

作者: 晓爷作坊 | 来源:发表于2018-09-26 23:02 被阅读0次

What JackMa Taught Us About Good Corporate Governance This Week

Earlier today (Monday), Jack Ma did some more teaching. Teacher Ma as he is affectionately known inside Alibaba provided a blueprint for succession and corporate governance. Ma wrote to his customers, his Alibaba colleagues and Alibaba shareholders to inform them of his handing over the chairperson role of Alibaba to CEO, Daniel Zhang in one year's time. What is very important to note here is that Ma has not picked a family member to succeed him but picked Daniel Zhang based on merit and business acumen. Asian business has a history of using hereditary succession but Alibaba has shown the direction for global businesses to take. It ensures that the growth of staff and business can continue as these individuals are essentially leveraging their experience and training to continue generating profits for business.

Alibaba will be just fine moving forward

If you have read the press in the last 4 days it would seem that Alibaba is going to experience staff movements, and experience turbulence due to Jack Ma stepping down from as Executive Chairman, in one years time. Early investors like GGV Capital believe that everything will be fine. I tend to agree.

The truth is that Alibaba has created a corporate structure that ensures succession planning was done in a transparent manner over the last 10 years. Alibaba has two very important governance structures that ensure that roles are clearly defined and that visibility into all business areas is provided to management. Its Senior Management team is headed by CEO Daniel Zhang. Zhang, Joe Tsai and Maggie Wu are the three leaders who are the voices behind Alibaba's quarterly earnings calls. Essentially this Senior Management team is responsible for the day-to-day operations of Alibaba. Notice that I did not mention Jack Ma. Ma has not been actively part of the day-to-day operations for five years so investors have to a degree experienced Alibaba without Ma being at the helm. In Ma's letter, he mentions that Zhang has lead Alibaba in a period that contained consistent and sustainable growth for 13 consecutive quarters.

Ma will be working with Daniel Zhang for the next 12 months to ensure that there is a smooth transition seen inside Alibaba. It is very important to note that Alibaba has done everything in such a manner to inform their shareholders and ensure that this entire process is not a potential pitfall.

The Alibaba Partnership

The most powerful thing that will drive Alibaba for generations is the Alibaba Partnership. The Partnership was started in 2010 to "preserve this spirit of partnership and to ensure the sustainability of our (Alibaba's) mission, vision and values." First, a few important points to keep in mind regarding the Partnership. It was designed, to ensure the mission, culture and values of Alibaba survive well beyond any individual. As an outsider, it is clear to me that trust, community and diversity are important for the company. As Jack Ma is a lifelong member of the Alibaba Partnership, he will continue to play an important role in creating policies and future plans for the company with the other partners.

The Alibaba Partnership nominates and votes on new partners each year based on their experience, leadership and if they are a culture-carrier of the company. The Alibaba partnership currently has 36 members from all parts of the Alibaba ecosystem, 33% of the members are female leaders. This group is the talent pool for Alibaba leadership and contains an above average amount of senior female leaders.

The Partnership plays an important role in succession for CEO and Chairman because of its role on the board. The Partnership has the right to nominate (but not elect) a simple majority of members to Alibaba Group’s Board of Directors. This means when it comes time to choose a new Executive Chairman, the Partnership-nominated directors have intimate knowledge of that executive’s leadership style, operation abilities and character. This is in contrast to the way most public companies handle succession. There is a talent search which often does not emphasize culture and values. And the members of the board of directors, who do not have the whole picture or first-hand experience with the candidate. Alibaba Partnership also ensures first-hand experience with the candidates, are making the final selection. The Partnership also has one class of shares, unlike Google.
由于其对董事会的影响,合伙人制度对公司CEO和董事会主席的继任有着举足轻重的作用。公司通过合伙人制度向集团董事会举荐(并非选定)成员。也就是说,需要选出新任董事会主席时,通过合伙人制度提名的各位董事对新主席的领导风格、运营能力、个人性格都有一个详尽的了解。这种交接的做法与大部分国有企业完全不同。后者在物色人才时往往不重视企业文化和价值观;最后拍板的董事会成员对候选人也没有全盘的了解或切实的交往经历。阿里巴巴合伙人制度就确保了对候选人的切实了解。【译注:晓爷觉得这里原文有点乱了,估计“are making the final selection”是接在“who do not have the whole picture or first-hand experience with the candidate”之后的】另外,与谷歌不同,阿里巴巴的合伙人制度只有一种股票。

Alibaba is a leader in terms of governance and its succession planning

There is this perception that Chinese businesses are followers but in the case of governance and succession planning, it is clearly showing us the future. Can you name who the successors are at Amazon, JD.com or eBay in case something happens to Jeff Bezos, Richard Liu or Devin Wenig? Honestly, I have no clue which executives are being groomed by these businesses to take over if something were to happen to their founder or CEO.

Alibaba's partnership contains 36 members for a reason - it is to ensure that these senior members of Alibaba can report and discuss matters from all the various parts of the business. It is refreshing to see a business have a diverse group of individuals who are a managing such a complex and large-scale business.

In summary, A Chinese behemoth that is located in Hangzhou, China that was founded by a teacher has provided the corporate sector with a best-in-class solution for managing corporate governance and leadership succession in a new and refreshing manner.




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