美剧中的短语 2018-04-16

美剧中的短语 2018-04-16

作者: WillCheng | 来源:发表于2018-04-16 18:44 被阅读0次

I am discerning. 我有眼光/我有见识
He is a little jumpy. 他有点坐不住
Oh, go figure, ... 哦,想想看吧。。。
You use strategy to expand territories and take over the world. 一统天下
He is out back playing. 他在后面玩呢。
That's such a nice offer, but I think we're good, thanks. 多谢好意,不过用不着,谢谢
Jay and I are buds, for sure. 我们是铁哥们,真的。
To be fair, 说实话,
That's a really nice offer, but it's not really her thing.多谢你的好意,但她不怎么喜好逛街
general store 杂货铺
No way. 不可能
It's just stuff with Alex. 我被Alex气饱了
And living in XXX has been transformational. 住在XX让我改变了很多
I would like to make a toast. 我来祝个酒。
Why are you always on me about everything? 为什么你们每件事都要替我做主?
I am about to embark on a new journey. 我的人生即将开始新的旅程了。
Give it time, 往事随风去吧
Act like a parent, talk like a peer. 父亲般的威严,朋友般的关爱
if you bother to get to know him, 如果你愿意了解一下他的话
if he's as sweet and as kind as you say he is , 如果他像你说的那样贴心善良
I might have told him to get even with some kids. 我叫他去报复别的孩子。
piece the family back together 让这个家重归于好
Gloria would never go for that in a million years. Gloria打死也不会同意的
if I pulled a fast one on her, 如果我对她耍诡计的话
For one thing, 首先,
Give me a break. 饶了我吧
with a thirst for knowledge 对知识的渴望
I am quite adept at flower arrangement 我很擅长插花
Would you care for a sack of pickles? 请收下这包腌菜吧
I'll be right down. 我就过来。
They want us to come down there. 他们想让我们去一次
Trust me on this. 相信我。
That is very mature of you. 你真是成熟了
I figure, 我觉得。。。
We should address the elephant in the room. 我们应该直言不讳
This is exactly why we sweep things under the rug. 避而不谈
there is a kind of a lot of drama 现在这儿闹得有点不愉快
We're all just hanging by a thread. 我们真是命悬一线
I made a judgement call. 我见机行事
I was sort of looking forward to a quiet day 有点想
I am on call today.今天我值班。
die a virgin 出师未捷身先死
I think I suck at being a father. 我这个父亲做得很失败
We each have our own strengths. 我们各有所长。
There may be some bumps along the way. 生活中难免坎坷。
I mean I worked with him a little, but the kid's got skills. 虽说我教过他几招,但他的确有天赋
It's in his blood. 这与生俱来
hole in one 一杆进洞
one way or another, 不管怎么样
9:00 sharp 九点整
So this is there you decide to make your stand? 表明立场
talk back 顶嘴
chase a good time 花天酒地


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      本文标题:美剧中的短语 2018-04-16
