Diary 20190720

作者: JackyHCXP | 来源:发表于2019-07-20 11:01 被阅读1次

I woke up at 5:05 this morning.

I will go to a haircut, and then send some nephew's material to technical secondary school.

I want to play with my children at TangDaoWan but my son always cry he wants to eat ice cream.  but I didn't agree with his thoughts due to the environment temperature is too high, and it isn't good for helathy, so I candle this journey, and their mother accompany them to TangDaoWan by car, I want back home lonely.  I am very angry.

another good news is that my one of the guppy gave birth to five small fishes.

Diary 20190720 Diary 20190720 Diary 20190720 Diary 20190720

I just went back from silver sandbeach, and play with my family this afternoon, and drunk four bottles of beer.


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