Nobody knows me.

Nobody knows me.

作者: 建康Rick | 来源:发表于2018-11-29 19:03 被阅读0次

I had my fake 25th birthday yesterday, and I'm gonna seriously step into the 26th year of my life in 3 days. I am job hunting. I'm on my way home. I am not lost in the sea. I'm just need to get all more organized. So let the first diary in Jianshu mark a new beginning.

I am trapped in my ordinary life. The feeling of being trapped in not due to the ordinariness but due to my ignorance of make the best of what is ordinary. Actually I believe if I make ordinariness extraordinary, I would be a real grownup.

I should learn to develop the habit of moving ahead. What’s more important, I should make my self enjoy life even when I’m stuck. I tried my times to better myself in various ways, and I did progressed.  But reflecting upon the happiness i earned for my heart, I feel down. I always push myself physically ahead. But am I becoming happier. Or am I happy for heading on?

I set F&T as the sky of my heart. I stand on the ground and devote myself to what I am temporarily able to contribute to. Keep this habit of writing and thinking. Good luck.



      本文标题:Nobody knows me.
