

作者: 留子儿 | 来源:发表于2019-02-01 06:13 被阅读0次




    本篇课程首发于2019年2月1日,选自 ABC News


    Wholesome Chinese 'four generations under one roof' meme is melting hearts online

    ① Memes and online challenges can often be confusing, offensive. But a new viral meme originating from China, called 'four generations under one roof', has a far more wholesome feel.

    ② The trending videos often start with the appearance of a young child who introduces one of their parents into the room. When that parent shows up, they call in their own parent, who in turn, calls in their elderly parent.

    ③ Videos have racked up millions of views on Douyin, the Chinese-owned video application which is known as TikTok in other countries.

    ④ In Chinese culture, it is common for multiple generations of a single family to live together under one roof. And with the Lunar New Year festive period approaching, there is a particular emphasis on reuniting with family and being together with loved ones.

    ⑤ People around the world have since joined in the craze, showcasing their own family trees. Many Twitter users have said the videos make them miss their own grandparents, who may have passed away.


    wholesome /ˈhəʊlsəm/: adj. 健全的;有益健康的;积极向上的

    four generations under one roof: 四世同堂

    meme /miːm/: n. 网络文化现象;文化基因;表情包

    melt someone's heart: 融化某人的心

    ice bucket challenge: 冰桶挑战

    viral /ˈvaɪərəl, ˈvaɪrəl/: adj. 病毒性的;像病毒一样传播的

    originate from: 源自于……

    show up: 出现;露面

    call in sb. / call sb. in: 召集/召来某人

    in turn: 依次;轮流

    rack up: 积累;累计

    -owned: ……所有的;……拥有的

    application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/: n. 应用程序

    be known as: 被称为;以……为人所知

    It is common for sb. to do sth.: 某人做某事很常见

    multiple /ˈmʌltɪpəl, ˈmʌltəpəl/: adj. 多个的;多种的

    Chinese New Year: 春节

    Lunar New Year: 农历新年

    approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/: vi. 接近;临近

    emphasis on sth.: 重视某事

    reunite /ˌriːjuːˈnaɪt/: vi. 重聚

    craze /kreɪz/: n. 狂热

    showcase /ˈʃəʊkeɪs/: vt. 展示

    family tree: 家谱;家庭成员组成


    1. four generations under one roof: 四世同堂

    · under one roof: 同一屋檐下 (通常指很多难得相聚的人或事物出现在了同一个场合下)

    It's hard to see so many precious artworks under one roof.


    2. wholesome: adj. 健全的;有益健康的;积极向上的

    Start every day with a wholesome breakfast.


    3. meme: n. 网络文化现象;文化基因;表情包

    Once an emoji becomes a meme, it will spread far and wide.


    4. originate from: 源自于……

    · original /əˈrɪdʒɪnəl/: adj. 原始的;最初的

    A lot of our medicine originates from tropical plants.


    5. viral: adj. 病毒性的;像病毒一样传播的

    · virus /ˈvaɪərəs, ˈvaɪrəs/: n. 病毒

    · go viral: 疯狂传播

    The video went viral after it was retweeted by a celebrity.


    6. rack up: 积累;累计

    The company racked up $500 million in revenue this year.


    Japan is racking up record trade surplus with the U.S.


    7. -owned: 所有的;拥有的

    · state-owned company: 国有企业

    8. approach: vi. 接近;临近

    The night is approaching.


    9. reunite: vi. 重聚

    · the reunification of the two sides across the Taiwan Straits: 海峡两岸统一

    · reunification: n. 重新统一

    10. craze: n. 狂热

    He has always had a craze for music.








