

作者: 云姐姐爱小桔子 | 来源:发表于2019-08-14 10:46 被阅读0次


    It's time to clean up. 该是打扫的时间了。

    Can you help Mommy ? 你能帮妈妈吗?

    Will you try to use the vacuum? 你想用吸尘器吗?

    Try it. It's fun. 试试看,这很好玩喔。

    I want to try, Mommy! 妈咪,我想试试看。

    I'll help you clean all the time. 我会一直帮你打扫。

    Open the window and let the fresh air in. 打开窗户让新鲜工期近来。

    Can you move a little bit? 你能把这个搬开一点吗?

    Can you move your toys so I can vacuum? 你能一开你的玩具,让我用一下吸尘器吗?

    You need to move the stuff on the floor. 你必须把地板上的东西移开。

    Let's tidy up the shoes. 让我们把鞋子放整齐。

    I just want to get the dust off. 我只是要拍掉灰尘。

    Isn't the vacuum heavy? Give it to Mommy. 吸尘器很重吧?拿给妈妈吧。

    I want to clean up my room. 我要整理我的房间。

    Look! Lots of hair. 看!有很多头发。

    Ew, gross! 咦,好恶心!

    Want to take a little break? 你要休息一下吗?

    It's clean after we clean up. 打扫后,觉得好干净。

    We finished early because of you, my darling. 亲爱的,幸好有你帮忙,打扫提前结束了。

    You're all grown up helping Mommy clean the house.


    Aren't you tired? 你不累吗?



