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作者: JerryLMJ | 来源:发表于2015-12-27 19:28 被阅读8110次






这是在Google上搜到的一篇国外译文,里边给出了一个解决方案:我怎么能阻止iOS应用程序重置后改变相机权限? - How can I prevent iOS apps from resetting after changing Camera permissions?






Currently, when I change the camera permissions for my app in Settings, then navigate back to my app, the app will force a refresh and I will lose my place in the app. I followthese stepsexactly:

Open an app that uses the camera permission.

Navigate to some screen within the app (so you can visibly see the refresh later)

Go to the Settings app, navigate to the app's settings, and toggle the camera permission

Double click home and go back to the app. After a few seconds, it will refresh, bringing you back to the first screen

Note: I'm using an iPhone 6 running iOS 8.4

I've noticed this behavior on all apps that have the camera permission. My question is:Is there some way to prevent the app from refreshing/restarting (on resume) after changing the camera permission?It doesn't seem to happen when you toggle location services, for example, and from a usability perspective this is horrible.

User scenario: If a user navigates deep into your app, then needs to change the camera permission (because say they accidentally clicked no last time), they will be forced to navigate back to that screen when they return. This is especially harmful for an app trying to sell you something, or sign you up for a new account. They might try to introduce a new feature where you can use the camera to take a profile picture or scan your credit card. Because the user didn't know about this feature, they might have previously denied camera access, but now want to enable it. After trying to reenable, they come back to your app to find they have to spend 5+ minutes signing up / making a purchase, again! After that, even I would probably give up.




I'm sure that there is no other ways to prevent restarting app. Actually you will get a SIGKILL message but no Crash log when toggling settings. See below links-



The only way to prevent this scenario is to save the previous state of you application while terminating.

Store app your current data into a json/plist/NSUserDefaults/archive user model at applicationWillTerminate: method and

restore saved data at applicationWillEnterForeground:

For example- @SignUpViewController register for UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification which will fire when the app is about to terminate. Store user information there.

- (void)viewDidLoad{ 


[[NSNotificationCenterdefaultCenter] addObserver:selfselector:@selector(applicationWillTerminate:)    name: UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification object:nil];


- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification*)notification{

    // store your data here


Hope this will help you:)


(原文:applicationWillTerminate not called even notification is add in viewDidLoad as you suggest so any idea for this? please help me.)




The accepted answer is correct, however the workaround does not appear to work in the current version of iOS (9.2) - the application seems to terminate before UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification is fired. However by listening to UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification, the same can be achieved. e.g in Swift, put this in viewDidLoad()

NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self,selector:"enteringBackground:", name: UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification, object:nil)

and have a function like this:


    // Save application state here


版权声明:出自MajorLMJ技术博客的原创作品 ,转载时请注明出处及相应链接!



  • 景彧:既然说明了,就不用画线了,看着眼睛不舒服,卤煮
  • 艾江山:你的划线看着 我眼睛疼🌚,不过用reswiftRoute就可以完美解决。
  • _moses:垃圾,要写就用心写,百度翻译完粘贴过来有什么意义?
  • S型身材的猪:狗屁
    JerryLMJ:@乐升平 逼逼叨的都是狗屁不如
  • Auditore:机翻 😓 并没有发现解决方法
  • 0bad4642cb6f:这是翻译的吧 读着都不通 就不能用自己的话翻译吗
  • menttofly:试了下发现美团和B站、百度贴吧等APP改变权限也都会重启应用,所以感觉没必要纠结这个问题了
  • feng_dev:通讯录 不弹出授权框 怎么办,设置里面 也没有显示 app
    伪装v5:@伪装v5 ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion iOS8以下的用这个
    伪装v5:@伤感的小孩 那是因为你没有发送请求 requestAccessForEntityType
  • paydrin:什么问题也没有解决
  • FengxinLi:请问一下楼主 你这个是在程序进入后天,或者被杀死的时候,保存的什么呢?当前的Controller的名字吗?还是其他的。再次进入的时候就进入保存的那个Controller吗?
    JerryLMJ:@Fengxinliju 其实在应用里从当前应用跳转到设置页的页面就那么几个,你可以给页面编号也可以像你说的存controller的名字,如果页面上有数据可能还得存一下页面的数据,这个要根据你应用的实际情况。

