C++程序员眼中丑陋的 JS

C++程序员眼中丑陋的 JS

作者: 老瓦在霸都 | 来源:发表于2020-12-14 11:14 被阅读0次

    作为一个老程序员,长期工作在后端服务器的开发, 由于项目原因,最近会做一些前端 JavaScript 的开发,于是系统地学习了久违的 JavaScript, 第一感觉就是 Javascript 很丑陋。 当然,这是从一位老 C++ 程序员的角度来看 JavaScript , 所以觉的丑,而前端程序员可能看起来很美。

    就象一开始看着总想吐,吐着吐着就习惯了,这里总结一下 JS 的槽点

    1. 混乱的作用域

    C++ 中有块级作用域,Javascript 中有变量提升和函数提升,其实都是提到作用域的最前面

    C++的变量的作用域可能是全局的(文件级作用域),局部的(函数级或者块级作用域), 类(class)级别和名字空间(namespace)级别的。

    JavaScript 呢,其实差不多,不过更加简陋,举例如下,相似的代码在 C++ 无疑报错

    var color = "blue"; //global variable
    //函数提升,这里可以直接调用 changeColor
    //变量提升,background 声明已经提到最前面,只不过没有初始化 
    console.log("color is " + color + ", background is " + background); //olor is red, background is undefined
    //没有块级作用域, background 在全局作用域中
    if(true) {
        var background = "brown";
    console.log("background is " + background); //background is brown
    var arr = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
    console.log(arr); //arr conains numbers of 0 ~ 9
    console.log(i); //i is 10
    function changeColor() { //global function
        var anotherColor = "red"; //local variable in changeColor
        function swapColors() {
            var tempColor = anotherColor; //local variable in swapColor
            if(color !== tempColor) {
                color = tempColor;

    2. 函数参数随便传


    JavaScript 就不一样了,不存在函数重载,定义的函数有三个参数,你却可以传入三个参数,五个参数,任何个数都行,举例如下

    function sortArgs(a, b, c) {
        return Array.from(arguments).sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; });
    var retArr = sortArgs(5, 3, 7);
    //output: [ 3, 5, 7 ]
    retArr = sortArgs(5, 3, 7, 1, 9, 8);
    //output: [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 ]

    3. 蹩脚的对象构建和继承

    面向对象的基本概念之一就是类, 类定义了成员属性和方法,通过类就可创建多个具有相同属性和方法的对象。

    JS 中没有类的概念,它只有对象- “对象是一个无序属性的集合,属性可以是一个基本值,一个对象,或者一个函数”。

    C++ 中有构造函数,拷贝构造函数,析构函数, JS 中只有函数,new 后面跟任意一个函数,这个函数就是构造函数,而 每个函数都有一个原型对象,每个函数的原型都有一个 constructor 属性,这个属性就指向函数本身。有点绕。


    function Book() {
        this.title = "";
        this.author = "";
        this.edition = 1;
        this.getAuthor = function() {
            return this.author;
        this.setAuthor = function(author) {
            this.author = author;
        this.toString = function() {
            return `title=${this.title}, author=${this.author}, edition=${this.edition}`;
    function createBook(title, author, edition) {
        var obj = new Object();
        obj.title = title;
        obj.author = author;
        obj.edition = edition;
        obj.getAuthor = function() {
            return this.author;
        obj.setAuthor = function(author) {
            this.author = author;
        obj.toString = function() {
            return `title=${this.title}, author=${this.author}, edition=${this.edition}`;
        return obj;
    var book0 = {
        title: "reacforing",
        author: "Martin",
        edition: 2,
        toString: function() {
            return `title=${this.title}, author=${this.author}, edition=${this.edition}`;
    console.log("book0:", book0.toString());
    var book1 = new Book();
    book1.title = "test driven development";
    console.log("book1:", book1.toString());
    var book2 = new Book();
    book2.title = "feature driven development";
    console.log("book2:", book2.toString());
    var book3 = createBook("metrics driven development", "Walter", 1);
    console.log("book3:", book3.toString());

    上面的三个对象 book0, book1, book2, book3 各自的属性和方法都是独立的,显然效率不高,起码成员方法是可以共享的。

    我们可以用继承来做到成员的共享,JavaScript 没有类,只有对象,没有类继承,只有对象继承。

    一个对象 A 以另外一个对象 B 为原型,那么就可以认为 A 继承自 B。

    例如上面的 Book 函数好比 Book 类, 我们要声明一个 EBook 函数从 Book 函数继承,也就是把 EBook 的原型对象设为 Book.
    这样做还不够,还需要把 EBook.prototype 的 constructor 属性改回 EBook 函数, 代码如下:

    var assert = require('assert');
    var book0 = {
        title: "reacforing",
        author: "Martin",
        edition: 2,
        toString: function() {
            return `title=${this.title}, author=${this.author}, edition=${this.edition}`;
    console.log("book0:", book0.toString());
    var book1 = new Book("test driven development","Kent", 4);
    console.log("book1:", book1.toString());
    var book2 = new Book("feature driven development","Unknown", 1);
    console.log("book2:", book2.toString());
    var book3 = createBook("metrics driven development", "Walter", 1);
    console.log("book3:", book3.toString());
    function createBook(title, author, edition) {
        var obj = new Object();
        obj.title = title;
        obj.author = author;
        obj.edition = edition;
        obj.getAuthor = function() {
            return this.author;
        obj.setAuthor = function(author) {
            this.author = author;
        obj.toString = function() {
            return `title=${this.title}, author=${this.author}, edition=${this.edition}`;
        return obj;
    function Book( title, author, edition) {
        this.title = title;
        this.author = author;
        this.edition = edition;
        this.getAuthor = function() {
            return this.author;
        this.setAuthor = function(author) {
            this.author = author;
        this.toString = function() {
            return `title=${this.title}, author=${this.author}, edition=${this.edition}`;
    function EBook( title, author, edition, url) {
        Book.call(this, title, author, edition);
        this.url = url;
        this.getUrl = function() {
            return this.url;
        this.setUrl = function(url) {
            this.url = url;
        this.toString = function() {
            return `title=${this.title}, author=${this.author}, edition=${this.edition}, url=${this.url}`;
    Book.prototype.getEdition= function() {
        return this.edition;
    console.log("book1.constructor: ",book1.constructor)
    EBook.prototype = new Book();
    ebook1 = new EBook("effective c++", "mayer", 3, "http://t.c");
    console.log("ebook1.constructor: ",ebook1.constructor);
    Object.defineProperty(EBook.prototype, "constructor", {
        enumrable: false,
        value: EBook,
        writable: true
    console.log("ebook1.constructor: ",ebook1.constructor);
    console.log("ebook1.edition: ", ebook1.getEdition());
    console.log("ebook1: ", ebook1.toString());
    assert(book1 instanceof Book);
    assert(ebook1 instanceof EBook);

    C++ 中优雅的 "class EBook: publich Book" 在JavaScript 中搞得这么丑陋,好在 ES6中终于引入了 class 关键字,这样的定义看起来好多了

    class User {
        constructor(name, age) {
            this.name = name;
            this.age = age;
        isAlive() {
            return true;
        static compare(user1, user2) {
            return user1.age - user2.age;
    var alice = new User("Alice", 20);
    console.log("Alice: ", alice);
    var bob = new User("Bob", 30);
    console.log("Bob: ", bob);
    assert(User.compare(alice, bob) < 0);
    class Employee extends User {
        constructor(name, age, department) {
            super(name, age);
            this.department = department;
        getDepartment() {
            return this.department;
    var carl = new Employee("carl", 40, "QA")
    console.log("carl: ", carl);


    4. 数组其实是对象

    C++ 在语言层面就很好地支持了数组,而JavaScript 的数组其实就是一种对象,数组元素可以是任意类型,JS 数组是动态的,它没有边界,可以根据需要增长或缩减,它可以是稀疏的,数组元素的索引可以不连续.

    const users = ["alice", "bob", "carl", "david"];
    console.log("users: ", users);
    console.log("users: ", users);
    users[1000] = "finance";
    console.log("users length: ", users.length);
    console.log("--------- users ------------");
    for(var i=0, len=users.length; i < len; i++) {
        if(users[i] === undefined) {
        console.log(i, "=>", users[i]);
    console.log("--------- departments ------------");
    //array contains any type
    const departments = new Array("dev", "qa", "ops", 1.0, 2, []);
    //no array boundary
    console.log(users[10]); //print undefined

    5. 运算符混乱

    首先就是严格相等与非严格相等, 所以我们尽量使用 ===!== 来进行两个值的比较

    var a = "10";
    var b = 10
    console.log(null == undefined); //true
    console.log(a == b); //true
    console.log(a === b); //false

    逻辑运算符就更乱了,逻辑表达式返回的值并不一定是 true 或 false,而可能是任意类型

    • JS 中真假值的判断

      • true:. 对象、非零数字、非空字符串
      • false: 0、""(空字符串)、null、false、undefined、NaN
    • JS中的短路求值

      • a&&b:左操作数为假值时,返回左操作数,否则返回右操作数。
    • 通过!! 把一个其他类型的变量转成的bool类型


    var a = "10";
    var b = 10;
    var c = null;
    console.log(c == undefined); //true
    console.log(a == b); //true
    console.log(a === b); //false
    console.log(typeof a);//string
    console.log(typeof !!a, !!a)//boolean, true
    console.log(c || 20);//20
    console.log(c && 20);//null

    6. 蹩脚的封装

    面向对象最重要的特性可能就是封装了,C++ 中有 public, protected 和 private 三种可见性,而 JS 呢,全都没有,只能通过代理或闭包这种比较麻烦的方式来封装隐藏私有成员。


    function Task() {
        let priority;
        this.getPriority = () => priority;
        this.setPriority = value => { priority = value;};
    const task = new Task();

    7. 回调地狱

    JS 的匿名函数回调往往会搞成下面这个样子,一层一层回调下去,超过三层就让人头大了

    firstFunction(args, function() {
      secondFunction(args, function() {
        thirdFunction(args, function() {
          // And so on…

    好在 ES6 有了 promise , 情况会好很多

    参见 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise

    8. 全局变量泛滥

    在 JS 中, 不在函数内部的变量都是全局的,全局变量泛滥会造成许多问题, 解决的方法是减少全局变量的使用,整个应用可以只用一个唯一的全局变量。

    var MyApp = {}
    MyApp.project = {
       "tasks": {}

    9. 易错的 with

    使用 with 的效果可能不可预料,所以最好别用

    with(obj) {
        a = b;
    a = b;
    a = obj.b;
    obj.a = b;;
    obj.a = obj.b;

    10. 邪恶的 eval

    eval 看起来很好用,可是却很危险,搞不好就会变得 "evil" (邪恶的)

    foo = 2;
    eval('foo = foo + 2; console.log(foo);'); //print 4


    1. 性能原因: 由于 eval 会用到 JS 的解释/编译功能, 性能会差很多
    2. 注入的可能: 类似于 SQL 注入, eval 的内容也可被注入



        本文标题:C++程序员眼中丑陋的 JS
