2.在你心目中的超级英雄(偶像,牛人,亿万富翁等等),他们几乎都有缺陷,而这些缺陷最终恰恰变成了他们1到2种最强的优势。人类本身就是一个不完美的物种。你不成功是因为你没有缺点;你成功了,是因为你发现了独特的力量,并且将注意力放在发展你的爱好上。为了更清楚地表达我的意思,我故意放了两个部分在这本书中(197页 和 616页)让你想想:“哇,蒂莫西·费里斯生活原来一团糟,他是怎样在困境中完成每件事的? ”每个人正在打一场你不了解的战斗。本书中的英雄无一例外。请把这慰藉放进去,和你一起打赢这场战斗。
I was recently standing in Place Louis Aragon , a shaded outdoor nook on the River Seine , having a picnic with writing students from the Paris American Academy. One woman pulled me aside and asked what I hoped to convey in this book ,at the core . Seconds later , we were pulled back into to the fray, as the attendees were all taking turns talking about the circuitous paths that brought them there that day. Nearly everyone had a story of wanting to come to Paris for years— in some cases, 30 to 40 years — but assuming it was impossible.
Listening to their stories, I pulled out a scrap of paper and jotted down my answer to her question . In this book ,at its core, I want to convey the following:
1.Success ,however you define it , is achievable if you collect the right field-tested beliefs and habits . Someone else has done your version of “success” before ,and often , many have done something similar. “But," you might ask , "what about a first , like colonizing Mars?” There are still recipes. Look at empire building of there types, look at the biggest decisions in the life of Robert Moses (read The Power Broker), or simply find someone who stepped up to do great things that were deemed impossible at the time(e.g.,Walt Disney). There is shared DNA you can borrow.
2.The superheroes you have in your mind (idols ,icons , titans ,billionaires, etc.) are nearly all walking flaws who’ve maximized 1 or 2 strengths. Humans are imperfect creatures. You don’t “succeed” because you have no weaknesses; you succeed because you find your unique strengths and focus on developing habits around them . To make this crystal-clear , I’ve deliberately included two sections in this book (page 197 and 616 ) that will make you think:”Wow ,Tim Ferriss is a mess. How the hell does he ever get anything done?”Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about .The heroes in this book are no different .Everyone struggles. Take solace in that
—— 蒂莫西.费里斯 著