

作者: 未小琴 | 来源:发表于2018-10-29 17:33 被阅读9次

    存储固定长度字符串 最大长度为2000 如果没有说明,默认长度为1 如果赋值长度小于规定的固定长度,oracle自动用空格填充。
    存储可变长度的字符串,最大长度4000 不需要用空格

    4、oracle 简单操作语句
    create table student_tab( --创建学生信息表
    stuid varchar2(20) primary key,
    stuname varchar2(100) not null,
    stusex varchar2(20) not null,
    classnum varchar2(50) not null,
    stuaddress varchar2(200) default '地址未录入',
    age number(20) not null,
    grade varchar2(100) not null,
    idnumber varchar2(100) not null

    create table student_lesson( --创建课程表
    lessid varchar2(11) primary key,
    lessname varchar2(30) not null
    create table student_score( --创建成绩表
    scoid varchar2(2000) primary key,
    stuid varchar2(2000) references student_tab(stuid) not null , --外键
    lessscore varchar2(2000) not null
    -- 简单查表
    select * from student_tab;
    select * from student_lesson;
    select * from student_score;

    alter table student_score add (A21 number(10) null,A22 varchar2(20) null,A23 varchar2(20) null);

    alter table student_score drop(A21,A22,A23);

    drop table student_tab;
    drop table student_score;

    insert into student_tab values('001','小明','女','002','甘肃省',8,'8','123456789');
    insert into student_tab values('002','农夫山','男','003','四川省',5,'7','2485937');
    insert into student_tab values('003','未央','女','092','甘肃省',78,'9','1345789');
    insert into student_tab values('054','未花','女','012','上海市',55,'5','6789');
    insert into student_tab values('285','树儿','女','102','北京市',33,'6','16789');

    insert into student_lesson values('002','数据结构与算法');
    insert into student_lesson values('003','操作系统');
    insert into student_lesson values('022','数据库');
    insert into student_lesson values('402','J2EE');
    insert into student_lesson values('102','计算机体系结构');

    insert into student_score values('001','001','98');
    insert into student_score values('003','004','88');
    insert into student_score values('051','003','100');
    insert into student_score values('401','002','95');

    update student_tab set stubirthday=to_date('2012-01-05','yyyy-mm-dd') where stuid='001';

    update student_tab set stuname='小小' where stuname='未央';

    delete from student_tab where stuname='小小';

    alter table student_tab rename to student_info;
    alter table student_tab rename to student_tab;

    create table new_student_lesson(
    insert into new_student_lesson (select * from student_lesson);

    select a.stuid,a.stuname,a.stusex,b.lessscore from student_tab a,student_score b where a.stuid=b.stuid;
    select a.stuid,a.stuname,b.lessname,s.lessscore from student_tab a,student_lesson b,student_score s where
    a.stuid=s.stuid and(a.stuname='未%'or stusex='女');

    select distinct a.stuid,a.stuname,b.lessname,s.lessscore from student_tab a,student_lesson b,student_score s where
    a.stuid=s.stuid and(a.stuname='未%'or stusex='女');

    --升序order by asc(默认) 降序order by desc
    select * from student_score ls order by stuid DESC;
    select * from student_score ls order by stuid ; --默认升序

    select stuname from student_tab where stuname like '%央';

    alter table student_tab add (stubirthday date);

    alter table student_tab modify(stusex char(200));



