Unitimes 精选 | 区块链领域的这届骗子不行啊,套路都不

Unitimes 精选 | 区块链领域的这届骗子不行啊,套路都不

作者: Unitimes_独角时代 | 来源:发表于2019-01-25 15:02 被阅读3次


2019年1月23日,以太币交易总额为1,975,660 ETH ,比1月22日上涨7.93%;日活跃用户量147,497,增加7.97%;新增合约16,822个,增加176.09.%;平均交易费用为13.28GWEI,减少28.48%;最活跃合约为 OPEN CHAIN(OPENC);通证代币交易总额为285,930个,下降31.25%。



假冒 Coinbase 行骗警报

Reddit 最近爆出一封假冒 Coinbase 官方的电子邮件,其用户警告 Coinbase 用户遇到这种邮件要保持警惕,因为此邮件为诈骗邮件。这封假冒邮件的内容是,Coinbase 将进行“为期7天”的维护,所有“Coinbase支持的区块链”都可能会处于离线状态。在此期间,用户应该将资金转移到电子邮件中所提供的“私人旧钱包”中。邮件还表示,对于那些不转移资金的人, Coinbase 不会对他们的资金负责。一旦“维护”完成,用户可以将他们的资金撤回。

Fake Coinbase Scam Alert

A fake Coinbase email has been found on Reddit recently and users are warning Coinbase clients to be wary of the email, as it is a scam. The fake email affirms that during the “next seven days” Coinbase will be in maintenance and that all the “Coinbase-supported blockchains” may be offline . During the time, the users should move their funds to “private old wallets” that are provided on the email. It also affirms that Coinbase will not be responsible for the people who do not put their funds in cold storage. As soon as the “maintenance” is complete, the users would be able to send their funds back.




根据1月22日线上公布的声明,欧盟竞争委员会因万事达卡提高支付手续费,违反了反垄断法,对万事达卡罚款 5.7 亿欧元(约合6.48亿美元)。万事达(Mastercard)强迫商户在其所在国支付交易费,从而限制了他们使用欧盟其他地区收费较低的银行所以提供的服务的机会。

Mastercard Fined $650M by EU for ‘Artificially’ Raising Fees

The European Union’s competition commission has handed Mastercard a €570 million euro ($648 million) fine for artificially raising payment processing fees in breach of antitrust laws, according to an online statement published on Jan. 22. Mastercard forced merchants to pay exchange fees in their countries of residence, forestalling their access to banks with lower fees elsewhere in the EU.


Vaneck 和 Solidx 公司的 SEC 比特币 ETF 申请书已撤回

芝加哥期权交易所撤回了向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的Vaneck 和 Solidx 公司的比特币 ETF 申请书。美国政府目前处于关闭状态,如果该申请没有被撤回,它可能会自动获得批准。Vaneck 公司表示,这次撤回是暂时的,他们正在积极致力于“为比特币 ETF 构建合适的市场结构框架”。

SEC Filing for Vaneck Solidx Bitcoin ETF Withdrawn

Cboe BZX Exchange has withdrawn its filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for Vaneck Solidx bitcoin ETF. The U.S. government is currently shut down and the ETF could have been automatically approved had it not been withdrawn. Vaneck says that the withdrawal is temporary as it is actively working to “build appropriate market structure frameworks for a bitcoin ETF.”


Blockchain.com 推出新的教育工具,

其中包含 BCH 报告

加密钱包供应商 Blockchain.com 开发了一个新的教育工具 Blockchain Primers,来帮助加密货币生态系统中的新手获取数字资产的信息。该教育平台发布的第一份报告是一篇关于比特币现金(BCH)的介绍。

Blockchain.com Launches New Educational Resource With Bitcoin Cash Report

Wallet provider Blockchain.com has created a new educational tool to help newcomers to the cryptocurrency ecosystem access information on digital assets. The first report issued on its Blockchain Primers is an introduction to Bitcoin Cash (BCH).


三星 Galaxy S10 将内置加密钱包?

据美国技术出版物BGR报道,一名三星内部工作人员泄露了几张三星最新款手机 Galaxy S10 的模型图,该机型搭载了一款原生比特币钱包。Gregory Blake 泄露了疑似三星新款手机 Galaxy S10 的图片,据他所称,这家韩国手机巨头的新机有一个名为“三星区块链密钥商店”的集成功能,用户可以对他们的私钥和加密资金有全面性的掌控。一旦设备上的区块链密钥商店完成了身份验证和并被激活启用,用户就可以通过移动电话上的原生加密钱包发送和接收加密货币。

Samsung Galaxy S10 with a Crypto Wallet?

BGR, a U.S.-based technology publication, reported that a Samsung insider leaked images of the new Galaxy S10 model equipped with a native Bitcoin wallet.According to Gregory Blake, who released several screenshots of a suspected Galaxy S10 prototype, the new model of the South Korean mobile phone manufacturing giant has an integrated feature called “Samsung Blockchain KeyStore” that enables users to have full control over their private keys and crypto funds.Once the Blockchain KeyStore is authenticated and enabled on the device, users are able to begin sending and receiving cryptocurrency using the native crypto wallet on the mobile phone.



Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人

将 Eth 质押到权益证明(PoS)算法系统中就像买美国的短期国库券一样。






Staking Eth in PoS is a bit like buying US T-Bills.

Both fund security of their networks.

Both provide interest denominated in their native currencies.

Both allow wide participation.

Both are investments in an underlying economy.

Both compete for capital against alternatives.


Mihailo Bjelic


自从 HC(HashrCash,哈希现金)的概念出现以来,无论是相关人员或者什么阿猫阿狗都想用它来创造去中心化的“数字黄金”,但他们面临的关键挑战是控制通货膨胀的问题。直到11年之后,中本聪提出节点自动调整挖矿难度的概念。

Since HC came around, everyone and their dog wanted to use it to create decentralized "digital gold", but the key challenge was to control the inflation. 11 years later, Satoshi came up with auto-adjusted difficulty.


Chris Burniske

Placeholder VC 合伙人




Crypto gatherings are at their best in a bear market.

Little hype, mostly substance. Only people in attendance are the ones that care for the right reasons.

These same people turn out to be the ones that actually build the future that the following bull market is based upon.


Josh Stark




I think most "ethereum people" would agree it isn't useful for many things, and that many predicted usecases from 2015 turned out wrong.

Just weird to fixate on a mischaracterization of a promotional video ("world computer") instead of what people are actually using it for.


Craig S Wright







Bitcoin is, money. It is cash...

It is, one global distributed computer to serve the Earth.

No master, no ruler, just an economically secure global system that all can use.

Where data has value and becomes...



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    本文标题:Unitimes 精选 | 区块链领域的这届骗子不行啊,套路都不
