作者: 日月星宸 | 来源:发表于2022-04-01 22:50 被阅读0次


What a lovely word “spring” is!

Men have praised it since ancient times, hoping for it to stay in the human world forever. Poets, especially ci composers, cherish it with an especial deep love for spring. Try to leaf through the collection of ci (poetry) and you can find the character “春” (spring) on nearly every page. The descendents become used to listening to these and they naturally begin to love and chime in with those around them. Even those who do not really understand the loveliness of spring, while talking about it, they would feel a pleasant sensation. This is partly because the likeness is suggested by the word spring. Listen “Chun!” (spring) How sonorous, sleepy and lovely the sound flows! Notice how the formation of the character “春”is neatly arranged and symmetrically aesthetic! Thus, the season attached by such a beautiful name must also be lovely to think of. It seems the sound of a girl’s name “Li Hua” must remind us of a beautiful woman.




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