breakthrough. This is what we are going to tell and what we are going to teach, and what we are going to show. So as I said, my mission is complete, I’ve done what I accepted to do, some of you have accepted to do the same, to teach more, now you say ‘show me then I believe it’ -  I don’t do the showing, showing will be done, I’ve done enough of it, showing will be done by the Knowledge Seekers, and we will show space development by man of the space.


    So what does this mean? You will see events, you will see conditions, you will see unknown conditions, or you will see conditions that you know but you cannot put together, and we will elaborate on it. We sometimes give you notice in advance of it, and sometimes you will see it as it happens. From now on not only we speak about space technology and Peace, we start showing the delivery of the knowledge of space by man of the space, or what you like to call aliens.


    So – from now on you will see events in the space horizon, on land, I’ve been telling you for months that we can make an environment in the lab, where we bring what we call the aquarium of the universe, and we can show you your bigger family of space, already a number of events have been taking place, and we step up bring you to understand it, and we released a small video yesterday and I have a second video from an Italian who was present for these events, why these events are significant. We explained in the teaching, that in one sweep in the past – more or less since Saturday Sunday, and its been done before but this time we explain it, how we’re going to paralyze the defense technology of all the governments in one go, if the peace is not accepted and delivered.



    We delivered the patents, nobody believed it could be done, and the reactors openly, no one would teach us that way, but now instead of you trying to do what you don’t understand, there is no way I’m going to attempt to do it any more, because 4 times trying to be killed is enough, now we bring you the Man of the Space!


    The agreement is, in the coming months, and I appoint time and days, we announce events in advance. Contact points, teaching points, system delivery, showing of technology, in the coming 12 months, 18 months, we’ll organize and pre-plan demonstrations of what you like to call UFOs or what we call Universal spaceships. This is a big claim, but when you see it one by one and understand exactly how its done, how to do it, how we deliver it, then you understand a very big question – do we need governments or do we share directly with people?


    Number of discussions with a number of governments with this structure have failed. Now we deliver direct to the public.  It’s you who have to decide what you’re going to do with it, how you’re going to deal with it, and to be honest, (writes the words on the white board) YOU HAVE NO CHOICE! Read this very carefully. You have no choice but to walk the path of Peace. I’ve explained to you a lot of ways, a lot of you have been blind to it because you don’t understand the technology, and some of you have understood. We deliver technologies that will not only advance man very rapidly to the point of Peace, but we take the element of war out of the arsenal of the mans life. So you will not even think about the war, you will not even understand the war.


    So – my shout and my call goes to world leaders, who a number of them and their officials, listen to these teachings quite regularly, and that is – start the Peace Talks or we bring Peace by demonstration of the units which bring presidents to the point where they don’t remember they’re presidents – very simple! This technology will harm no-one, will not kill no-one, we are not a terrorist organization, it’s a scientific universal time to rejoin the family of the Universe.


    So – as we said, terrorist organizations, people will not even remember why they’re carrying arms. At the same time we can create a condition that the presidents and kings do not remember why they are as a king or a president. So we solve the solution in 2 ways – we take the idiots out, and we take the ones who think they’re idiots out too.


    So – the knowledge is very simple, and your weakest point is your amino acid, and the king of the terrorist, what they call terrorist to suit them, share in common. The same animal, don’t forget, something very interesting which a lot of you don’t know, but its good because its taken out of your memory in a short time, is – terrorists established the State of Israel, and then they became the presidents, and then they became Nobel prize winners. 003035  


    So – If you’re a terrorist you can become a Nobel prize winner – who accepts you as a terrorist will accept you as a leader. This is the difference if you look all the terrorist leaders became world leaders, and then they’ve ben given the Nobel prize – so we’re dealing with a bunch of Nobel prize terrorists.


    This is the structure – this is how it’s going to stop, this will stop, and in so many ways we’ve shown the way, and in so many ways you as public will carry it out. Very simple – put your blood into the GANS reactors – you connect to anyone. Don’t forget the structure of the Free Plasma is made by the Gans materials within the reactor. Your blood with CO2 creates a Gans based center which can be connected to every being on this planet – common denominator – free plasma watches the emotion and the soul of the man, you don’t know how to touch the soul, but with this you can touch the man.



    So – terrorists, or in another name International terrorists as kings and queens and Presidents – their job is finished.  So the Peace has to come through understanding that terrorists become kings, and the presidents also become terrorists – depends which way they elevate. We’ve seen, even in Libya today, the President of Libya used to be a terrorist, now he’s been appointed by the British as a President because they do whatever they like because he works for them.


    We seen that clearly with Yasser Arafat, the biggest terrorist God ever known, he became a Nobel prize winner and became head of the Palestinians. No man has created more death than Yasser Arafat – if I tell you the story of the man you will walk off! The same with Sharon! The same – go back to a number of world leaders. Look at the structure how terrorists became world leaders and the Nobel prize – this is the confirmation of ‘you are one of us’ – you are one of the murderers – then you go. Most of the American Presidents one way or another they get a Nobel prize – they guarantee the cycle of terror.


    This is what has to stop, I have been very soft, very smooth with this whole structure, but now its not in my hand. If I get killed, or anything happens to me – needs blood – get blood from 3 different races, 3 different color of man, black, white, and Middle Eastern, you reach any man on this planet that you like, but you have to find the 3 that love each other.


    Black is the origin of the creation, Middle East is the division, and White is the end product. You have the origin, you have the division, you have the end product, all the DNAs and the RNA – make some in your Ganses – you control the man. Now how much more you want to push how much more you want to stop, depends on you. How you gonna use workshops, not to teach you how to make reactors, but to show you how the reactors you made are a copy of yourselves, copy of your emotions, copy of your soul, a copy of – if you now how to do, we change physicality with the reactors.


    You took the matter, and out of the matter as I always said and you all know, you created the Free Plasma. You use the Free Plasma with another Free Plasma – its your thoughts, what you want to dictate, put the blood of the man into it, you can make a man with 10 legs and 20 arms, because now you touch the emotion according to what you want and the physicality responds. And all the English say, what is good for the goose, is good for the gander, what is good for the male dog is good for the female dog too, you can go up you can go down, you find a way, because in space you need this, because it’s the easiest way to adapt into an environment. When you go with the body of the man into deep space for you to adapt to the new environment takes millions of years.


    You put the emotion, the soul of the man, the physical brain of the man, you adopt yourself to it automatically. The immediate solution inner space – so it goes back to what we can show, and how we can show, I’ve given a few warnings in the past few months, now we gave a clear warning yesterday and as I said we will light the stars, and we will make the whole earth daylight day and night to celebrate when the man accepts peace.


    I have shown a number of ways of doing this and in the coming weeks and months you will show us how to achieve this. If you do not push for the Peace we will use this structure. This is not the first time its been done, if need be we can do it. Road map for Peace is one direction only, and no mercy, and I have written on it – there is no alternative. There is no choice.


    Yesterday in the teachings as we spoke; you know how to make Gans, you know how the matter works, you know how the plasma works, and you learnt how to work with Gases. Mixture of 4 in any of these reactors, you decide. You have, you create the condition, through it you create the matter, through it’s plasma which is the free plasma, then you create the Gases which in the Gans state can convert the physicality of anything anywhere in the Universe.


    So – If you understand this, and you understand the totality of the science of the Universe, the big question for you is – How many others are amongst us or have mutated to be like us? Are we alone on this planet, or have we become part of what we did not know but they’re among us? The answer is very simple – they’ve been among us for a long long time…



    Vince: Mr. Keshe… how can you make sure to avoid people using this in a harmful way?


    MK: That’s your choice. You choose, the ball is in your hand, you run with it, I explain it, and let them choose. I tell you who is going to start the biggest defense. The biggest defense and opposition is going to come directly from one place, and one place only, and that is from the religious leaders. The religious leaders will object because (with the peace road map) they have no more status.  The attacks on the Kf will come from the Vatican, Islamic State, and the Others, because when you accept world peace on equality of the promise of the Blessed name Christ, is there a need for someone to tell you what is right or wrong? No!


    So there is no position for the Pope. We have written the position of the Pope off anyway, its gone, its finished, its just a puppet figure for a very short while. The same with the Islamic leaders, the same with Jewish leaders, and the others around the world in the different name of worship and belief, because none of them have delivered what they came for and what was the promise of the Prophets or the leaders.

    所以没有教皇的位置,我们已经写下了教皇的下场,它走了,它终结了,它只是一个过眼云烟的傀儡人物,伊斯兰领导人一样,犹太领袖也一样,世界各地以不同的名称行使崇拜和信仰的人也都 一样,因为他们都没有交付他们所来为何,那是先知或领袖的承诺。

    So they will object because – I’m a Satan – whatever they like to call me  - because If there is World Peace there is no Vatican.  And there are two questions to ask: Is the self religiousness of the Pope worth millions dying for? One man or a very few men to keep their position, while the rest of the man has to pay for it? Say No! Why should people have the luxury of being called the Pope, Ayatollah, Rabbi and the rest of it.


    This is a fight I’ve had for years with my family. I come from a very peculiar background. From my grandfather on my Father’s side I’m a SAEED – which means I’m descended directly from Muhammad. From my Jewish side of family I’m COHEN, which means I descend directly from Moses, my grandfather and my grandmother is a Cohen. I’m not allowed to attend a funeral because the blood of Moses cannot see a dead body. Any time I attend a funeral I’m asked to leave.


    So – did any of them sacrifice their lives for a bunch of people to stop the development of the man? Its not worth it – so they have to oppose, they have no more jobs. Where do the priests go to rob the soul of the man, or to rape a child? – and the same with the others!


    So – we have one choice. We accept Peace in a correct way. We negotiate Peace, who can get to it faster, or we enforce Peace, that the two hooligans that have been threatening and doing whatever they like, the terrorists and the leaders do not even remember which one they are. Do we need world leaders, when we have the most beautiful tool of peace, you can spend your time, a number of knowledge seekers around the world, thousands of Kf supporters around the world are making reactors, making materials, and making energy units out if it, and the rest of it. To make sure they are independent of the abuse of this bunch of hooligans.


    And the strangest thing is that when they fight, in the back they work together, because one guarantees the position of the other. If you want me to tell you about one of the biggest jobs set up for the terrorists and the religious leaders, between the Vatican, Rabbis and the Ayatollahs, you’ll walk out – and this has cost humanity at least 10,000,000 lives. Do any of these have a right to kill ten million people? And all this in past 35 years. Forget about what they’ve done before!


    In the past 10 years the connection between the terrorists and world leaders and religious leaders has caused that much death. Who gave them the right? Millions in Iran, Millions. You don’t know how many million! Children of 7 years old, 5 years old were given a plastic key to walk on the mines, that they go to heaven, that was the heaven. Who knows? Have you been told?


    The Vatican gave 9 million land mines as a gift to Saddam Hussein, paid to the Italian government, to mine the border between Iran and Iraq during the war. Iran didn’t have the facility to overcome the mines. Ayatollah Khomeini ordered to male a green plastic key, forced children out of school, given them a key, marche them over the landmines. Thousands, hundreds of thousands of Iranian children died to overcome what the Pope initiated, to see that Islam doesn’t come up to put the position of the Vatican in danger. We paid with our lives with our children. Vatican got richer and Ayatollah Khomeini kept his position.


    There is a big revolution coming in Iran, is that the Sabaa does not accept the religious side, because they said “during the war none of your children went to walk over the mines, our children did it, we decide the future of the Government.”  The minute Ayatollah Khameini, his holiness, dies, Iran will divide between Sabaa and Ayatollahs. The power sits with the Sabaa, and these are the people who sacrificed their children to walk over the mines, which Vatican paid the Italian government to deliver the old mines from the Second World War to Saddam to protect him. When he done his job they destroyed him – another million children!


    Which religious leader has the right to initiate millions of children’s deaths from Vatican? Is Vatican a religious organization, or is it a terrorist organization? To me and the rest of Islamic world, it’s a terrorist organization. But the funny thing is, nobody came to help Iran in this war – Who came to help Iran? Who brought arms to Iran to defend themselves from the support of the West, Vatican, and the Americans supporting Saddam? No- one did, accept One. This is going to shock a lot of you. The State of Israel. No-one helped Iran during the killing oif the children accept the Sate iof Israel, by delivering arms directly into Tehran, direct flight Tel Aviv Tehran. Track record to S America, Argentina.


    The Jewish boys of Iran supported Iran and protected Iran from the Hand of Vatican. And strangely enough, who brought the help and the guns from Israel to Iran? When the revolution happened, go on the TV watch the history, the day after Ayatollah Khomeini arrived in Tehran, private jet brought Mr. Yasser Arafat to Iran. Murdered as many Iranians as he could by contract, got one dollar per barrel per day to help the Palestinians to start the State of Palestine.


    Israelis and Americans were watching how they’re buying arms Sir Yasser Arafat put 70% of income from Iran oil and the blood of Iranians who he killed into Swiss banks, and what happened? The arms all went to the Middle East, to Israel, to be turned over to the Palestinians. Israelis knew the position, they captured the arms from the Palestinians which Iran paid for to Sir Yasser Arafat the terrorist who became Nobel prize winner, then sold the second time, the arms captured in Beirut to Tehran to support Iran against Saddam Hussein. They paid twice for the same arms. One for killing its own people, and the second time to kill its own children in the name of Islam.


    So you see how 3 religions in the background work together and with the Americans – all this is documented, nothing is a fairy tale, Iran and Middle East, ten million lives in 35 years. Now we want to talk about Peace? Lets talk the truth about the Peace!


    The same plan by Vatican was set for Ukraine to take over the Russian church. (And prior to that)… they brought through Ireland, the Queen of England under submission by blowing everything up that she gave up the rights of the Church of England, Protestants and Catholics, to the Vatican. Submission by literally bombing England, and if you want to see documents about what they’ve done I’ve got all of them here, they are here with me, how I negotiated for Peace in Northern Ireland, and we achieved. By the guys who were supposed to be the religious leaders, and the rest.



    Documents page by page I release, names, how I delivered, who took the money, to force peace. And I did it in collaboration with a number of people in England. I have black and white because I was part of the Northern Ireland Peace organization. They trusted the man outside to theirs because he was dispensable but they never found out that I kept all the records, how Ian Paisley got paid, how Belfast leader, you know who he is, Jerry Adams got paid into Swiss banks. How we stopped all the financial affairs in Northern Ireland, pre-planned, I received all of it.


    Those in Northern Ireland know what I’m talking about, talk about fuel tanks, talk about the cars, drug trafficking, diamond bosses in Jersey. We have all of it! So – you want to push for world peace I open the file of the World Leaders.  Go back, Clinton can tell you, he walked down the road, by accident Jerry Adams comes out of a bakery, they shook hands, and it means we accept the peace with Vatican. These are news reels. When I agreed I accept the last part, the shake hands took place. For 300 years they could not come to do it the decent way. I controlled the finances of it – I show bank account, I show details page by page, who took what, where it was done, and all the documents have been placed for my protection – you touch me I release. 


    The same thing was done with Ukraine. Russian Church is extremely wealthy and powerful. Vatican wants to be the world leader of the Christians by murder, and any how his excellency Putin stood the ground – Bank of Russia, central bank of Russia, that’s why all the boycotts go to the Bank of Russia – see what happened in the Ukraine – all that to empty literally the central bank and bring the Church of Russia under control of Vatican, and it didn’t happen!


    It’s a huge change. We prayed for it, we gave our souls as a core because we taken the leadership and it will happen. I went on line, the core members will tell you that you give your soul to Putin because he’s correct and we saw it happen, so – if you think world leaders they are gentle people – they are nothing but terrorists. Your Peace is in your hand, not in the hand of churches or world leaders, and if you want I can give you more…


    I sat and I counted the gold bars which the Philippine President took out while he was leaving, allowed to take out as long as he shares some with Vatican, Marcos. I sat in the basement building Center of London watching how the gold bars came out, and how it was a speed whilst negotiated to go.


    So World Leaders have two choices – we push for peace – or – we open the books! The same goes for the way the State of Israel was established. All the guys who established the State of Israel became the President of the State of Israel, all the terrorists – how much they murdered in Palestine is submitted to the British this day – go back the first 25 years of the State of Israel.


    Don’t forget we call it State of Israel, we call everything else a government, Egyptian government, Libyan government Iranian government, we call it American nation, we call it Iranian nation, Saudi Arabian government, why do we call Israel as a State of Israel? Because it’s the 52nd state of the United States, off shore, protected as part of the nation. That’s why nobody can touch it. You call it State of Texas, State of California, State of Israel; you have Hawaii off shore – nothing to do with United States –State of Israel, 52nf State of the USA. That’s why, and nobody understands why America supports Israel in every motion of the United Nations – of course it does its part of its Estate – you are a Jewish state owned by the Kingdom of the United Kingdom – by proxy.

    不要忘记我们称之为以色列国,我们称之为政府,埃及政府,利比亚政府,伊朗政府,我们称之为美国国家,我们称之为伊朗国家,沙特阿拉伯国家,为什么我们把以色列称为以色列州(a State of Israel)?因为它是美国的第五十二个州,离海岸,作为国家的一部分保护的,这就是为什么没有人敢动它,你们称作德克萨斯州,加利福尼亚州,以色列州,你们离岸有夏威夷,没有什么不可以,以色列州,美国第52州,那就是为什么,没有人明白为什么美国支持以色列在联合国的一切活动,当然它处理那一部分产业,你们是犹太国家,联合王国的代理。


    So – the world leaders speak peace or we open the books. I told you everything is recorded. For months I told you we open the books. We talk peace on the International level, or I told you, unfortunately I slept in too many presidents’ beds, I know too many secrets.


    So – now you explain. We gave the key to the world leaders and the governments; they didn’t give it to you. We gave it to you freely; you did nothing with it because you didn’t know; now you know what to do with it. Now its you whose got to act for Peace, irrespective of governments, you never achieve it – notice how they organize you – terrorist organization and terrorist state changes according to what Vatican sees befits him … Russians and Chinese and Japanese don’t even report it because its irrelevant, this is what they call it in the states little children playing their little games.


    While Europe was robbing Africa while they were making all these wars to rob the central banks, be it Libya, be it Iraq! Its finished! Temporarily they took something but the real winner of all these wars for the last 35 years is One Nation – CHINA. I have a lot of respect for this country, and the leaders, I’ve been in touch, I’ve worked amongst them and I have a huge respect for them, because while we were busy robbing central banks Chinese went to Africa and other nations, they developed their bases the ingredients paid for the market value established themselves. By the time they come back to see what’s happened – they could rob only once the national bank – now they have control of the whole nation on a fair basis.


    So – we have two choices. World leaders start talking about Peace, and spending money on Peace – or – it comes to one point – do we need world leaders to rob us, kill us, and then terrorize us as a human race, to fit their own seat? I said something a few months ago!          


    The marbles and the stones of Vatican have to go back where they came from, the Coliseum. Its their habit – they built the building stealing from another place, and its become the habit. They stole the physicality with the lions, and they stole the soul of man by the name of Popes. The same with every other religion, I give to you one by one.


    Strange, I explain to you I come from background of two, Jewish and Muslim. My family eat in our house, the same table, no discussion, they love each other, doesn’t matter if one is Jewish one is Muslim. My Jewish family when they came to Manchester they couldn’t find kosher meat – Halal is the same thing – we used to buy them Halal meat, so there is no difference between the path of belief, its just we choose it what suits us.


    So – the world leaders have two choice, the reactors are running, now we teach the process, now we don’t accept the man to do it on his own, because he needs the confidence that there is someone to support him if he goes wrong, and shows the path. You want to see – I explain this yesterday in teaching, and its happened a few times, we explain the process, it was shown openly on Sunday, Wince can you show the Video? And I’ll explain to you the whole process, what we showed you yesterday.



    Vince: Sure just let me unmute my mike, can you hear me Mr. Keshe?

    MK: Yes I can hear you clearly..

    V: Oh thank God, OK, finally…

    MK: Finally, open the video and let it be seen, and then I explain what we’re going to do with you with what we see..

    V: Just give me one sec, we’ll see the video and I’ll show it on live stream as well

    MK: I told you something bout what we’ve started  

    V: Do you want the audio as well?

    MK: Everything, the whole caboodle

    010422: Video commentary by MK: Ok this is now a quarter to One, this has been on top of us for nearly three hours, over three hours now.



    This is what I explain when you look like a cloud but you hide behind it. The whole horizon has changed, the clouds have changed. We saw before, remember on the video, where we could see an airline flying through it? Two helicopters have been trying to find out what it is? They have flown very high altitude, but it still sits here, and it will be here as long as I……. (wind noise) …


    See, it is a beautiful, beautiful, horizon and we see it on the sea level and it comes to it. It will be here. Everything has changed. This is what I call a full UFO cover. Sits in the horizon of the sun, so you can’t see it, but you can identify the circle of it. So you can’t see the spaceship sitting in the middle because its blinding, so it uses the light of the sun to hover over us for the last 3 or 4 hours. It will not be repeated, it’s a wish and as I said, our wish is our command, and you will see more and more of these things around us, because it’s time to change.


    The center is where the space ship sits and this is what I explained a three days ago in the teaching, creating cloud condition. The horizon you see and then you go to it. This is absolutely perfect… This will not repeat when we ask friends for the power of the knowledge, so that you can understand.  Lamp post, the edge, then you can see the whole circle.  The UFO what you call spaceship sits right in the sun, so you cannot see it, and that is how you cover yourself. In the eye of the man there.   Today is now about 1 o’clock…31st May.  Same position … just covering the sunlight.


     (video continues to show the rainbow colored massive orb halo around the sun)  


    MK: As I said, nothing was said. There are Italians who were taking the same video as us.Would you like to put it on full screen – (to Marko) from different angles. The position is very simple – what you see is what we thought before (draws the orb) we sit here (under) prior to establishment of the full circle, the Italian helicopter at high altitude flies over, because the Italian radar system military is just about 20kms away – this is the radar system was used when it was the communist time, the most powerful radars on the border between Italy and Albania and the other side.


    They flew a second one, they could not do anything, second a jetliner with radar goes through it to establish what it is. The time, the duration about 4 hours. No cloud – start the formation of the cloud into a sphere and kept in the same position all the time. I’ve explained in the teaching yesterday how its done. In fact, from sitting here, that’s the atmosphere, the space ship sits outside, creates a condition of 2-4kms diameter horizon shielding,


    If you look at it, its that way, (curved over the top) if you look at it from the bottom which is the way we looked, its there (spherical) the center you think it sits with the sun you can actually see the spaceship in the horizon of the sun, you cant see it because it’s the same intensity. The sun sits here. We explain these kinds of shadows with the teaching with the needle and the shadow of the Gans and the material color. Darkness you see it’s a full sphere, full shape of the spaceship. Magnetic shielding, no interaction, using the Gans material of the upper atmosphere of the Nitrogen – what would you like it to be. In the coming time these will become the lights in the sky, where I said we lit the earth – instead of a dark light we change it to a light and you’ll see. Interaction between the man and the universal community has started – you have no choice, we dictate the condition!


    We move this up we touch the satellite ring, we touch it further we touch the military satellite ring, paralyzing all military communication instantaneously as long as we decide if we do this the world leaders will find out, the terrorists will take a field day, they can do whatever they like! There is no government to stop them. People like Yasser Arafat who now have different names with the same bosses will have a field day. But I have bad news for you guys; we can create the GM field of the amino acid of both terrorist groups, the presidential and the one on the ground fighting.



    So you have two choices. Bring it in yourself, or we enforce it on you, but when we switch this off you go back to being animals. If you do it yourself, accept peace, you stay with it. That’s the difference. I told you, 21st of June 21stJuly 21st of August start making Peace, otherwise we know how to enforce it, we don’t do it. So many times, 4 or 5 times, I said to you a simple thing, planning, where we are today, I said if you think we were here by accident, you’ve got a long way coming! You are Italian – (gestures to Giovanni) – What is Trani known for?    - Give him the microphone… (Camera focuses on Giovanni)


    Giovanni: (begins speaking in Italian)


    MK: Not in Italian, in English! What is Trani known for?


    G: Aaahhh… Trani is known because from this place started the first crusade from…


    MK: The crusaders!


    G: Yes.


    MK: Trani is known for crusaders for freeing Jerusalem!


    G: Yes!


    MK: That’s why we are here, but our Jerusalem is planet Earth and humanity. One planet, one nation, and we don’t need to kill, we deliver our technology. You cannot kill each other because it has a safety key factor, and because you don’t have the knowledge you don’t know where we put the key. No man shall be killed, no man shall be harmed with this technology, but men can harm themselves. We don’t. You can kill yourself but I wont kill you, because when you kill yourself you’ve committed suicide, you’re stupid, whereas if I kill you I become a murderer I have to pay for your soul, so I know the game.


    So we go back on one point, and this goes, send a copy of this teaching to every world religious leader and priest and Imam and Ayatollah around the world but the most beautiful thing is, who gave life to this technology to come up? The cradle of itself, according as it happened with Moses. Who brought Moses up? The king who was afraid that he would take his kingdom… yeah? We all know that. Who brought this technology up? The cradle of the Islamic republic of Iran, by the religious people turned off the religions.


    The term of the Ayatollah Khamenei in the Islamic republic as Islamic nation, as leadership of the Islamic nation, has finished. Like the Pope, like the Rabbis, like all religious leaders, because now Ayatollahs, Priests, Popes, are all human, equal and loving each other. So instead if having different names to worship me I worship myself IN MY NAME – No need to fight because as its written on the paper, in my name, because my name means Love, that’s what its called – Mehran. Affection, Love, Kindness.


    So – you have two choices. Cut out all the different names to line pockets, or, the people will do it for you! Do it amicably, without any fight, call that the end of religion game has come, work as one race one nation all the government leaders names change instead of being communist, democrat, liberals, or whatever you call it, the kings and the rest, equal as we go into space, and we accept the terms and conditions of the universal community which is peace and equality. You have no choice because millions of people now know how to make Gans. They know how to travel into space, and with the knowledge they’ve gained and they gain more of, they’ll be able to communicate and live amongst the man of the space, without the need of the animal-ness of the earth.


    So – we push for peace, I show you the technology how you do it – its very simple. Go on the teaching of the Kf yesterday into motion and matter. I’ve gone through it in detail. You make yourself a system and you tell your king and your government, I’m not killing, and I don’t pay taxes to you to kill in my name.


    To run a government without war expenditure is 20% taxes. You take military expenditure out of any government, run a decent health care, a decent educational system, a decent life style, means 20% taxes and no more, because Politicians won’t rob anymore – that’s 5% of your taxes paying thieves – civil servants, you don’t need to back up. You look at in front 2 to 3 percent military expenditure per GDP but I’ve been looking into the governments and their papers, reality is 15%. It creates employment so the 5% becomes 20%, that’s 40% taxes. You stand to your government – you do not do anything in the back pocket, you do not need to come for me, I put my penny or my euro, I put my 20% in the bank of the Government for you to teach, for you to educate, for you to bring health care.


    This way at the moment, what do they do? Out of every hundred Euro you earn, they take 65 – 70% of it under different name of taxation, so in fact what you’re left with is 30 -35% of your hard work. You’re not prepared to do that, because 5 -10% of it is going on the ones who are working but not paying tax, and they are getting paid to stay at home, so what they do , they earn their money in black, and then you pay them on top – so there goes more money out of your pocket, another 10 that’s 50%. So when people don’t like, when people steal, so you don’t have to pay 75%, take home 30% of your work.

    此刻的方式,他们做什么?你赚的每100欧元,他们以各种名义收取65 - 70%的税收,所以实际上你辛苦工作只剩下30 - 35%,你不是为这样做而准备的,因为5-10%是为那些工作但不纳税的人,他们得到支付却呆在家里,所以他们做什么,他们在黑幕下赚取他们的钱,所以你为他们上层在支付,所以更多的钱从你的口袋里跑出去,另一个10-50%,所以当人们不喜欢,当人们偷的时候,所以你不必支付75%,拿回家的只有你工作的30%。

    Now, if its fair, I keep 80%, I like the road to be clean, I don’t need a police force as such, there is no national army, how come we don’t have any national army between 29 nations in Europe? We extend it to 180 the rest of the world. It has worked, and whatever worked good we always implemented it, tradition is good, peace is good, no armies, the assets in Europe for the past 30 years is sold out, why not extend it. If Vatican is a peace finding thing it forces the rest and doesn’t do what the French president said – Europe is a Catholic organization. Turkey cannot join it is an Islamic nation. Turkey and the rest can all become one.


    So now you have 80% of your money in your pocket, you don’t mind paying 20% because the roads are clean, your child gets educated, your grandchild gets educated, your hospital is there if you need it, you don’t abuse it, 80% take home is fair and nobody will mind, nobody will hide their 30 -40% behind, according to the Belgium Government national statistics 28% of the national income is not declared and they cannot tax it.

    所以现在你80%的钱留在你的口袋里,为了干净的道路,为了你孩子的教育,你孙子的教育,你需要的时候你的医院就在跟前,你不会介意支付20%,你不滥用它,80%带回家是公平的,没有人会介意,没有人会隐藏自己背后的30 - 40%,据比利时政府统计全国28%的国民收入不申报,他们不能征税。

    According to the Italian government between 5 and 7% of GDP is in the hand of Mafias, and nobody pays taxes on it and covers in totality 25 – 30% of the national income. Why not to bring Mafia into the organization, you are the biggest bank in Italy, you are the biggest financiers, let people pay, you take some we take some it happens the Government can live. Mafia organizations under different names, here even in this state they are very powerful, but you lot have your own mafia, Sicilians have the rest of Italy. Polo, where we are, is the only part where Sicilian mafias don’t operate, they have a bigger stronger mafia themselves- am I correct? Yes? Correct! (Giovanni evidently agreeing)


    I know too much, that’s the problem – I’ve eaten on the table of both, in Sicily and here. So what’s going to happen? Do you hide 30-40% or 28% according to the ‘Official’ you don’t want to know the Unofficial Belgium government statistics (writes down 43) Now you loose 43% of national income, plus what you get you tax 70 percent of, actually the government collects 5-10%.  20% and nobody does any crime is better than 5%. What is wrong with it? Its better for the nation its better for the world.


    I go and I pay my taxes, I’ve left my books open, you come and look, you don’t say this is black – you don’t go and buy a pack of cigarettes here, would you like to pay black or would you like to pay white, I just want a cigarette to kill my wife, its what I say, I go to the cigarette shop and say can I have something to kill my wife? They say oh Monsieur! I say I just want a pack of Marlboro, because at the end you’re going to kill her but she doesn’t see it!   



    So – which way is the humanity going? I told you in the teaching of last week, you have to look to the failures, to understand the failures, that you can correct them. This is part of the problem of world peace, taxation, money, we rob ourselves. But the biggest problem is, a lot of you are developing your reactors. A lot of you, and I’m teaching you, one day one of you breaks and the rest of you race like rabbits behind him, because human race is a very good photo-copying machine. What’s going to happen? Let me tell you what has happened in space before, we try to stop it here, but its going to happen to you in one way or another…


    30-40% of the Earth population will leave this planet within the first 3 years. 50% of this lot will never come back. This is a statistic in the universe, and its very correct. The other 60 to 70% that are left behind are farmers, local people, who have no interest to see the world. Half of these will go to space to see how it looks, and 50% of these will never come back. So the earth will face a huge depopulation of the educated, of the elite. Who is going to look after the sick? The old? The children of this planet?


    This is for what I call the human race to see the consequences, according to what we’ve seen in other structures. So what you’re going to have about 30- 40% of you lot will stay behind including the old and the uneducated, and in a way a lot of uneducated it will cost them very little money to escape the slavery of the planet, they will go to space anyway themselves and they risk it. We’ve seen them how they’ve done it across the oceans, how they get on little dinky boards to get out of the poverty which is on them, they’ll take a chance.

    这是为我所说的可以看到的人类的后果,根据我们在其他[宇宙]结构中看到的。因此,你们将有约30 - 40%的会留下来,包括老的和没受过教育的,在某种程度上很多无知的人将花费很少的钱逃离地球的奴隶生活,他们会让自己去太空,反正也是冒险。我们已经看到他们能做到横跨海洋,他们怎样登上那么小小的木板,摆脱他们身上的贫困,他们将抓住机会。

    So your biggest population problem is very few educated to look after the rest. Very few middle aged to look after the old. Japan is facing it now and they cannot resolve the problem. The Japanese problem will be highlighted in most of the cultures around the world but Japan is typical. Nobody speaks there language, they bring in workers from outside nations is becoming highly old nation and we’ve seen productivity drop, in the culture, in the environment, in the economy. What they’ve done, China went for resources, Japan is going for human resources, investing their companies, their national assets in outside countries, where there is life there is youth there is education and people can carry on in wealth.


    So what we going to do? This is your problem as a human race, and nobody else’s. Now keep on building. I support you, I teach you, now we brought outside help to show you how to do things, I’ve shown you the consequences, how you make your shielding, how you make your systems – (whacks his hand against the white board) In 12 months time you are flying around.


    First of all there’ll be mayhem on this planet because of this technology. The ones you robbed want their wealth back, the one who has the wealth will fight to keep it, because it’s their habit to steal. So you better find a solution for this, because a lot of people who stolen do not know how to fight, they’ve been too lazy sitting there robbing. And the ones who have been stolen from know exactly how to fight and they’ve been working round the technology of the Kf, they don’t have to fight – they just take the memory of the guy off his brain that he owns any wealth. You’ll be amazed what you can do with this system.


    Or you come to an agreement; nobody touches a reactor with the blood of man and another piece in it. I can show you, all of you in this room, within 2 minutes I can get you to jump up and down, hang from the ceiling where you can hang on, because through the structure of the reactors and the material in this room I can control your physicality. We showed it with Dr. Eliya Kostova at Christmas I repeat again. We stopped a reactor controlled in 3 nations, Germany, Canada and here. We wish we control as the center core of the foundation I have that strength. So how many of you would like to hang from a ceiling that has no ceiling and no hook?


    So – choice is yours. Go on the net, teach people the technology, and the condition of it to bring Peace, or, we showed it on Sunday, it didn’t happen somewhere else, and where I was sitting it happened right on top of my head, I didn’t need to move an inch, because friends always come home to show their gift.


    So – you tell me what you want to see next. My suggestion is – lets play hangman game – have you ever played hangman? You know what it is? At this time its nobody dying, we say choose a president that he will forget he’s a hangman, and we show him in public. Is President Obama good enough? Choose! I choose the Queen of England, she comes in stripped naked of her jewels and everything, she’s a queen. You choose. We gave you a satellite choice in physicality, now as human population choose a world leader, and I’ll bring them out as a monkey. I don’t do it, I show you how to do it, you bring it onto them. You already know in all the teachings you already know how to make a monkey out of a president and a king. The way you can make a monkey out of them is to accept peace.


    Yesterday in the teachings I explained this very clearly, this is the Earth, I saw the disc, if we take it up we touch the satellite ring, if I bring it down I touch the human brain. I can choose the height of the man it’s going to effect, the color of the man its going to effect, the language of the man its going to effect. How many, lets say Germans, you like to see walking around as zombies in Germany not knowing where they’re going?  Create a zone, 2-4 kms, nobody knows who they are. Its alright they still go to work, but if their work is a military factory they don’t work because it says Peace, I don’t make arms, they don’t work, they go home, and strangely enough they’ll still get paid.


    One of the reasons we had a big problem in Brescia, where we were in Desanzano, was not that the technology was getting blocked, people, influential people, financial people, powerful people in Brescia realized what we stand for and everything became blocked… Why? Brescia is the biggest gun manufacturing city in the world, and the directors of the factory were telling us what orders were coming in, they’re planning a war – ‘we never received such an order in the life of the factory!’


    If you produce guns you have to use it otherwise its no good. So there is a plan for a bigger war, that’s why we push. Who is paying for the guns to be manufactured in Brescia in the gun factory? Biggest order even since before WWII. Why has such a big order gone to such a factory to produce guns if there is no need for it? So the directors of the factory were not happy about having us there. How many more of us? Is there going to be another war in Europe? There was a plan – Ukraine was set up to agitate, to start, core team support, we succeeded. There are a lot of guns sitting there, they are planning where they’re going to use it, because the order has been filled, Vatican has paid for it.


    Vatican sponsors most of the wars, and it always is Muslims to be wrong, the Christians are the saviors. While keeping the Muslims busy they rob the pockets, central banks. So I told you the gloves are off, I have all the knowledge, Peace is the only option, the Peace on this planet is the key to the Universal community, and you can have whatever you like.


    Erick Claasen in Germany made gold out of nowhere, Mr. Hui from China has made gold out of nowhere, I made gold out of fresh air in Tehran, we make blood here out of fresh air, a few of you have done it as knowledge seekers. All of you know how, we teach you how to make a 3D brain that can control everything by your thoughts. Marko is busy with it. So a brain that knows no fight and knows and assumes and calculates all its working how the move will be peaceful, in respect to all the other brains in all the other systems, will be a peaceful mind.


    So the choice is yours. Choose war and we wipe you out. Choose peace and we help you out. Which way do you want to go?


    (Giovanni gets up to leave) You’re bringing Armen home? Bring him here, don’t let him go. Yes, we haven’t seen him for 3 weeks, he speaks Chinese now! Too many noodles, thank you very much, tell him come in and he can go home afterwards, he won’t sleep his time is totally confused, he works on American time, he goes to China, he lives here on ½ Italian time, ½ American time, he’s in China, you talk to him, he’s always working, thank you very much, thank you 


    So – now what are we going to do? You came here each week trying to learn about how to make free energy. To make tools to have materials, to fly. Now you’ve been taught everything and the Peace is in the position to achieve it. Strangely enough, I tell you something, a lot of you will have a big problem with this. A lot of you have a if problem with this because it’s ingrained in your DNA and RNA, and that is: None of you till now have achieved Lift, Motion or Energy.


    Do you know why? Have you ever asked the question? All these people on the planet are working and they are not achieving anything. The reason behind it is your own fear of war – how I’m going to fight How I’m going to avoid paying taxes when I have free energy, how I’m going to avoid doing this and that, how I’m going to avoid a lot of things.


    You have not gained self-confidence to be trusting your own soul. I achieve lift I enforce Peace, I achieve motion I bring peace about. I have energy I make sure the peace comes to energy. You are all a bunch of thieves and your soul knows (FEAR) Till you match you will not click. The skin of the man is the biggest deception of them all – you deceive yourself because success means you being ridiculed, success means you will not be able to achieve what you agreed with yourself, well I achieved Peace through it.


    The enlightenment doesn’t come in physicality, the enlightenment comes through the soul, and all of you have not understood the work of your own soul. Then as I said you control the emotion with the reactor you control the physicality, you will fly, you will create energy, you don’t trust your own instinct, so much wrong has been done to you, you don’t know which is going to be the next one.

    启蒙不在肉体中,启蒙通过灵魂,你们全都 不了解自己灵魂的工作,如我说过,你借由反应器控制情感控制你的身体,你会飞,你会创造能量,你不相信你自己的本能,你们错得太离谱了,你不知道这即将是接下来的事情。

    As it’s written in my name I can do what I like, I wonder what you do in your name? Are you wolves in the skin of the lamb? Or are you chickens who are scared even to stick their neck out it might get eaten off?   The choice is very simple. Accept PEACE through NEW TECHNOLOGY and as a Universal community we gift you the knowledge, as we’ve done up till now. You choose! You choose the Path of Peace, we Gift Knowledge as we’ve done up till now. You choose the path of war, we don’t allow you, this time we force you to accept, and don’t forget a large percentage of you wear the skin of the man but you’re not from this planet. You have mutated to be here to service. These will not participate in this game because they’re already on the road. It’s the man who will kill the man, and it’s the man who upset the Peace.     


    Next Thursday I wont be here most probably, I already told Marko. There is a reason I won’t be here, and if we succeed in our work then collectively with a government we see what happens. And the target for this is primarily in the background to enforce peace, to show the power of the technology through the stance of the technology towards peace. I keep very close consult with the people near me like Marko and Armen, what I do in the background they know why that is, and they know what is the purpose of this.


    Why I wont be here next week, that’s why I wasn’t here last week, because now its time for you to teach each other relying on the man. If the clandestine activities of the King of Belgium were carried out and would have succeeded last July I would have gone, and the knowledge would have been lost. Now we are here, we can teach it, you know everything, every word said, digested, open it up, find your own way, from now on I try to facilitate the process of peace, because the teaching will be done by you, the way you understand it.


    Respect should come out of knowledge and equality and not by force, and this is what has been done by the world leaders. I have no respect for Obama, his Excellency President Obama does not deserve respect because he has not carried out a single thing he ever asked for and mandated himself in respect to Peace. The same thing goes for the Queen of England, the same with the Pope, the same with the religious leaders across Iran and other nations, because none of them can say we delivered Peace.


    I haven’t listened to the news for 6 months because its not worth listening to – Nothing but murders behind murders. We hear Yemen – I heard someone telling me they used nuclear bomb in Yemen recently, is it correct? I’m not bothered with it because the kingdom of Saudi Arabia – there is no kingdom! They are a bunch of tribesmen who know nothing but killing and murder – and who made a king out of them? The King was on the throne by mistake, English monarch, a hundred years ago there was no Saudi kingdom. A bunch of thieves were given the title and they’re hanging onto it at all cost.


    How? You had Ukraine and Vatican. Now you have Shias and the Muslims at each other’s throat. That’s encouraged in the background by the British. Chinese have nothing to do with it, Russians have nothing to do with it, because there is a lot of money here. It’s a huge amount of billions here to be spent to kill. You want to know what it is?  (cleans white board)


    Saudi Arabia exports 6,000,000 – 6 million barrels of oil a day, officially. Unofficially there is another 2.8 million for the king’s children. So in fact Saudi Arabia puts out 8.8million barrels of oil a day. The ex king has a huge entourage of grand –children, and each one is given 100,000 barrels ½ a million barrels, every month to spend to keep quiet so they don’t threaten the kingdom.


    Don’t ask me how I know – I used to be in that business, I made my first million out of Saudi family. Now – forget about this – this is spending on casinos and Russian girls – (wipes the 2.8mil off the white board)  6 Million a day, x100 dollars per barrel, its 600 million dollars a day out of the Earth, earth as is called it shitting money. The money is kept, Swiss bank in the name of Rothschild. Rothschild connected directly by descent to the King of Belgium and English royal family.


    So everything ends up in their hand, but for every hundred dollar, don’t ask me now, I used to be in this game if you want I’ll bring it out for us to see, we make up to 10,000 dollars on every barrel, on average. By-products – 40 to 50 thousand minimum, by-products from Oil. My dearest friends, that is an income every day of 1 nation. (6,000,000,000,000) Saudi Arabia has its chemical processing plants.  Saudi Arabia has all its refining processes. All the money stays in the families.


    Now look at the bigger picture. This is daily oil production of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the rest put together (writes the number 70,000,000,000) 70 billion dollars a day added to assets, which is God given from the Earth. And all of you now you learn how to produce this at home in your CO2 Gans so this money (the 70 billion) has to be spent somewhere.


    War Games. Who is more powerful? With this power playing money doesn’t count into it anymore because unfortunately you have another problem that adds to this. Lets say roughly 365 days, lets call it 125 days, 3 times that is 25,000,000,000,000,000 – now you see the game. It’s a huge amount of money, and strangely enough most of the people who do this have cancer, everybody is dying, and they have all sorts of complications, can’t eat more than one steak a day.


    Where is this money going? Instead of supporting humanity for Peace, it is used for a tool of war. Let’s see how they kill each other! Lets see I rape a child I see how he squeaks before he dies – King of Belgium! 50 cases of murder sitting in France – political immunity. A murderer shouldn’t have political immunity he raped children. Who is supporting these people?  Why do we let animals in the name of human beings live amongst us? Amongst you – nothing to do with me. Someone told me I’m an alien. When they tested my blood for poisoning – what did she say? He’s an alien, he should be glowing but I don’t know how he’s got a human body!  


    So now you see what is driving all the wars. What about if we use all these facilities, finances, temporarily to build a house for every man, give them a CO2 Gans system, feed them. We’ll gain more blessing than killing them! That’s the purpose of the world religious leaders to get the blessing from the Prophet they’re appointed to, not more murders! 


    As I said, and I say it again, with what they’re doing in the name of the religion, they’re reducing the level of the soul of the Prophet, because he is paying with his soul, not with theirs. What they’ve done in the name of Christianity, the Pope, he’s done nothing, all of them, but bringing the level of the soul of the Christ down, because He is responsible for their conduct.


    If Christians knew what they are doing to what they pray to, they would destroy the Vatican and all the churches, because as a famous American President said, before he retired, “the buck stops here!” From the top. Remember ‘there will be no whitewash in the White house’. You remember who said it? Nixon? Watergate? He says “the buck stops here!”  The buck of ALL the murders done in the name of God, by ALL these religious leaders, be it Muhammad, be it Christ, be it Moses, stops at the soul of Christ, the soul of Moses, and the rest. So if you’re praying to give to him, why are you diminishing him?


    Has anybody told you the ethics of the work? You don’t even understand what you’re doing. You go to church, you pay you go to the mosque, they buy arms, they kill in the name of the religion, because the religious people do it, they are responsible, they are linked to their Prophet. You don’t want to know the state of the soul of the Christ with all the crimes from the Vatican and the Christians.


    Forget about the Muslims, and the Sikh and Hindus, you don’t want to know those either. Lets go to Vatican, lets go to the Ayatollahs, and the rest and say – what was the level of the Christ before you became a Pope and leader, and what is it today? How many people have been killed? How much has been given from his soul? Started at 100, today zero!  Because everything effects, He is responsible, the soul of Christ is responsible, read my writing!


    Not in My Time! Not while it’s on My Watch! How many times have I stated this? I do not give from My soul, for no-one to harm, so we don’t harm each other, so I don’t loose from my soul, because when the Christ, Blessed is His name, accepted the position as a Prophet he accepted with his soul, not His physicality. So he pays from His, and the Vatican encourages more murder, more financing, who is paying for it? If you’re a religious person you ask them!


    Then – are the world leaders and all the world religions the same? Of course!  How many promises do world leaders give us when they get into power they can’t do it – it was a good way to get in. The biggest one, the first day, the instant Obama came into power was the prison in Cuba. He said he would close it – 8 years later down the line it’s still there, but, with the promise he raised the hope in the soul of the families, he’s taken it from them – he pays with his soul because he dictated the condition.


    Ask your soul now you’re entering into the space technology is it worth to start another war, even in space? Because who is going to pay for it? Where is, at the moment, the state of the soul of the Christ, bless his name, or Muhammad? With the wars that are going financed by the Christians, by the Muslims, and the Jews, and the rest? PPhh! Zero! Everything. You’ve demolished everything in the name of greed, a bunch of thieves in the Churches, in the mosques, with the  Rabbis and the rest of it… They are not short of each other, believe you me I can tell you so much of it! If you want to know go to Sikhs, and Hindus and Buddhists, they are worse! They are all called Pedophile club, then you know the rest of it!


    I’m not afraid of my life because my life is beyond their touch. But what I’m afraid of is a single soul to be attacked or damaged under my watch under my agreement. And it won’t happen. You can harm yourself but not under my name. So understand this, I work and I will achieve my mandate because I know where the man will go, and I showed it to you in the video, and I show it to you again and again, we brought reinforcements in – peaceful reinforcements.



    You saw it in our video, I explained to you the technology, I showed you how to make it, explained in detail yesterday, now you enforce PEACE. Its not mine any more, the knowledge is transferred, the cheque is drawn, you cashed it. It’s the responsibility of your souls, not mine. And ask the world religious leaders, and the world leaders, two questions. What’s the position of the soul of Christ, Muhammad, and the other religious leaders by the crimes you committed because he accepted you, you’re talking on his behalf. And then ask the World Leaders who’s responsible for the Souls you have murdered in the name of arms, defense, and women, whatever you like. A child gets raped by the King of Belgium, a soldier who gets killed in Yemen conflict has no difference. It’s all stealing. And that was the first rule and the only rule of the Universe, Thou Shalt Not Steal! 


    So as I said we start the Peace process, we gave you the tools, now we show you the consequences. If you come here to learn about the plasma and you say ‘the guy preaches!’ – friend you’re a thief that you want to rob that abuses I’ve come to learn how to rob. To learn to fly, to learn to create energy, come straight from your own soul and then you achieve your dream.


    All of you, amongst you is ONE OF US. I explained that yesterday, and then he sets the scene, without you knowing, that you follow. Human Beings are like sheep – wherever the first one goers the rest go! Oh, I managed to create a reactor with the Gans. Oh we don’t want the Gans, What about a Gans and a Gas? Try! You’re so desperate that you don’t stand still! We have everything! Lets look at what we want – do you want a matter state? Do you want an energy state? As I just said you have matter and you have Nano materials, you have plasma, and you have a Gas.


    What do you want in the state of the plasma, in what strength?  You want hard material to construct? You want energy or a flight system? You want a material that does the construction and can jump between the two? You’ve seen it! Your condition goes back, or when you want to bring it into the state of a Gas, that is one of the conditions of the Universe, free plasma, which is the shape of its container.


    None of you has understood why I called the Gans, Gas in Nano state! I don’t understand. Gas, a single atom of Gas fills in the shape of its container. Now you have made it to a plasma of it – do you know what power you’re sitting on? Do you understand the implications? A Gans you see here, in this room you have a Gans in a cup and you missed the other side – Gas takes the shape of its container. How have you managed to bring this (Gas) into this (Gans) and what it gives you? And what about if you take this (Gans) to this (Gas)? Have you ever heard about potential difference? Have you ever understood what you’re talking about? Do you know how much energy is in there?


    You’re so busy with other rubbish to satisfy your own ego you don’t even understand. You see that Gas in anon state, you havn’t understood this and you’ve been siting in the teaching for last months. Because you’re so focused to rob, and not to get robbed by the governments that you’re robbing from yourself, so the thief sits in the house, not outside. Do you understand? You capture a CO2, its free in the environment, you put it in a glass, that CO2 according to the laws of physics can take the shape of its container, you contain it, but what happened? We don’t understand so we ignore it. Now you have to understand. You have no choice because now it’s sitting in front of you.


    Scientists – we have Dan Winter on line, watching. If he understood what I said with the knowledge he has about the plasma he will commit suicide at how much he’s missed. But I presume he hasn’t understood. I have so much respect for his work, but he don’t see the totality.


    Try to understand one simple thing. If you do not steal from yourself, too busy to steal from your own soul, you will see the light, you will fly. And if your intention is pure enough you can fly physically not needing a craft, because its within your structure.


    A lot of you have missed a very very big point. The biggest space reactor is your own body, and you’re trying to build another one to move in it. You understand? You lot – go and create a Gans, few drops of this, you put a gram of it in the reactor, dynamic, by God there is 60 kilograms of it in your body – what are you doing with it?


    How much energy is sitting in there in a plasma condition? You’re hoping to fly with a gram of this, but (you have) 60,000 grams of this that you are not using. You’re so greedy to get, you forget what you’ve got! Do you need to create the CO2? Have you ever listened to what I said? Your body is made out of Gans. You go to make a few grams of this, extract your own blood, how many liters, how many reactors do you want to make? The more you bleed the more you make.


    But you have to understand that you make a condition that the Gans of the blood stays in the Gans state. What does that mean? You make a reactor which is Nano coated. You were looking at making 3 different layers of material, my friends you already have 4 materials in your Gans, plus all the minerals that are in it in the Gans state. Your reactor will make not 1 shielding, it makes millions of shieldings. But you got to know how to anticipate, how to force it how to release it, where you want to do it. If you understand it and use your brain, all of you will be floating but you’re too busy with 1 kilowatt of energy free, you’ve got billions of kilowatts in your hand. Habit of thieving and stealing is part of your nature, even you steal from yourself.


    So – the situation is very simple. As knowledge seekers, as people who understand the Road map for peace, you start working for world peace that the next generation will not fall in the hand of abusers, but then knowing the reality that can not be abused, and then you start walking the path of Peace. 021031.     


    You will think about it, you eat it, and you walk on it. I said to a guy very recently – if you change the churches that are in this country to the places to teach about the soul, the way it works through the Gans, do you think we need any more churches? They can be the educational centers for the correct conduct



    One point which is important for you, in a way its irrelevant for me, is WHO HAVE YOU SOLD YOUR SOUL TO? Because if you understood the work of the reactors, the soul collects and pays the physicality, and the boss where you sold it – dictates your behavior. In English they say you have sold your soul to the Devil, and do you know who came up with this? – The Church, because the Devil sits in the House of God, because it encourages War, Conflict, Adultery, and everything else, because that way is the only way that makes money. It has made you to accept it as your fault that you can do – Change the name – Synagogue, Change the name to a Mosque, change the name to a Temple, its all the same. The more I encourage you to do crime, the more money I make because you come and tell me what your physicality has done, I control your soul. So if you can answer that you can find your path to PEACE.


    Go today, forget about CO2, forget about everything else, create a Nano coated reactor inside as a ball, make sure you use a Nano coated tube to transfer the blood into the reactor without touching the physicality of the Earth, because it goes from one Gans state to another, and you see who’s emotion you can control, and I advise you one thing, please, as I said to the core team in respect to his excellency President Putin, make your concentration on this guy (POP) If the Pope Pops, the rest of the Universe will be at Peace. The same with any other religious leaders.

    今天就行动,,忘记二氧化碳,忘记其他一切,创建一个内部纳米涂层的反应器,比如用球,确保你使用纳米涂层管来传输血液进入反应器,但不接触地球上的肉体,因为它从一个甘斯状态到另一个,然后你看看你可以控制谁的情感,我忠告你一件事情,如我对尊敬的普京总统阁下的核心团队所说的,把你们的注意力集中在这家伙(教皇)身上,如果教皇爆裂了[谐声Pope(教皇) Pops(爆裂声)],其余的世界将来到和平,任何其他宗教领袖也一样。

    Understand something very very clear, I was explaining this last night to my son. We are here because of the abuse, and killing and the murders of the King of Belgium, of scientists and children, that’s his pleasure and his money – pleasure out of the children he rapes, and money out of the scientists he’s stolen his knowledge from. And then ask yourself one question… Why are we here? Why have we ended up in Italy?


    Because his Masters (draws a circle around the POP) sit in Italy and they protect this to be to see the end of their process, the story after Moses – Anarchy. I was their biggest nightmare, and I’m here now. I want to know how they’re going to handle it. We talk Peace through the Church and the Mosque or we give more money and more blood for more abuse. But the question is- are you going to stand from any more of this abuse? It means you’re used to it, you enjoy the abuse, or are you going to change the position? Let the world people know what the technology is, what the knowledge is, and what are the consequences of accepting and delivering the product.


    In the coming weeks we should have the message from China too, and we release a press conference Live from this room, to show a new energy system. It’s not by me, its done by the Kf support – more or less we revolutionize the energy market. Its arranged by them, I’m just a watcher, you’ve been waiting for it, you will receive it! And it will be done in an international press conference. That’s what they tell me they are going to do.


    They are setting their factories so that everybody gets whatever is possible, as the Kf ethos goes they release it, we can all be furnished ten twenty hundred million – there is 7 billion human beings on this planet. Needs a lot of factories around the world to do it. Patent open, knowledge shared, because we know by sharing the knowledge we have Peace. No-one will go over the others.


    So ethical connected to scientific and the enforcement of science all depends on you, how you’re going to do it, the way you like to do it, and the way you see a path out of it. In the coming time we shall see the world leaders, the kings will take the crown off their head, because they don’t want to loose, not from their physicality, but from the status of their soul. That’s if they understand what they are doing. Now they change their tune from WAR to PEACE because some of them are in the same trap as Mr. Nobel. Trying at least to get something back, even if it’s in the physical world and they’ve had the damage.


    So – the position is very simple. You came here for 63 weeks, to steal from me, knowledge that you can steal from your nation. Today is the 64th. 63 was 9 – 64 is 10, it’s the beginning. Now I’ve given you everything, it’s the Beginning! Use it from today to achieve this. You have stolen everything from me as a Knowledge, in one form or another, be it the King, be it the man on the street, Africa, New Orleans, or in China. Now use this, what you have stolen from yourself, because, don’t forget, IN MY NAME, I cannot steal it.


    So – use the Knowledge, use the Understanding to Enlighten the others, not to accept Peace because it gives a free energy source or free space travel, but that the consequences of Peace is the Totality of not harming another single soul.  And if they can understand this you have already achieved Peace. In English, and you have it in the Farsi (Persian) too, there is a saying – drop, drop, and make an ocean!


    Every single soul understands, and adds to the strength of Peace if they understand it they don’t join it to have the reactor, as we’ve seen people come here and say “I have come here to understand the plasma, not religious or ethical talks” – I’m a thief – “give it to me I want it to steal for!” If I give you a car and I don’t teach you how you can damage yourself then I’m responsible, not you.


    You’re an idiot, its your problem, I have t o watch, my teaching becomes idiot proof. So (clearing white board) those of you who are here for the purpose of serving mankind, for one direction, and don’t join the religions and governments of the past and the present, start acting and delivering World Peace, not just by paper, but to teach, but to understand what it means this time.



    We are not another Greenpeace paid by the Russians during the cold war, or paid by the Americans during the hot war. It’s the same Greenpeace, the same people, those who are paid they follow the Master. I call Greenpeace open prostitution in the name of Governments, in bed with whoever pays, been paid for a long time to push the nuclear technology.


    When I was a (nuclear physics) student we knew how they were getting their money, and were getting supported. Why did they never go to the Russian submarine regions to start causing problems. Greenpeace was all to do with nuclear to do with the west. They said we are an ethical organization, our bank account is transparent – my foot! – you don’t want to know the bank accounts in the background paying for everything – suitcases, black, and now the Americans pay the same people to go up against the Russians and everybody else, the Japanese and the rest.


    I said to a world leader- Greenpeace is Green Piss- that’s all they’ve done, they pissed on whatever they liked and if they enjoy this that’s up to them. I had a lot of tackle with these people when I was a Nuclear physicist, nuclear engineer, we were their target – threatened, all sorts of things – they said “you are murderers!” I said “Can I see your Russian bank account?” They said “I work on my own!”  I said “who paid your bill, who brought you with the transport, who paid for the fuel?


    Corn: Dear Mr. Keshe, much of what you say about Greenpeace is correct, and I know from personal experience it is true that in the early 1990s the organization was infiltrated by US intelligence and steered where they wanted it. For example on my last Antarctic expedition in 1991-1992 I was the ships doctor and deckhand on the MV Gondwana graveyard shift and the 2nd mate on that watch freely admitted he was in the CIA and his brother was in the Pentagon – and that same 2nd mate later became Director of the International Marine Division of Greenpeace, based in Amsterdam.


    However, I would like to put in a plug for the original founders of Greenpeace who were inspired by the legend of the tribe of Rainbow Warriors of all colors creeds and religions, who would rise and save the Mother Earth from the clutches of the predators, and demonstrate by example, deeds not words, how we should live the ways of Peace. The founders of Greenpeace, in my experience, and some of them are still hanging in there, were the original Rainbow Warriors, and just because their ship got taken over by Pirates, doesn’t mean we should sink the ship lock stock and barrel – I think better to throw the pirates overboard and take back over the ship of Greenpeace and hoist once more the Flag of Peace. 


    MK: So … try to understand the Principle of the technology, not blindly, through your soul through understanding of the operation of your physicality, then you find your physicality at peace, then you will live a peaceful life, and then you create a peaceful world, and then you have a jackpot! – We take you into space to meet the universal family. Until all of you are the same, nothing will happen, because all you need is one stupid guy to unplug the whole boat.


    Two choices! Start working with the reactors filled with your own blood, and you’ll see how it works, beautiful, but I hope when you fill it up, you don’t have a cancer cell in it! Because you give the cancer to the rest of the people too! You don’t just transfer a little bit, you transfer the totality! Forward planning- get your blood tested thoroughly. Don’t do what Freddie Mercury did!


    We all know who Freddy Mercury is – The band Queen. He was one of the biggest murderers ever known. That man was the biggest criminal and everybody sings his songs – I want to be Free – he put a lot of souls in prison! Freddy Mercury when he found out he has AIDS, he went to Munich, and by the time he realized the day he died, he deliberately, according to the German Government, he deliberately infected over 2500 boys, for them to suffer, for them to die – ‘who gave it to me? I give it to everyone!’ 


    One single man plus go by the ratio of the AIDS homosexuality in the world, how many destroyed, how many thousands infected? One man singlehandedly put millions of families, young boys, and the rest, in huge problems. Bad guy should have never been born, he was free before he was born, and he put a lot of people in jail! How many parents lost their children? How many fathers got AIDS and never saw their children growing up?


    I told you – amongst you as men, you are the weakest and you claim to be the best! And you sing his songs! – His records should be burnt, his name should be erased from the human race, because if man knew what this man has done! Go to German government, read exactly what he did. He went to Munich at the Gay Center, and infected anybody who wanted to be infected, because anybody would like to be sleeping with Freddy Mercury, and he died the best way, the most horrible life was dictated on his physicality.


    So understand one single rule – would you like to be the one man who taught so many people for their souls to be free? Or do you want to be the man who allows the souls to go down the path with the rest of them. As they say, the choice is yours! You choose, nobody else, your wife doesn’t decide, your son doesn’t decide, your brother doesn’t decide – its you who chooses. You choose the path of peace through the new technology, the new science, teach it, show it, enjoy the pleasure of the new chance to be given the chance to live a good life, or go and do the rest, no problem.


    I met one of the Americans as I said last week, last Thursday, Governors, advisor to his Excellency President Obama he says. I said he knows; tell him what’s the answer for the Road map up the top. Its too late! How many of you have taken the message to the White House? An Iranian guy took the Peace message last time to the White House, he knows who he is, and he received a letter back from the White House, and we published the letter. Officially it cannot be on the letterhead of the White House with the little white house, but its on the private letterhead of the House, signed by Obama, written by him, justifying how he kills.


    If the soul of Christ is there paying for his people, imagine the soul of the man who knows how he’s organizing murders, in the name of the President, the most powerful man. To me the people in the White House are the weakest people who are in that place because they do what they are told, if you are strong you dictate your position. PEACE. We go, we do, we find the solution. None of it!



    I’ve seen one man in my lifetime and he is forgotten because we chose to, and we know who he is, Mikhael Gorbachov. His nation was bigger than him to be free and he accepted the Wall to come down. The Americans wrote, as I said in Munich (on an aircraft hangar roof) ‘Mission Accomplished!’  Yes! Mission accomplished in Failure! Gorbachev is the man who achieved more than anybody else for PEACE, because he put the priority of his Nation, his People ahead of him to be called a President.


    On his position he would never have been replaced, he could have been the most powerful man in the world as the head of the Russian State. He walked away from it! Because the presidential name did not justify a single man to be shot on the wall in Berlin. He could have said shoot! We are all there, we are all his allies. If he would have given instruction to shoot over the wall that the wall don’t come down, he would have still been the President, most probably more powerful than the Americans. He did not accept to endanger a single soul. I call the President, I don’t need it! And last Thursday I was supposed to meet him. He’s sick! That’s why I went to Rome (wiping board again)


    So – Now you know how we work in the background for PEACE. World leaders know who we are, world leaders know how we behave, world leaders know and the people who are involved with affairs of World Peace know how to plan of the same mentality together…


    So – You have two choices. PEACE or WAR. WAR - now you know the truth with yourself, your structure in your body, or PEACE, which is the man, which is you, and you only. Now you’re at PEACE with yourself you create a peaceful environment.


    So –Lets talk about how to kill each other, see how well you listened, because whatever I said this morning has gone over your head, because nothing to do with you, you’re too small to make a difference, PEACE has nothing to do with you, you would still like to pay 70% taxes and complain about your government, where you can pay 20% taxes and live a beautiful life. All the ones who says we pay 65 – 70% taxes, and they say they don’t accept 20%, you must be all idiots! All of you! A fool does this!


    第二部分  反应器的灵魂



    Now give yourself three reactors, lets see how you can kill yourself, and see why you come here is not this, but it’s this, and lets speak about the plasma. Your plasma works in a very beautiful way. Your plasma creates fields, that in the interactions of the fields creates a field here


    All of you who have started reactors, you always start with four together. It’s wrong, don’t do it. Start the one triangle formation first, two sides one top, 3 bottoms, two sides, its still 3, if you do your calculations right everything has to be equal distance in all directions so either way you look at your reactor you have 3 sides. Always start with 3 you feel comfortable with, pray for it, you create its soul. Allow it to grow that it finds balance between all three.


    Be it a Jewish guy or Muslim guy, you know the difference, I’ve explained this very much, many times, - you stand outside somewhere outside, I’ve done it, its fantastic if you understand it, you stand outside and watch a Jewish man and a Muslim man go toilet together. Give time! Within 5seconds the Muslim guy is out, I have to go to the market to sell, physically, I have to do something. The Jewish guy sits in the toilet for ½ an hour, he thinks, he takes his time, he works out the Muslim guy works a whole year to earn 1000 Euro, the Jewish guy by afternoon has already earned 10,000 because he knows his way – he doesn’t just plow in.


    So – take your time! Years for your reactors, your plasma, to mature. What you do with your reactors it takes a million years to be done, minimum, in he process of the Universe. You lot are quick action, in, out, done. (Raps 3 knocks on the white board) Let the reactor build its space, let it find PEACE with itself, because at the first instant, all of them are putting something in, you have to find out each one , how much each has to give, how much it has to take, how much it can hold, without damaging the others.


    It doesn’t happen sshh sshh, my reactors start going, blup! All of you I’ve seen doing it, and I watch and I always say I don’t do it this way. When I built the energy reactor, the brass one, it took me nearly 3 months to coat it. It was sat in a pot, in my lab, and I watched it every day because I know the more layers I created in the structure, the more detached I became from physicality. I could operate more in the environment of the universe, but you lot go sshh …uurrr … it’s become a rat race and I don’t say anything, I say Yes! (clears throat)


    We found a very good way to create Nano material – electricity – find a better way to create a Nano material. Ask yourself, how cook jobs – you create Nano materials, which are not positioned the right way – they are not created the right way. It’s a mish mash of layers wanting to be freed. We are actually doing exactly what humans do – you come to get what you want. Needs time – how many times if you listen to my teachings, I call it velvetish feeling, you see it, you see the freedom of the atom, enjoy seeing it, and I keep on telling you – don’t touch it because when you touch it you crush it and destroy it.


    Do the same thing with your reactors, take time! Go for a coffee! Go for a weekend holiday! Let them find PEACE. When they’re at peace, when you bring the other reactor, go for another holiday. Let the balance come. How many times we done this with the reactors in the lab? Leave them whatever I say, just leave it for days and days till it matures. I always do it – leave it 2 or 3 days 4 days – you seen the result, because fields have to find out, not only the balance between themselves, but with the other reactors as well, its consultation, guys, we want to move from this position to center.


     If anyone has got to give any, anybody has got anything to participate, anyone needs something, I have something to give, 29 tesla, anybody take? Take time to produce Gans, because a Gans has a soul, has direction, has involvement with the other Ganses inside the container. Feed me good, I serve you good. I have reactors running now for what? 4 years. 5 years. I don’t even see them, because I know I have to wait between 10 and 15 years before I see what I’m waiting for. Its like making wine, you have to let it mature.


    You lot don’t have time, I have a yellow box, you’ve seen it, I’ve shown it, 4 reactors in there doing there own work. I know in maybe 10 or 15 years I might see something that has taken ten million years on this planet – creation with arms and legs. I set it up that way that it can make a decision the correct way, You’ve seen how many are in the box. Have you seen how they’re positioned in the box? Because we look at the box, the 4 inside it, look at the planet Earth, which is the box itself. To me its One. How they interact with each other inside is different. I’ve seen things crawling, moving, on the top and they’re not there a few months later. I see formations, where do they go? Why do they change position? They made their decision.


    So – when you start building your reactors, take time coating them, take time assembling them, and take time building them. Once you’ve coated them they are Nano materials, so they are creating their own fields, with their environment, and then you put another one they are there, take time, allow them to adjust and find peace with themselves, and then you have the rest (colors n the free plasma green)


    Remember what I keep on saying within our teachings, in the matter state, what you’ve been taught is what we said yesterday. You have – I wear the tie sometimes you see it – circles and things and connections, double bonds, single bonds, 1 electron 2 electrons binding whatever! Because this is what you understand, In plasma everything sits in the same structure (draws concentric circles), but everything has its own balance too, so this is the oxygen, and this is the carbon, depends on what is in your pot. You look in a matter state this way, in plasma state this way 


    And we always said, whatever we teach during the week we done from the beginning, we try to cover sometimes on Thursdays. Now you understand the difference between the matter state, and the plasma state – its totally different, that gives you center mass, this gives you control (plasma) This is already controlled (matter) by conditions of its environment. Here (plasma) you accommodate other things, there (matter) you are forced to accept conditions. Atmospheric pressure, atmospheric temperature, dictates conditions. So if you understand this (plasma) you create it in your reactors, don’t look at this structure of matter, you’re dealing with this structure.


    So if you have your human blood, you are not only creating the plasma of a carbon, in time the strength of the oxygen, so your core is multiple facet energy magnetic field strength composition. And then as we explained, if you understood the structure of the plasma, the more we give the more we take. This is a repeat for knowledge seekers but people outside have to understand this.


    This is the energy of the hydrogen, here is the energy of the carbon. Here (h) is lesser and here © is more, and the more you go to the center of the plasma (around the anticlockwise spiral) the stronger it gets. Plasma is inversely related to the gravitational magnetic field strength, if you understand this (the spiral) then you understand this (the free plasma in the tetrahedral structure) and you understand if how you give, you take form here (h) 1 tesla, you  take form here © 100 tesla, here you get 10 to the power of 4, here you get 10 to the power of 8.


    Understand what this means – carbon is 10 to the power of 2.  Hydrogen is 1x energy of a neutron, Carbon is 100x energy of a neutron, Nitrogen is 10,000x energy of a neutron, Oxygen 100millionx energy of a neutron. That is why when you change Gans to the Matter you have number of electrons and protons, according to the mass of its plasma. That’s why fusion the way its spoken about, does not exist, because Universe does not fuse atoms together, it releases packages of plasma, which this package fits into Copper, and the other package fits into Plutonium, so on that environment you get that (Cu) and in this environment you get this (Pl) and this is the reason you don’t find the same matter in all places in the Universe.


    At the present state of Physics teaching, which is totally wrong, it says, number of hydrogens collide and fuse and then they give you Copper, that’s why Helium and the present fusion technology is pushing for – fusing together – there is no fusion! As I said before, you seen it, a glass of water on the table, whatever you get bubbles of it, that’s what it is, that’s exactly the work of the Universe, and if you understood this (Copper and Plutonium) and you understand this (spiral of energy) then you understand how to take energy of a hydrogen, you call it 20tesla, and then you go to the energy of, lets say, ten to the power of 4, or 125 tesla, you get the energy of plutonium. So we don’t do anything – we just peel the skin of the onion, layer by layer, the stronger the further you go inside.


    Understand one thing, I explain this to children when I teach them about plasma, this is because they can see it. Go home, get the onion, cut the onion right across, right in the center, that’s the shape of the Onion, you see layers by layers, by layers. The center is the center of the Principal Matter and the plasma goes by layer according to its strength. That’s exactly what onion is!  Onion is another solar system. As the layer decides, a leaf, next layer, and then the next layer. There’s no difference between the structure of an onion and the solar system and the plasma of the Sun.


    You ask, you go on the internet, look at the structure of the plasma of the sun. This is what an onion is, and the peel outside is the crust, Then the center of power sits in the center, because it has enough power to push the others out to rob. There is more power in the little one in the center than actually the whole skin outside, because it has given away, it has created the space so its enough power inside to push open.


    If you understand this then you understand that you can fly anywhere in the Universe because you can create the gravitational magnetic field of any destination in the Universe, depends on which layer of the onion you choose your strength.




