

作者: 立仁 | 来源:发表于2015-08-25 12:49 被阅读382次

You have just turned 30. Do your parents ever urge you to get married?


Yvonne often remembers how her mum would say to her how similar in character she was to her Shanghai father, all those decades ago.

Figure out how the world works, and then your role may become more clear.

What should you do with your life? what career should I select? what kind of player am I ?

I love to grow. It's such an embedded part of my psyche that I can't not grow.

Another attribute of my core self is courage. I have an inborn desire to want to run towards fear instead of away from it. And the third component is freedom. I love having tremendous personal freedom, especially when it comes to how I use my time.

Your career is to express your inner self through the physical universe. That's your job description.

Your true career is the dynamic expression of your inner being.

My job is essentially just to be my self. How would you use this mindset to make real-life career decisions?

They all harmonize with my inner self. They are all valid.

Money is central to our lives. Yet money is not of central importance. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the lasting values that make life worth living.

in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way...

You don't have to believe in any of this, just try it for yourself, and you'll see the results!

Save at least 10% of your income.

I've been doing this for years. Get into the habit of saving!

These two simple steps, saving and giving away 10% of your income, are great keys to a better life and a better world.

Do it over and over, and you can learn at will to go beyond the constant stream of thoughts that most of us have throughout the day.

The end of all wisdom is love. If your education doesn't result in love, then your education hasn't been complete.

Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Take risks. 

Your continued success is an inspiration to us all!


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