2021-02-02 Micro-Habit Challenge

2021-02-02 Micro-Habit Challenge

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2021-02-02 16:36 被阅读0次

It feels like everyone is taking on some kind of crazy challenge at the moment. This isn’t one of those 30-day challenges where you need to wake up at an ungodly hour or put your body through torture. Let’s be kind to ourselves rather than forcing our bodies and minds through something we can’t keep up.

A micro-habit is a small act making use of minimal time and often latching onto tasks we do anyway. I’ve learned willpower is fickle from BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits and James Clear’s Atomic Habits so everything on this list is intentionally easy. I believe you can do this and carry the habits long into your future.

Every micro-habit is backed by research and I’ve successfully included them in my life. I’ve steered clear of fluff to focus on what can work for most people.

The new habits are introduced in a way to build on the previous days for those who want to take it on in a structured way. Many lists overwhelm us with too many ideas at once, but you can add more value to your life by engaging in small doses each day.

If you want to skip a micro-habit or take longer to try out all of them then there is no judgment from me. If you want to implement a few of them straight away then go ahead. Adjust this list to work for you because, above all, it’s to help you live and feel better.


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      本文标题:2021-02-02 Micro-Habit Challenge
