In order to improve my English expressive and writing ability, I made an important decision that I will challenge recording my feelings and enlightment in English. I do admire the peer who have a high level of English. yeah, from now on I'm new at English so maybe this will be a classic rookie questions but here goes…hhh, there will be less or more obvious or unclear mistakes in grammar or voccabulary about my expression . In short, this idea is temporary for me(hh, a little crazy). The purpose is that I can make progress and be accustommed with english expression in my life. ok, looking forward to my changes.

Today, I used the smartPLS to run my data collected fortnight ago., but I find I couldn't establish my model. When i try to upload my base in csv format i get this error: "The file contains too many observations. You must upgrade to Professional licence to use it."the menu in the left didn't show the variables my data included, and the application warned me that —— “too many records, the proffessional license needed”.
I felt pezzled becuase I had applied the smartPLS application's student version for 10 years already, it shouldn't show that warning. so , I checked the problem I faced online. Finally ,I found the student version with limited 100 observations. So, for solve it, using professional version just it.
ok, I will try to spend some money to download the smartPLS in Taobao because the professional version is too expensive for me.