1、ERROR ITMS-90046 /90085: "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. Your application bundle's signature contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on iOS. Specifically, value '' for key 'com.apple.*
解决方案:command+Shift + K clean 下 Xcode 缓存,重新打包上传 即可。
2、ERROR ITMS-90188
3、ERROR ITMS-90086:"missing 64-bit support. beginning on february 1, 2015, new iOS apps submitted to the app store must be include 64-bit support and be built with the ios8 SDK......
原因及解决办法:这是因为现在提交的app必须支持64位,但是使用cocospod时,在Podfile文件里面加上:post_install do |installer| installer.project.targets.eachdo |target| target.build_configurations.eachdo |config| config.build_settings['ARCHS'] ="armv7 arm64" endend end
4、Error itms-90060 This bundle is invalid:
5、Error itms-4236:
6、ERROR ITMS-90098:
原因及解决办法:把Build-Active Architecture Only 改为YES就行
7、ERROR ITMS-90096
原因及解决办法:打开图片资源包Images.xcassets -> 如果没有看到LaunchImage,就添加。-> LaunchImage将里面空缺的图片补全,注意⚠️必须是*.png。
8、ERROR ITMS-90535
9、ERROR ITMS-90186:
"Invalid Pre-Release Train. The train version '100' is closed for new build submissions"
10、ERROR ITMS-90062:
"This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleShortVersionString [100] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously approved version [100]."
原因及解决办法:提交新版本时 CFBundleVersion 和 CFBundleShortVersionString 都要大于上个版本才行
它的提示应该是你的 CFBundleShortVersionString 没有大于之前的版本号
11、ERROR ITMS-90529:
"Invalid package. Applications built with sdk 9.0 or later must be packaged as proper IPA files."
原因及解决办法:这个error是因为打包问题,解决方法:原先上传的是.zip文件,现在需要上传 .ipa文件。也就是需要将打包成的app在打包成ipa文件就可以了。
1、新建文件夹 Payload
3、压缩Payload文件夹为 .zip文件,然后重命名为 .ipa
12、ERROR ITMS-9000:"The binary you uploaded was invalid"
原因及解决办法:重新注册了一下Provisioning Profiles,不知道什么原因原来的.mobileprovision我有下载,但在apple developer网站就没有了,只能呢重新注册了一下就成功了,问题出在你的Provisioning Profiles上面,你在确定一下你发布用的Provisioning Profiles是否出现在你的apple developer网站的Provisioning Profiles页面中。
13、ERROR ITMS-90046:"Invalid Code Signing Entitlements.
原因及解决办法:翻译过来的大概意思就是:"无效的代码签名权利。您的应用程序包的签名包含不支持iOS上的代码签名授权"。那么十有八九是打包的描述证书有问题,或者是项目的Bundle Identifier命名出现不规范等。参考这里
**14、ERROR ITMS-90022:
"Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '57x57' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions < 7.0."
15、WARNING ITMS-90025:
"Missing recommended icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0."
原因及解决办法:从显示出的错误中我们看到项目中缺少了57x57和120x120的PNG格式图片。那我们如何添加进去了,这是我们关心的。解决ERROR ITMS-90022和WARNING ITMS-90025方案是:
二、打开Contents.json,添加 "filename" : "icon.png"
**16、INFO ITMS-90111:
"Your app is built with a beta version of Xcode or iOS SDK. Only apps distributed for beta testing may be built with beta software. To submit an app for distribution on the App Store, you will need to build the app with release versions of Xcode and iOS SDK."
原因及解决办法:信息显示你的应用程序是建立Xcode的beta版本或iOS SDK。只能由应用分布式测试测试版软件
方案:用发布版本的Xcode和iOS SDK来构建应用程序
**17、ERROR ITMS-90474/90475:
"Invalid Bundle. iPad Multitasking support requires these orientations: 'UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait,UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown,UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft,UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight'. Found 'UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait' in bundle 'xxxx'."
**18、ERROR ITMS-90049 /90535:
This bundle is invalid The bundle identifier contains disallowed characters **
原因及解决办法:解决办法(一):删除项目中第三方的plist文件(最主要的腾讯的info.plist) 。
方法(二):在腾讯的info.plist中添加bundle id 键值对。这两个error都是第三方的info.plist 文件问题,解决方法:在xcode左下角搜索info.plist 找到第三方的info.plist文件,如友盟中腾讯Api文件夹下的info.plist文件;找到Bundle version字段,添加项目的build号;添加Bundle identifier 字段,并对应添加项目的BundleId号;找到Bundle versions string, short字段 添加项目的版本号。