

作者: 年纪已大勿扰谢谢 | 来源:发表于2017-03-06 18:31 被阅读0次


    1. barn(n/v):a building for storing hay, grain, etc., and often for housing livestock

                         a very large garage for buses, trucks, etc.; carbarn

                         e.g:The grounds surrounding the ranch house and barn were in a state of disarray, with broken equipment strewn about

                    Synonyms: farm building, outbuilding

    2.cowshed(n):a shed serving as a shelter for cows

                     e.g:  He crept off to the cowshed, lay down on the straw and fell asleep

    3. photovoltaic(adj): of, concerned with, or producing electric current or voltage caused by electromagnetic radiation, esp visible light from the sun

                       Synonym: electromotive force

    4.manure(n/v): any natural or artificial substance for fertilizing the soil(肥料)

                        e.g: Also, Seoul will move to cut off its recent shipments of rice and manure to the North.

                    Synonym: excrement, dropping

    5.biogas(n): any gas fuel derived from the decay of organic matter(沼气)

                     e.g:  And the biogas from there is fuel for cooking lunch: another way to keep kids in school

    6.anathema(n): a person or thing detested or loathed

                           e.g:In his opinion, the “path to citizenship” for immigrants, which is anathema to many conservatives, is absolutely essential

                          Synonyms: hate,detestation,bane

    7.incumbent(n/adj) : holding an indicated position, role, office, etc., currently

                                    the holder of an office

                                e.g:There was no way an incumbent president sitting on these kinds of economic figures could possibly be reelected

                                Synonym: urgent

    8.dear(n/adj):  high-priced; expensive(文中的意思)/ Obsolete. difficult to get; scarce /  worthy; honorable

                   Synonyms : expensive , prized, cherished.

    9. perennial (adj): lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring

                              e.g: Mothers who kill their children are a tragic and yet perennial news sensation

                          Synonyms :  perdurable; constant, incessant, continual. imperishable, undying, eternal, immortal

    10. rebate(n/v): a return of part of the original payment for some service or merchandise; partial refund

                           e.g: When I went to get my rebate I was offered one pound eleven shillings.

                            Synonyms: reduction, payback, discount , repayment

    11. glut(n): n/ to flood (the market) with a particular item or service so that the supply greatly exceeds the demand

                      v/ to eat to satiety or to excess

                      e.g:But should you lack the energy to sift through the glut of options yourself, we can at least helpfully endorse this one

                     Synonyms: stuff, satiate ,excess, superabundance

    12. shale(n): a rock of fissile or laminated structure formed by the consolidation of clay

                        e.g:How the shale and sandstone layers are formed will be the subject of a future chapter

                       Synonyms: clay, sediment

    13. megawatt(n): a unit of power, equal to one million watts

                         e.g:  A 110 megawatt plant in Nevada promises 10 hours of storage

    14.havoc(n/v):great destruction or devastation; ruinous damage(大灾难)

                        e.g: Three men, two dead—just three men all told—had caused this havoc

                       Synonyms: ruin, devastate

    15.punch(n/v) :  a thrusting blow, especially with the fist

                            Synonyms  : strike, hit

    16.hydroelectric(adj):pertaining to the generation and distribution of electricity derived from the energy of falling water

                           e.g:  To make a living, he gets a job as a manager at a hydroelectric plant

    17.doldrum(n):a state of inactivity or stagnation, as in business or art(萧条,抑郁)

                   Synonyms: depression, gloom, melancholy, dejection

                     e.g:Just after 10 p.m. it becomes apparent that the doldrums are gone

    18.backup(n/adj): n/ a person or thing that supports or reinforces another

                                v/ performing a secondary or supporting function

                           e.g: However, the North Colorado secessionists do have a backup plan

                              Synonyms :  substitute ,alternate,extra

    19.diesel(n):noting a machine or vehicle powered by a diesel engine(柴油,机器)

                    e.g:  The gasoline engine of former years has been displaced by diesel motors or adaptations of them

                     Synonyms:turbine,motor, weapon

    20. insulate(v): to cover, line, or separate with a material that prevents or reduces the passage, transfer, or leakage of heat, electricity, or sound

                    e.g:They also insulate and isolate conservatives from real-world policy debates.


    21. drag down: 挣工资,赚钱

    22. cannibalise(v):to remove parts, equipment, assets, employees, etc., from (an item, product, or business) in order to use them in another(拆,调配)

    23.peg(n/v): v/ to hang things on

                             n/  a pin of wood or other material driven or fitted into something

                        e.g:Chris Christie casts a big political shadow—but one Democrat has stepped up to try to take him down a peg.

                       Synonyms : fix, clinch, tighten

    24.dromedary(n) : the single-humped camel(单峰骆驼)

                             e.g:I went to see a dromedary, a very monstrous beast, much like the camel, but larger.

    25.rooftop(n): the roof of a building, especially the outer surface

                     e.g: I watched from a rooftop as the cruise missiles thundered into various corners of Baghdad.

    26.precipitous : extremely or impassably steep

                          Synonyms :abrupt, sheer, perpendicular

                        e.g:In 1965, despite the precipitous decline in the worker-to-retiree ratio, Social Security paid its bills with a 2.2% payroll tax

    27.upheaval(n): strong or violent change or disturbance, as in a society

                           Synonyms : disruption, disorder, turmoil

                           e.g: The social services field was in continual upheaval and the future seemed bleak(不乐观的)

    28. block chain : 车链

    29.hub(n):  the central part of a wheel, as that part into which the spokes are inserted(核心)

                    Synonyms:    core, pivot, heart

                 e.g: And what about people who live in the South, the hub of the white-shoe rule, where there is warm weather year round?

    30. thermostat(n):a device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for manual adjustment.(恒温器)

                       e.g:   “I wanted to be able to control the thermostat, the attitudes, and the numbers,” he says, and got his wish.

                         Synonyms: regulator


    1.turn upside down:翻过来

    2.point out: (物理意义):指出


    3.issue: 文中相当于have,give(带有讽刺意味)

    4.finance与fund的区别: finance通常是有回报的,而fund通常没有回报


    5.pocket 在文中名词用作动词:把...兜起来

    6.of the grid: 网的边缘,off the grid : 下网了,下线了

    7.pour=put, 比put 形象很多

    8.take the lead : 领头

    9.not the role : 不是常规的,=exception

    10.account for = take up :占据

    11.there’s a long way to go :keep it up, way to go :革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力

         it goes a long way to achieving your purpose

    12.a decade of :十年,decades of : 几十年

    13.bring with=come with

    14.to date: 至今

    15.as yet: 迄今为止

    16.perennial (adj):常年的,常青的

    17.impose =push

    18.in decline=drop=go down


    20.slump / plummet / plunge /slip / fall / drop:


        plummet/ plunge:快速下降


        fall/ drop:正常地降


    22.split in/ into:分成

        split into half:分成两半

    23.write off: 折价,折损

    24. marginal cost:边际成本

    25. merit based:奖学金,need based:助学金

    26.buck the trend: 抵抗这种趋势

    27.death by a thousand cuts: 水滴石穿






