The recent episodes show my favoriate brilliant imp is be...
The knight of Flowers saluted(nodded to) the king, rode (...
I became a fan of the game of throne in recent days,I mus...
最近看的电影: 《Forrest Gump》 《Harry Potter》 《The Game of Throne...
权力的游戏 比我想象中更看得进去 比我想象中似乎深沉 更真实 杀戮、欲望、饮食男女(原始人性); BY SEASO...
今天在图书馆找game of throne 第六季的时候,无意中看到不久前看过的一部电影:《Coco befor...
第一次接触Game of Throne的时候我还上初中,那时深深的被七大家族你争我斗激烈割据之情势所震撼,就...
耗时约一个月,终于把冰与火之歌的首部曲——《Game of Throne》的英文原版,断断续续地读完了。开读本书的...
The wind blade roses that in the air were ruined In case ...
本文标题:Game of throne season8 episode4