

作者: Hi_SY | 来源:发表于2018-07-30 09:51 被阅读0次




  Nearly days,I am reading a book named by ,the writer tells us how to survive in our faster future.

  When the movie came in our life,when the impossible came ture,everybody was feeling so surprise.And the person who near by the core of the technology did’t forecast how to use this technology in the future.Technology developing is faster than the human’s understand ability. But technology is only a tool,human can use it to make the world goodness or scary.

 This books tells us nine principles.It just like a manual for the new system of the world .The future is coming,only not popular.It is a index age,it bring three definitions.

  The first one is asymmetry.Only one small company or one person can bring large influence .

  The second is complexity.When a large number of the person will be act on the same goal at the same time,the power more than the total all of them.

  The third is uncertainty.The complexity will bring the uncertainty, the one reason changed will bring the big changed from different side.

 One develop which we didn’t forecast will be changed the rule of the game only several days.

  The writer comes from Media Lab,it is research the content between the different subject and outside of every subject.

  The features just like the faster future.So I recommend you reading this book.

Emergence over authority

The way of the knowledge spreading was changed.Before,it was from above to bellow,from the high institution to everybody,step by step.And today or the future,the idea from everybody will spread very quickly through the Internet.The idea from everybody will gather very quickly,the power more than the total all of them. Today or the future,if the company don’t have the profession, it doesn’t matter.They can try to Crowd-sourcing,getting the professional services through the Internet. And at that time,the Internet will provide a learning platform for everybody.It will be cheap enough.

  In this book,somebody says we can’t predict the future of a domain of the science.The best example for the emergence is the synthetic biology.The researcher comes from different domains,civil engineer,computer scientist,electronic engineer and so on.Programming will be used to genetics, in the future,maybe you can programming a pet animal for yourself.And the future,synthetic biology will need the wisdom of everyone.

  Before, everybody obeyed the leads, didn’t think deeply,it was OK. But today and the future,the opportunity for everybody will be fair.It will be just like the network,everybody’s idea will spread so quickly,it will join a large power as soon as possible. It will be so brilliant!

Pull over Push

 The pull means someone attract the resource what they need. And the push means decision maker push the resource into somewhere where they think it’s the most useful.

  Actually,before the need,the supply shouldn’t be existed.

  It’s bringing crowd-sourcing and crowd-funding.The crowd-sourcing means if the company couldn’t have the profession,they can try to find professional services though the internet.And the crowd-funding means if the good idea need the money to come it ture,they can try to crowd-funding,when someone agree with you,they could support money for you.

And in the future,if someone will be so capable,they can working for crowd-sourcing, and at that time, everyone must be responsible for each other and the world. We could get a good idea from our friend of a friend, so the weak ties will be very important. And we must perceive the opportunity in time.

  The world will be changing constantly, so we must keep up with its pace!

Compasses over Maps

When we decided the goal, the maps means the best way and the detailed information of the terrain, the compasses means we must find the way by ourselves, used our creativity and autonomy, meanwhile, we must constantly adjust our direction.

  And what is the compasses? For example, abstract thinking. why we must learn algebra? It’s the part of the mathematics. Someone says algebra is a bridge, it connect the ideal world and the real world. The algebra doesn’t important, but the abstract thinking is very important.

  The best example for the compasses is the Scratch which is a software. Its develop through the customer’s proposal, and the purpose is teach the children how to learn.It is a software which help the children to building their learning ability model.

  The last example is the Media Lab, someone want to research the organization structure of it, but at last give it up. Because it’s just like many people walk in the graden, everyone pay attention to different things, someone like the plant, someone like humanity. Every group have different culture, but they have the same compasses, including uniqueness, effect and magic. So it can develop better and better.

  Today,many new domains don’t have successful model, we must find the way used our compasses. If we want to collect all of the information, and then begin to do it, it’s so late, we must brave do it at first, on the way, adjust our direction constantly, overcome the difficulties. It’s the best way to reach our destination.We must conform to the development of the times.  

Risk over Safety

  At first,we must get it right, risk means we must know the risk, and take risks, then try our best to do it.

  For example, a project need 600 thousand dollars, and the feasibility study need 2 million dollars, the safety practices will do feasibility study at first, although, it need the money more than all of the project, and the risk practices will do it straight away.

  Today, outsourcing industry doesn’t need a lot of facilities, it’s only need a good idea, and translate it into the product. Only the good supply chain can make a company better and better day by day.

  Many Shenzhen companies produce the electronic products follow the example of the famous brand at first, and then it begins to do it creativity, make it better than others. It responds the market more quickly than the big companies. Today Shenzhen have the whole ecological system, it just like silicon valley, if others want to reproduce a same one is so hard. I like this city, today, the reputation is very well in the world. I proud of it!

  The writer compares the before and the future in dinosaur and frog.

  One of the writer’s viewpoint is very useful, I want to share with you. The best way we must find a new domain when we received the higher education, which one we love it and be good at it. Maybe it have a lot of risks, but we will be at the top in this domain, it’s a very definite possibility, only a little competition. At least, we will do what we love.

  Today,technology develop so fast. If when we graduated, we didn’t want to learn, didn’t want to improve ourselves, only a few years, we will feel sad. we could learn from Shenzhen, don’t  be afraid of the risk, brave try to do it, at the worst, do it again from the beginning!

Disobedience over Compliance

Usually, the progress of the technology needs break the rules. In many important domains which just like solve the problem and so on, disobedience is more valuable than compliance. Innovate needs creativity, and creativity needs release of the control. Today, follow the automation and 3D printing and so on, the new environment is coming, in this environment, the most successful person is who brave ask the question, trust the instinct and break the rules. The cryptography developing is the best example.

  In this book,someone says thinking by ourselves, and question authority, it will bring major breakthroughs. In the new environment, we must have creativity, flexibility, and exploratory. These abilities will be very important in the future.   

Practice over Theory

The practice must penetrate the theory. Today,the cost of the waiting and planning is more expensive than practice at first, and then random response. The cost of doing is cheaper than saying.

  The writer tells us learning is the best example. The developer of the Scratch want to make it to a subject for every school. Because, this software can teach the children programming. The programming have more logical than any language. It can teach the children how to solve the problem and how to innovate.

  Actually, it want to teach the children how to learn by themselves, before, the education at school is from above to bellow,it’s only the one-way. Today and the future, everybody must have creativity, initiative,driving by interesting, lifelong learning ability, and mutual cooperation ability. And the school should help us to building the network of society for our lifelong learning.

  In the future, robat can’t instead of us, we must have ability to working with robot,together to create a better future!

Diversity over Ability

The organization which have the member who have different knowledge background seem advantage to solve the problem.

  Usually, the old granny who non-graduates from senior school can used the special way to solve the problem, they can help others to get out of the trouble, they have the special social skills.

  When expert solve the problem, usually they have the same cognitive system, so it will bring the same deviation, blind spot,unconscious inclination.

The diversity effect is very important for the groups, firms, school and society. The race, sex and economics background and so on is also very important. But now, the difference of the race and the sex is still so great.The higher education is trying hard to do it. But the most of companies don’t pay attention to it. For example, when the job hunter have the same ability, male is more popular than female. How unfair of the female who at usual marrying ages especially. The loss for the two parties is the same. What a pity!

 The diversity of the organization is benefited for all of us!

Resilience over Strength

 A story at first, when the hurricane so strong, oaks were uprooted, they just like steel. But reed bent, it’s so soft and resilience, when the hurricane go away, it’s continue to grow.

  Today, the big company just like oak, it becomes powerful to resist failure. And the software company which growing up in the Internet age often face the failure, usually their original investment is so little, so they can learn from the failure, and go on. Because, they don’t spend times and resources on forecast future. Today, the cost of innovate failure fall so fast. When the cost of resist failure is more expensive than submit to failure, they will brave admit it, keep the resilience. The recovery will bring the immune.

  The best example is network security. The intrusion and defense show the resilience is very important.

  Don’t forecast future, don’t want to success, choose the best way to face continuous development, we will thrive in the unpredictable world!

Systems over Objects

What is the systems and the objects? There is a piece of paper, the widely distributed black spot is the every subject, this is the objects. The blank space is the anti-discipline. This paper is the systems.

  When the expert research only one subject, many difficult problem solved is so hard. At that time, they begin to research anti-disciplineor interdiscipline.  When they pay attention to system, the key point is from objects to relation. Everyone must be responsible for innovate, and must understand it plays a role in the big systems. It means, every innovate must consider the effect on the global network. The new product and system must ensure the society run efficiently.

  Today, we are finding the way to remodeling mind, through effect ourselves to effect the world!


 March 2016, AlphaGo was playing against with Lee Sedol in the weiqi competition, at last, AlphaGo won the four games in the five games. At that time, this machine owned spirit, it has improvise ability,creativity, grace, and glamour. And then, Lee Sedol was feeling excited in weiqi game again. Many people be interested in weiqi game. It explains human will cooperate with machine, enlighten with each other, make collective intelligence growing.

  Nobody can accurate predict the future. It has uncertainty, and we must keep a healthy relationship with the uncertainty, it’s very important. The world is in the structural change. We must have adaptability, and have ability to learn the new role constantly.

  Anytime, we must try out best to become our world better and better. It’s the responsibility of everybody!





























作者基于大咖的高度解读当下,笔者仅以小鱼小虾的视角领悟些许,但愿鱼虾观能对小伙伴有一星半点的启发,I am so pleased!


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