Charlottes's Web( Chapter III Escape(下) )
Do you think you are really too young to go out into the world alone?
racket n.喧哗,吵闹(我们熟悉的意思是球拍)
commotion n.(突然发生的)喧闹,骚动
hullabaloo n.嘈杂,喧闹,吵闹声
fuss n.大吵大闹,大惊小怪
shed n.厂房,工棚
slop n.(倒掉的)剩饭菜
stir v.骚乱,搅拌
dodge v.躲开,逃避
slip v.悄悄急行(有没有很熟悉?第一章妈妈迅速放甜甜圈给弗恩也是用的这个单词)
gander n.雄鹅(goose 雌鹅)
rooster n.公鸡
dazed a.茫然的,神志不清的
barely a.几乎不,仅仅,刚好
flake n.小薄片
popover n.脆薄空心松饼
lure v.引诱
captivity n.被俘(的状态),囚禁,束缚
appetizing a.促进食欲的,诱人的
fetch v.取来
penny nail 钉子
cocker spaniel 西班牙猎犬
asparagus patch 芦笋菜地
pull weeds 拔杂草
prick up one's ears 竖起耳朵
lift one's head 抬头
be penned up 被关起来
tie fast 拴紧,捆紧(fast我们熟悉的意思是快速地,而这里指牢固地)
sneak up on 偷偷地接近=creep up on
twist and turn 迂回曲折
make for 走向,前往
spring for 扑过来
hind leg 后腿
He didn't like being the center of all this fuss.
An hour of freedom is worth a barrel of slops.