- 100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 18 项目1
- 100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 16 项目1
- 100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 17 项目1
- 100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 19 项目1
- 100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 25 项目1
- 100 Days of SwiftUI —— Day 1
- 100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 24 项目3
- 100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 23 项目3
- 100 Days of SwiftUI 项目简介
- 100 Days of SwiftUI —— Day 100:期
1.在第三个section添加标题,即“Amount total”
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var checkAmount = ""
@State private var numberOfPeople = 2
@State private var countOfPeople = "2"
@State private var tipPercentage = 2
let tipPercentages = [10, 15, 20, 25, 0]
// 1. 变化的三个属性都标有@State,所以在发生变化时,totalPerPerson属性会立即计算
var totalPerPerson: Double {
let peopleCount = Double(countOfPeople) ?? 1
let amountPerson = totalAmount / peopleCount
return amountPerson
var totalAmount: Double {
let tipSelection = Double(tipPercentages[tipPercentage])
let orderAmount = Double(checkAmount) ?? 0
let tipValue = orderAmount / 100 * tipSelection
let grandTotal = orderAmount + tipValue
return grandTotal
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
Section {
TextField("Amount", text: $checkAmount)
TextField("Number of people", text: $countOfPeople)
// 2. 位于表单内部的Picker会自动选择,列表选择方式,所以需要一个NavigationView
// Picker("Number of people", selection: $numberOfPeople) {
// ForEach(2 ..< 100) {
// Text("\($0) people")
// }
// }
Section(header: Text("How much tip do you want to leave?")) {
Picker("Tip percentage", selection: $tipPercentage) {
ForEach(0 ..< tipPercentages.count) {
Section(header: Text("Amount total")) {
// 3.使用字符串插值的方式,限定字符串的格式
Text("$\(totalAmount, specifier: "%.2f")")
Section(header: Text("Amount per person")) {
// 3.使用字符串插值的方式,限定字符串的格式
Text("$\(totalPerPerson, specifier: "%.2f")")