作者: 留子儿 | 来源:发表于2018-12-21 09:53 被阅读0次

自2014年起,随着移动互联网的快速发展,以 ofo、摩拜为首的互联网共享单车应运而生。至2016年底,国内共享单车呈井喷式发展,极大方便了城市出行。ofo 小黄车是中国最早、规模最大的共享单车平台之一,自2015年6月启动以来,ofo 为超过2亿用户提供超过40亿次的出行服务。但短短3年时间内,在资本的助推下,ofo 以无可复制的速度攀上巅峰,而又以始料未及的速度跌落。

2018年9月,因拖欠货款,ofo 小黄车被凤凰自行车起诉;同月,有网友反映称,在使用 ofo 小黄车 app 充值押金或退押金时被诱导消费。10月,又有媒体披露称 ofo 小黄车退押金周期再度延长。12月,众多用户前往 ofo 总部申请退押金,目前已有超过1000万名用户在线排队申请退还押金。近期,ofo 创始人戴威称,ofo 存在“巨大的”现金流问题,对于大量的押金存款,公司目前正在积极尝试处理。

这个冬日,对 ofo 来说尤为难熬。故事还在继续,即使台下观众已经疲惫倦怠,喝彩者寥寥,台上却无人愿意鞠躬谢幕。这个故事承载了太多人的金钱、名望和热血。11月28日,戴威在公司内部信的末尾写道:“只要心中有信念,寒冬和黑暗就无法将我们打倒。”

本篇课程首发于2018年12月21日,选自 Financial Times



Chinese bike-sharing start-up Ofo on verge of bankruptcy

① Ofo, the Alibaba-backed bike-sharing service, has "immense" cash flow problems and has considered applying for bankruptcy, according to the company's founder.

② With its yellow dockless bikes, Ofo exemplified the Chinese start-up model of growing quickly by raising money and burning through cash.

③ Earlier this year, an industry insider estimated that rival Mobike spent $50m a month, while Ofo burnt through roughly $25m.

④ But cash flow problems for the company have become acute, Ofo founder Dai Wei wrote in a letter to employees on Wednesday.

⑤ "I've thought countless times…of even dissolving the company and applying for bankruptcy," he said.

⑥ Millions of Chinese Ofo users have applied for refunds on their Rmb99 ($14) deposits, which the company is trying to process online.

⑦ On Wednesday, when a Financial Times reporter applied for a refund, more than 10m users were already in the virtual queue.


bike-sharing: 共享单车

start-up: 创业公司;初创企业

on the verge of: 濒于;处于……的边缘 (等同于 on the edge of )

bankruptcy /ˈbæŋkrʌptsi/: n. 破产

backed /bækt/: adj. 由……背书的/资金支持的

immense /ɪˈmens/: adj. 巨大的;极大的

cash flow: 现金流

according to: 根据

apply for sth.: 申请……

raise money: 融资;筹钱

burn through cash: 烧钱

burn through: 快速把……消耗完 (use all of something quickly)

industry insider: 业内人士

insider /ɪnˈsaɪdə/: n. 内部的人

estimate /ˈestɪmeɪt/: vt. 评估;估计

acute /əˈkjuːt/: adj. 尖锐的

think of / consider doing sth.: 考虑做某事

countless times: 无数次

dissolve /dɪˈzɒlv/: vt. 解散

refund /ˈriːfʌnd/: n. 退款

apply for refund: 申请退还押金 (等同于 demand one's money back)

deposit /dɪˈpɒzɪt/: n. 押金;存款

process /ˈprəʊses/: vt. (按照某种固定程序,流程化地) 处理 n. 过程

virtual /ˈvɜrːtʃuəl/: adj. (计算机) 虚拟的

queue /kjuː/: n. 队列

in the queue: 在队列中

in the virtual queue: 虚拟排队


1. bike-sharing: 共享单车

· home-sharing service: 房屋共享服务

· car-sharing: 共享汽车

· carpool service: 拼车服务

· car/taxi hailing service: 叫车/打车服务

· sharing economy: 共享经济

2. start-up: 创业公司;初创企业

· start up: 开始;着手做

· start up your own business: 开始做你自己的生意

3. on the verge of: 濒于;处于……的边缘

The child was on the verge of tears.


A growing number of species are on the verge of extinction.


4. backed: adj. 由……背书的/资金支持的

· back: vt. 支持 (资金支持);背书 (信用担保)

· government-backed loans: 由政府担保的贷款项目

5. cash flow: 现金流

· trade flow: 贸易流

· information flow: 信息流

6. exemplify: vt. (作为典型) 展现了……

She exemplified all the qualities of a good mother.


7. burn through: 快速把……消耗完

They've already burnt through one million yuan, and the decorations are far from complete.


8. process: vt. 处理 n. 过程

The brain has a very sophisticated way of processing images.


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