"Is it a cupboard?" asked Pip.
John came and moved some of the boxes. "It isn't a cupboard," he said in surprise. "It's an old piano."
The piano was made of beautiful, dark brown wood. Tony took off his shirt and cleaned the wood with it. He saw brightlycoloured birds, flowers and leaves. They shone like stars in the dark, dirty building. Tony opened the piano. He looked at the keys.

"We can't get rid of this," he said. "We really can't." He found an old, broken chair and sat down at the piano. His fingers touched the keys. He closed his eyes. Half-forgotten music dancedthrough his mind. His fingers began to move.They moved up and down the keys. He began to play an old song. He was suddenly very happy.

"I can play the piano," he thought. "Nobody taught me, but my mind tells my fingers what to do, and I can make music."
His friends listened.
"That's beautiful," said John. "What is it?"
"I don't know," said Tony.

They heard a noise behind them. Linda Wood was standing at the door. She was a tall, thin girl with long, soft brown hair. She was not beautiful, but she had big, kind brown eyes and a sweet smile. She was smiling now, and she was singing very quietly.

