
作者: 冯大发 | 来源:发表于2018-12-12 11:26 被阅读0次

Charlottes's Web( Chapter III Escape(上) )

Do you want to escape from your current life?


barn n.畜棚,仓房

hay n.(用作饲料的)干草,草料

manure n.肥料

perspiration n.汗,汗珠

grain n.谷物

pitch v.投,掷,扔

grindstone n.磨石

pitchfork n.干草叉

monkey wrench n.活动扳手(monkey给人的感觉是活蹦乱跳的,所以这个意思跟猴子的特点有关,感觉外国人造词真的好形象呀~)

scythe n.长柄大镰刀(a tool with a long handle长柄 and a slightly curved blade略微弯曲的刀,used for cutting long grass,etc )

lawnmower n.割草机

snow shovel n. 雪铲

milk pail n.牛奶桶 

water bucket n.水桶

grain sack n.谷袋

rusty a.生锈的

rat trap n.捕鼠器

swallow n.燕子

nest n.巢 v.筑巢

pen n.圈,围栏(我们熟悉的意思是笔)

goose n.鹅

trough n.(喂动物的)食槽,水槽,饲料槽

itch v.发痒 n.痒

chuckle v.咯咯地笑

orchard n.果园

sod n.草皮,草地

radish n.小萝卜

oats n.燕麦

prance v.腾跃,腾跳,阔步行走

stroll v.溜达,闲逛,散步

woods n.树林,林地

twirl v.(使)旋转,转动


harness dressing 马具油

axle grease 车轴润滑脂

rubber boots 橡胶靴

stand wide open to the breeze 面向风保持敞开

tie-ups 牛棚(这个表达好形象呀~联系后面的sheepfold羊圈,pigpen猪圈,大概能猜到是牛棚的意思)

directly underneath 正下方

milking stool 挤奶凳

lean against 倚靠

rub against 摩擦,把...把往...上面蹭

stand still 一动不动地站着

squeeze through 挤过,勉强通过

plow up 耕耘


She was sitting there,right outside his pen. 她就坐在猪圈外面(right outside就在...外面)

Fern had not arrived for her usual visit.弗恩没有按照往常到来

When I'm out here,there's no place to go but in.When I'm indoors,there's no place to go out in the yard.


1、monkey wrench 除了有 n.活动扳手,还有破坏一项计划或行动的意思
e.g The children plan to splash water at each other in the afternoon,but their mother throw a monkey wrench into their plans.

2、monkey around 意思是做无聊事儿
e.g My ex-boyfriend likes to spends his time monkeying around in a shopping mall, just standing there watching the girls walk by.

3、monkey business常常指那些毫无意思的胡闹行为,但是有时它还可以用来说一些性质更为严重的行为,包括受贿、贪污等不法行为在内的胡做非为
e.g The newspapers say there's a lot of monkey business going on at City Hall these days with officials.



