1126- 处理复杂项目

1126- 处理复杂项目

作者: 大鱼_BigFish | 来源:发表于2018-11-26 16:27 被阅读4次

Key points that I learned to face a complicated project.

Setting and sharing goals.

Make sure my individual goals align with the team’s mission and strategy. This doesn’t mean every member will have the exact same goals, but all goals should work towards the same purpose.

With this mindset, I’ll use every resource to resolve any obstacles and achieve my goal. I would be more than happy to link this goal with my personal goal.

Analytical thinking and deep work.

Find the roadblocks, find a solution and put that solution in place. 

Closed loop communication

Keep the team updated of your plan, and it’s OK to ask for help.


Review the process, identify positives and negatives, and learn for it and keep evolving.


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    本文标题:1126- 处理复杂项目
