1.when you begin writing a science paper, you should begin by explaining the context in which your reseach sits(研究背景), what is the reason that you've done the experiments that you've done, what the problem that you are trying to solve, what is the thing that you're trying to do, when people think about the context of their research and why their research is important, they often think to themselves how would I best explain to the reader, why my research is important. And much of time, the thing that they think about is well they are lots of people working in my field of research. The fact that there are lots of people working on this research is clearly evident for why my research is important. So that's how I can establish why my research is important to the reader. The problem is the reader doesn't care how many people there are working in your field of research. The reader cares about why there are so many people working in your field research. So tell them why. The biggest mistake that people make is to forget to tell the reader why there are lots of people working in their research.(For example......"metal-organic perovskites are a impoortant new class of material that have stimulate a profound interest by a large number of researchers."But most of the readers don't care, they want to know why so many people working in that field. Much better for these papers would be to explain why it is there are so many people working in the field of metal-organic perovskites. So you should have begun by something like"the perfomance of solar cells(太阳能电池) based on metal-organic perovskites(金属有机钙钛矿) has recently surpassed that of the performance of solar cells made from other materials,What's more, metal-organic perovskites can be grown on inexpensive substrates using solution-base techniques(溶液基板技术)which would reduce the cost of solar cells based on this material"(基于金属有机钙钛矿的太阳能电池的性能最近超过了其他材料制成的太阳能电池,更重要的是,金属有机钙钛矿可以通过溶液基板技术在廉价的基板上生长,这将极大的降低基于这种材料的太阳能电池的成本) DON'T tell the reader that thing you're working is important
2.The most important sentence in your paper is the sentence that bengins with the words something like "Here we show". The word "Here we show" should be follow by something extraordinary. It should be the extraodinary thing that you discoverd. Experiments in themselves are not extraordinary! Don't try to convince the reader that your experiments are important by using fancy sounding words. What you're trying to achieve is to tell the reader what is the thing that you've discoverd, not that you've done an experiment. You should tell the reader what experiment you've done, but after you've told them about the extraordinary thing you discovered.(For example:"Here we show the beta carotene can improve the short distance eyesight of brown rabbits by up to 20%") You might tell the reader, what is the one most important thing that you've discovered from your research. Not your experiment, but you've discovered.(eg. Our results or here we report results that suggest that the superconducting property of lanthanum-based cuprates are the result of spin-orbit coupling)我们的结果表明镧基铜酸盐的超导性质是自旋-轨道耦合的结果
3.Another important way of establishing the significance of your research is to tell the reader how it builds on previous research. And when you do that be sure to give numbers, hard numbers, not beautified adjectives or ill-defined adverbs.(eg.Don't say"we drastically increase the performance of widgets..."or "we profoundly improve...") So it's far better to tell the key numbers. You should provide one of the key performance figures that demonstrate the significance of what you discovered.(eg.We increase the yield strength of plastic widgets up to 75MPa, more than twice the value reported previously to improve the strength of widgets by a factor of two.)
4.In a science paper, just as important as the words arguably more important than the words are the figures.When I read a paper, I first time is look at the title, then I scan the abstract or the first paragraph to find the sentence that says "Here we show", And next is I look at the figures because the figures are where the most important part of the paper exists. When you creating the figures in your paper, clarity is more important than beauty because it's the clarity of the ideas that the figures represent that makes the impact. What more, don't try and make the data look cleaner than they were at the bench. In fact, prettiness is not important at all.
DO ensure your figures are clear and to the point DO ensure that what the data tells us is obvious from; a single glance-without having to read the main text. DON'T try to make your figure look pretty DON'T try to make your data look cleaner than it looked when you collected it.
5.Finaly, what these all mean? What can we conclude from the things that you've discovered? Where does your research take us next? How does that change what we can do in the world? How does it change how we can solve problems? What does it mean for where our experiments are gonna go to next?... So when you are concluding about what your research means, what the implications are, be specific about what it is that your research adds to our understanding that no other research prior to this research has done. What do we learn that is new and where is that going to take us next? Now the mistake that many poeple make is they include at the end of their abstract and the end of theire paper. in the conclusions they include something that is generic(eg. Our results shed light on X) So tell readers something that applies to just this research itself. Instead of vague generalization.(eg. Our results suggest that the lighter dongles improve the speed and efficiency with which widgets operate) Tell the reader where your results take us next
总结: 1.开头不要告诉读者你做的事情很重要,告诉他们为什么重要,为什么很多人在研究这个 领域。 2.文章中最重要的一句话“我们发现了....”这里不要用空话套话或者是模糊的形容词,用数据来阐述客观事实。 3.站在巨人的肩膀上,用前人的研究成果支撑你的成果,说明在前人的基础上做了什么......并且用具体的数据来表明。 4.图表应该简单清晰,一目了然告诉读者主要内容;图表数据不要过于完美,完美等于不真实,允许有瑕疵;图表的可读性大于美观性。 5.结论应该告诉读者你做了什么,下一步要作什么,你做了什么贡献,你是如何解决问题的......你在前人的基础上做出了什么新的贡献等等,不要用空话套话。