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《Advanced Swift》笔记4:切片(Slice)

《Advanced Swift》笔记4:切片(Slice)

作者: 踩着筋斗云的悟空 | 来源:发表于2016-08-11 08:25 被阅读271次

    原文链接:《Advanced Swift》笔记4:切片(Slice)


    With many sliceable containers, including Swift’s arrays and strings, a slice shares the storage buffer of the original collection. This has an unpleasant side effect: slices can keep the original collection’s buffer alive in its entirety, even if the original collection falls out of scope. If you read a 1 GB file into an array or string, and then slice off a tiny part, the whole 1 GB buffer will stay in memory until both the collection and the slice are destroyed.

    另外,因为切片改变了索引范围,因此我们不能默认其索引是从0开始,而应该是从其startIndex开始,这也是为什么在Swift中应该用 for in 循环,而弃用C风格的for循环的原因之一。

    let array = [1, 4, 5, 2, 11, 34, 33, 88, 43]
    let subArray = array.suffixFrom(4)
    // subArray改变了索引范围,即改变了startIndex和endIndex。
    subArray.startIndex  // 4
    subArray.endIndex    // 9
    // 因为subArray占用的内存比原集合更大
    sizeofValue(array)      // 8
    sizeofValue(subArray)   // 32
    // subArray持有原集合,只是改变了索引范围
    // 所以直接以数字为索引,很容易出错。
    // 标准的索引:
    subArray[0]  //这一句会报错,因为subArray.startIndex 是4,0越界了。
    // 这也是Swift中弃用传统C风格的for循环,改用for in循环的原因之一。
    for int in subArray {



        本文标题:《Advanced Swift》笔记4:切片(Slice)
