9:30-11:00 A culture project
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review2.Procedure
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review3.Possible topics
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review4.Different roles
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review5.How to set up a blog
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review6.What to do for the next week
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review11:30-13:00Teaching vocabulary
1. Put the materials in the right order
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review2.The right order is like this
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review3.How to conduct a vocabulary lesson
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review4. According to exercise3 above, design some exercises to teach the phrases(these are the exercises designed by our group)
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review14:00-15:30 How to write a review
1. Brainstorming different kinds of genre writing to lead in the topic
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review2. Divide Ss into group1&group2. I am in group1, first we are given the Chocolate reviews to read, and do exercise1-4
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a reviewbut group2 first given the chocolate to taste,and then do as follows
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a reviewAfter group1 finished exercise4, we are given chocolates of different flavours(Sarah&I are given this kind of chocolate)
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a reviewAfter tasting, we wrote a review
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a reviewthen swap the review with group1
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a reviewSummary: group1&group2 are two different approraches to writing。第一组写作更加主观、开放、具有创造性,重点在过程,第二组先给出model review, 这样写作起来可以参照范文,写作起来更加格式化,更加容易,重点在产出。
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review无论哪一种写作方法,值得推荐的一点是用实物创设真实的情境,在写作一开始学生的兴趣都被巧克力吸引了,整节课学生都在一个轻松愉快的环境中学习写作,学习效果显著!
Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review Day39 A culture project , teaching vocabulary , write a review