外刊阅读|A.I. Is Not Sentient

外刊阅读|A.I. Is Not Sentient

作者: Louise成长记呀 | 来源:发表于2022-08-24 20:42 被阅读0次



A.I. has the power to mislead people, as people consider they can emote and converse and jam on lead vocals like  human. Besides, they can generate tweets, blog posts and even entire articles.(opinions)

People find out themselves talking to them as if it were human, just like the way they assume dogs and cats when they are more like us.(reasons)

For the bad effect, the technology spreads disinformation, feeds online campaigns and mimic conversation. Compared to it, the human-driven one just looks miniscule.(results)

Reflect on the effects of technology?Is is beneficial in a long term or just for temporary interest?


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