2018-01-12 Class notes -- storag

2018-01-12 Class notes -- storag

作者: aureole420 | 来源:发表于2018-01-13 01:07 被阅读0次

    Storage layer:

    Two types of storage (not b+ tree, that's 2-3 steps up for indexing)

    1. HDD

    process to read data from HDD

    1. move disk arm to connect cylinder (1-3ms)
    2. wait for bits we want to rotate under disk heads. (10^4 rpm / 60 seconds * 2 ~ 1/300 seconds ~3ms)
    3. read the data (mostly costless! seq scan @ 100MB/sec)
      --- the first bit takes millions time longer than the following sequential scan.

    Because HDDs have physical limitations, SSDs get popular.

    1. SSD
    • all electronic, no moving parts;
    • 5GB/sec seq transfer rate at high end.
    • 10K "seeks" (refers to 1. 2. in HDD) per second high end (0.1ms).
    • cost e.g. Samsung drive 15 TB. $$5k to 7k

    HDD ~$1/GB, SSD ~$1/GB
    15 TB ~150 HDD ~1SSD

    • aggregated performance are actually similar!
    • Latency doesn't change much

    Given that latency is a huge concern, how to mitigate?

    • <hardware technique> organize data on the device into blocks (atomic units.... get 1bit, get all bits of it) "block" refers to a group of bits on the device.
    • <software technique> organize blocks into pages.
      *<software> put related data into pages. -- e.g. b+ tree organize data with same key (e.g. time stamp) into the same pages.
    • <software>Use buffering -- keep important data to the lower level of system (close to CPU)

    next time topics --- buffer:



          本文标题:2018-01-12 Class notes -- storag
