Sunny and windy Nov.4th 2017
After cutting hair,Hallie and Annie look the same.They are surprised to see each other,exactly like another me in front of the mirror.But after a while,Hallie notices that they're different in ears.
Hallie:Looking good.
Annie:This is so... scary.
Hallie:Honey, you never looked better. Oh, my God!
Hallie: l have pierced ears.
Annie:No. No, no and no. Not happening. Sorry, wrong number. l won't. l refuse.
Hallie:Then cutting your hair was a total waste... 'cause, l mean, there's no way l can go to camp... with pierced ears and come home without 'em. l mean, come on. Get real.
Hallie is going to get Annie's ears pierced.
Hallie:Needle sterilized.
Annie:You, you... you sure you know what you're doing?
Hallie:Relax. l've gone with all my friends to get their ears pierced. lt's nothing. Just close your eyes... and it will be over before you know it. Earring ready?
Hallie:Good. Hand me the apple. Thank you. Just relax. l'm telling you, this is not a big deal. On the count of three, remove the ice. One... two... three.
It's time for them to end the camp.Hallie and Annie to say goodbye to each other.Hallie is going to london where is Annie' home.Annie will go to california,where is Hallie's home.
Marva. Sr:Girls, time to say your last good-byes. The buses are loading.
Hallie:Okay. This is it.
Annie:So remember, you're going to find out how Mom and Dad met.
Hallie:And you're going to find out why they broke up.
Marva. Jr:Annie James, your car is here.
Annie:That's you. Here's your ticket and passport. Martin will pick you up at the airport tomorrow morning.
Hallie:What time do you leave?
Annie:Oh, not for a couple of hours. Give Mom a kiss for me.
Hallie:Give Dad one for me.
Marva. Jr:Annie James, front and center.
Marva. Jr:Last call, Annie James. Bye-bye.
Annie:Good luck .
Hallie is on the plane and anxious to know that whether her mother likes her or not.
Hallie:Okay. This is it. God, l hope she likes me. Please like me. Please.
Martin is picking her up at the airport.They great each other in their special way.
Martin:Missed you.
Hallie:Missed you.
Martin:What have you done to your hair?
Hallie:Cut it. Do you like it?
Martin:Love it. lt's the new you. And you've had your ears pierced. Give me five, girlfriend.
Hallie is excited to see everything during the whole way.She is nearly out of breath when she arrived at home.
Driver:Home again.
Hallie:Thank you. This is it. 7 Primbrook Lane.
Grandfather:Is that my little girl? That tall, gangly thing?
Hallie:Yes, it's me.
Grandfather:Oh, welcome home. Did you have a good time, sweet pea?
Hallie:Uh-huh, great.
Grandfather:What are you doing?
Hallie:Just smelling.
Hallie:I'm making a memory.
Hallie:Years from now, when l'm all grown up... l'll always remember my grandfather... and how he always smelt of...peppermint and pipe tobacco.
Grandfather:Good to have you back.
At that moment,her mother shows up and walks towards her.Oh my god!That is the first time she meet her mother.No words can express her feeling.Her mother is a little puzzled when she see tears running down from Hallie's eyes.Of course she has no idea about their trap.
Mom:Annie? Annie?
Mom:You're back.
Hallie:I can't believe it's you.
Mom:And l can't believe it's you. And with short hair. Who cut it for you?
Hallie:A girl l met at camp. Do you hate it?
Mom:No, l absolutely love it. You got your ears pierced? Well, are there any other surprises? Belly button rings, tattoos? Ah, darling, what is it?
Hallie:l'm sorry. lt's just... l've missed you so much.
Mom:Oh. l know. lt seems like it's been forever.
Hallie:You have no idea.