外刊阅读|Nationality Discrimination

外刊阅读|Nationality Discrimination

作者: Louise成长记呀 | 来源:发表于2022-08-08 18:29 被阅读0次

@友邻外刊20220808Why Swedes Get Better Jobs Than Lithuanians


Nationality discrimination is at it's most naked and unabashed in those global cities and international workplaces, and partly overlaps with racial discrimination,which now becomes an unspoken hierarchy.

For this notion, people treated nationality as a a skill,an authority,an innate vocation whatever your natural ability.

High status nationality are valued for ability while lower status nationality are valued for the exploitability.

How do we get rid of these discrimination? First step is to see it.

Honestly,personally speaking, I have all those biases. Based on the social media and what I have learned, I value more for those international friends like American,Australian,British,French. It seems I already have set a beautiful filter for them and I can have more tolerance compared with those people from Middle East . I assume people from those countries are uneducated,poor,wild,etc.If they do something wrong,and even if  it's just a special case, I will tell everyone with they did and say some bad words of them.

But I think for all these discrimination,there is a long way to go.I am also changing as I learned every day. The first step is too see and have the notion in our mind and then we can change it slowly.



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