今天主要的材料来自The Economist的一篇文章,Technology and jobs:Coming to an office near you,今天采用的形式是我对照ECO中文网的翻译进行快速的中翻英,然后与原文对比,从中了解自己的不足。自己对比分析可能有错误,欢迎批评指正共同学习。
译文:Current technology is bound to bring a huge blow to the future job.
原文:The effect of today’s technology on tomorrow’s jobs will be immense.
对比:很简单的一个句子,但也有启发。除了big, huge一类,你有想到过immense么?比起current/future,today/tomorrow的组合是不是更自然也更押韵?我的译文还有三个问题——1)huge blow指巨大打击,然而这里只是影响;2)并没有bring a huge blow的说法;3) 此处jobs比the job正确。
译文:With the digital revolution, masses of jobs calling for only medium-level skills faces the same fate with the weavers then. Meanwhiles these jobs are the basis of living for the 20th century middle class.
原文:The digital revolution has displaced many of the mid-skill jobs which underpinned 20th-century middle class life. They have been dispensed with, just as the weavers were.
对比:这句翻译的很羞耻……太中式了……主宾结构比with结构要简洁,mid-skill jobs比冗长的伴随状语要简洁。当然这句的核心在underpin一词,the basis of living for翻的是什么鬼……还有其实我和displace也不是太熟,displace有replace的意思“替代”,但是替代掉中等技能工作的是技术革命带来的发明而不是技术革命本身,此处应该用“移开”意更恰当?
译文:In the eye of those, including us, who firmly believe that technology advances will make the world better, this impact is a necessary path to affluence.
原文:For those, including this newspaper, who believe that technological progress will make this world a better place, such churn is a natural part of rising prosperity.
对比:"Heal the world, make it a better place……”歌词记的很好,写起来就忘脑后了,只是很小的差别,但是也觉得better place的说法更自然。churn是什么意思呢?“搅动”。这里可以说中译不是特别准确。然后就是这句的重点了。当然, path to的说法是存在的,但是并没有necessary path to这种用法!而原文作为一种表达方式也是要学习的,a natural part of V+ing noun., “通向”的动态感埋在V+ing的进行时中。
译文:A century ago one in three American workers worked at the farm, now it drops to less than 2%. But they're producing way more food than before.
原文:A hundred years ago one in three American workers was employed on a farm. Today less than 2% of them produce far more food.
对比:workers work显然是个很拗口的结构,灵活变成be employed就好。我的译文结构很糟,第一句主语是在在农场工作的工人,第二句突然变成it且指代不明,第三句又变回they,仔细想想也是指代不明。在很短的距离内来回切换主语会给读者造成不必要的负担。为了统一主语,中文会冗长——“占全体工人不到2%的他们……”,但英文不会——"less than 2% of them"。
译文:The millions freed from farm work hasn't fallen into the unemployed because of the segmentation of the economy, while on the contrary they found better-paid jobs.
原文:The millions freed from the land were not consigned to joblessness, but found better-paid work as the economy grew more sophisticated.
对比:想着农活该怎么翻的时候,肯定没有想到可以直接表述为freed from the land。 be consigned to,“被交付给,被置于,陷入”,最值得记住的例子大概就是那句 who shall be consigned to a state of endless misery. 此处的第二个要注意的词就是sophisticated。
译文:Today there are less and less secretaries.
原文:Today the pool of secretaries has shrunk.