看到PTE写作Summarize written text就在心

看到PTE写作Summarize written text就在心

作者: 博伟美洲PTE | 来源:发表于2018-11-08 11:11 被阅读0次

    PTE写作部分有Summarize Written Text和Essay两大题型,一般以2+1,3+1或2+2的组合模式出现,也就是说PTE考试至少会有两题Summarize Written Text,所以做好Summarize Written Text是PTE写作获取高分的关键。但很多考生一看到这个题型心里就忐忑不安,解答起来也是头绪混乱。下面我们结合一道真题,来讲一下做Summarize Written Text应遵循的答题步骤,希望可以帮到大家。

    In 2005 Japan had the highest median age of all countries in the world, while Australia's population was only moderately aged. Some 50 years ago the demographic situation was quite different, with the median age of Australia's population being seven years older than Japan's.

    The ageing of the population is a major issue for Australian policy makers, particularly in regard to the long-term implications for reduced economic growth and the increasing demand for Age Pensions, and health and aged care services. As the population ages, growth in the number of people of working age will slow, while the proportion of people of retirement age will increase.

    Sustained population ageing also leads to slowing or negative population growth. While declining population growth in developed countries is welcomed by some environmentalist and social scientists, economists tend to agree that population decline brings gloomy economic prospects. In addition to the decrease in the labour supply, the demand side of the economy may be affected through shrinking markets for goods and services.

    How quickly this occurs depends on the dynamics of fertility, mortality and overseas migration. While a moderate pace of demographic change allows for gradual adjustment of the economy and policies to the changing population demographics, rapid changes are more difficult to manage. As a result, governments and society as a whole may need to take actions to address these issues. But how severe is the ageing of Australia's population, relative to other countries?

    One way of applying a degree of perspective to the ageing debate is to compare ageing in Australia with that of other countries. This article examines the population structures in Australia and Japan and the demographic forces that shape the respective populations, both historically and projections for the future.

    一、 通读看重点



    我们都知道英文和中文最大的区别就在于英文文章结论在前,中文结论在后。我们要找到文章的主题内容一般要在文章第一段里找,通读文章第一段话,我们可以知道这一段主要表达Australia's population was only moderately aged compared with the figure of Japan这个主题。



    第二段主要说的是population is a major issue for Australian policy makers及原因。

    第三段主要说的是Sustained population ageing also leads to slowing or negative population growth.

    第四段主要说的是:the pace of demographic change affects the difficulty of adjustment of the economy.


    二、 恰当连接重点

    找到全文的主题及各段的重点后,根据它们之间的逻辑关系,用适当的连词将它们连成一句通顺的话。通读全文后,我们知道第一、第二段之间存在着转折逻辑关系,第二、第三段之间存在着因果逻辑关系,第四段是对第三段内容的进一步延伸,第五段是对第四段最后一句话how severe is the ageing of Australia's population, relative to other countries的回答,因此将各部分的重点恰当地连接起来就得出了这么个句子:

    Although Australia's population was moderately aged compared with the figure for Japan, the ageing of the population is a major issue for Australian policy makers and actions are need to address the issue, because it leads slowing or negative population growth and gloomy economic prospects, decreasing the labour supply and the demand of economy through shrinking markets, whose speed affects the difficulty of adjustment of the economy through dynamics of fertility, mortality and overseas migration. (75 words)




    至此,Summarize Written Text的整个解题步骤基本完成。其实从以上三个步骤可以看出,第一步至关重要,即理解文章内容并概括出各部分的重点,这一步做得好与不好,在很大程度上决定了所写答案的切题程度和最后的得分。所以,要做好Summarize Written Text,训练自己对文章的理解概括能力是极其关键的一步,在此基础上,第二、第三步的连接重点及检查语法就相对容易多了。

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          本文标题:看到PTE写作Summarize written text就在心
