

作者: 18aabd0448d3 | 来源:发表于2018-01-31 22:13 被阅读16次

    In these co-parenting species, a similar process of brain changes typically promotes “pair bonding,” or the development of lifelong adult connections after mating (Carter, 2005). In species such as prairie voles and titi monkeys that show these patterns of pair bonding and co-parental care, we see the origins of the kind of family systems that most humans value. And in some species, including humans, nonbiological parents can develop a nurturing brain; just being exposed to children can activate the caregiving system.

     在这些共同养育的物种中,类似的大脑变化过程通常会促进“配对结合”,或者在交配后发展终生的成人连接(Carter, 2005)。



    Neuroscientists such as Sue Carter opened a gold mine for understanding the brain mechanisms of emotional bonding by uncovering the role of neuropeptides (protein-like molecules used by neurons to communicate with each other), specifically of oxytocin and vasopressin, in promoting both adult bonding and parent–child bonding in animals (Carter, 2005; Insel & Shapiro, 1992).

    像Sue Carter这样的神经科学家们通过揭示神经肽的作用来理解情感联系的大脑机制,其中包括催产素和抗利尿激素,促进了动物的成键和母子结合(Carter, 2005;Insel &夏皮罗,1992)。

    Oxytocin and vasopressin are active in the brains of both women and men, with oxytocin playing a bigger role in women, vasopressin in men. In both moms and dads, oxytocin plays a very important part in helping to promote the bonding process between parent and child.


    Parents whose brains release a lot of oxytocin into the limbic regions—that is, the amygdala, the hippocampus, and the orbitofrontal cortex—tend to be very nurturing parents who experience their interactions with their children as often highly pleasurable.




