Day8 (pdf--page93-107)

Day8 (pdf--page93-107)

作者: Sophie的读书笔记 | 来源:发表于2017-11-15 18:03 被阅读0次

    Part 1: What We Learned:


    两个被爱情捕获的年轻人,终于坦诚地面对了彼此的感情。其实我原本是想将他们俩形容成“两个对的人”,但犹豫了,最终写下“两个被爱情捕获的人”这么造作的形容,因为我不确定什么是“对的人”,他们是吗?他们的身份,教育程度,经历,家庭背景,哪哪都不对;他们不是吗? 他们跨越了一切以及彼此的“不完美”的过去,不可抑制地彼此吸引着,并且因为这段感情的发生打开了彼此的心扉……他们的相遇与相知发生地那么自然而且美丽,因为爱情带来的这些小紧张、小期盼、小心思和小动作无不打动着阅读者的心;他们的“不合适”却又像一个伏笔,我们知道等John休假结束,他们终将分别,一直在一起是一种奢望,那么分别之后呢?这根红线能够穿越海峡与战火吗?真情经得起时间和命运的考验吗?这些John无数次问过自己的问题,也一直在我的阅读过程中盘旋。

    Part 2: Q&A

    1. What was Savannah thinking when she was sitting with John at the beach?

    She wished to spend the last couple of days with John.

    2. How did Savannah feel about spending time with John?

    Spending time with John just feels comfortable, somehow. Easy, like the way it’s supposed to be.

    3. Where did they visit after they left the beach?

    They visited the house which was built by her team.

    4. What did Savannah say about John’s tattoos?

    She said that one told her that he lived life by his own rules and didn’t always care what people think. The infantry one showed that John was proud of what he did. And the barbed wire showed that went with who John was when he was younger.

    5. What did Savannah tell John about her love experience?

    She told him the painful experience during her freshman year of college, but she learned from it.

    6. What did Savannah say to John in the end?

    She said that she loved him too.



          本文标题:Day8 (pdf--page93-107)
