

作者: happy_ef53 | 来源:发表于2018-10-07 21:56 被阅读0次

一、Post-Reading Group work “The Big Four”

Instruction:学生4人一组,在阅读后进行小组讨论,每人分别承担以下角色:plot master (负责复述重要故事情节),culture collector (负责介绍该篇创作时代背景和社会背景),language master(分析优美语言,包括词汇、修辞、句法、写作手法等),character master(负责介绍主要角色,包括其语言、行为、动作等特点。


Post your ideas as a group  (group members reply the first speaker in your group).Each one of you are responsible for one section below.


 Hint for plot masters: use plot development digraph or plot analysis according to the change of settings.

Hint for culture collectors:  analyze the historical background and political background of Russia during late 19C.

Hint for language masters:  Is there any figure of speech?  what do you think of the author's tone, writing style, point of view(人称视角),etc.?l Hint for culture collectors:  analyze the historical background and political background of Russia during late 19C.

 Hint for character masters: How many characters are there? What do they look like? personality? Evidence?


二、While-Reading Group Work “Learning Station”

Instruction:教师将学习内容按一定逻辑分为若干部分,每一个部分制作与班级人数相等的学案分别放置在教室中若干个位置,形成几个learning station。学生以小组为单位,轮流到每一个station阅读并学习学案上的内容,完成相应的讨论要求,之后集体轮转到另一个station进行学习和讨论,以此类推,直至完成全部station的学习,回到座位以班级为单位进行讨论、汇报。在每一个小站的学习时间应由老师规定,按学习内容难度规定若干分钟内完成一个station的学习。


Purpose:Understanding characters

To really understand a character’s role in a story, it helps to look at the character from several angles. When you’re asked to describe or analyze a character, think SADDR( stations 、action 、drawing、definition , reaction) which stands for these ways of looking at a character.

1. Go to the first station according to your group number (1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5)

2. At each station, read the paper strip and have a discussion about it with your group members.

3. Jot down some good ideas and the thing you learn while you are talking. 

4. When you are done, go to the next station. Take a paper strip away and keep it to yourself.

5. You have 3 minutes for each station.

(Hint: Get a piece of scratch paper to jot down anything in your mind when you are in the station journey)


Speech: What does the character say? What does this tell you about the character? For instance, Vernon Dursley “yelled at five people” at work. This is a clue that he can be unfriendly and that he doesn’t really care about other people’s feelings. On the other hand, Professor Dumbledore said many things that showed he was kind and understanding of different people. What are two examples of things he said?

二号小站学案内容 A

 Action: What does the character do? What does this tell you about the character? For instance, Hagrid brings Harry to Professor Dumbledore on a flying motorcycle. This is a clue that he is a little bit wild

Dudley starts in Chapter One with prodding and poking at Harry. What are two other things he does that show what kind of person he is?

三号小站学案内容 D

Description: What does the author say about the character? What does that description tell you about the character?

Example: Albus Dumbledore is described as “tall, thin and very old.” He also rummages through his cloak and laughs softly when he sees the cat (who is Professor McGonagall). This tells you that he has a sense of humor and might be a bit absent-minded. Your turn: Professor McGonagall is described rather differently, as a “rather severe-looking woman” whose “black hair was drawn into a tight bun,” who Albus Dumbledore thought sat “so stiffly.” What kind of teacher do you think she would be? D

四号小站学案内容 D

Drawing: Imagine what the character looks like and make a sketch of it. Professor McGonagall’s neat hair and trim appearance are clues that she is a fastidious, neat and organized person. What does Albus Dumbledore’s appearance tell you about his character?


Reactions of others: How do other characters in the story react to this character? For instance, Professor McGonagall asks Albus Dumbledore a lot of questions about what has happened. She clearly thinks he knows a lot, and when Professor Dumbledore asks her to, she uses Voldemort's name, even though she doesn't really want to, showing that Professor Dumbledore is a well-respected person. How does Professor McGonagall react to Hagrid? What does this tell you about him?

备注:learning station 增加了知识学习的趣味性和互动性,教师也可以根据所教内容灵活设计每个station的任务,也可以将station的排序在内容上设计出递进性,如同游戏闯关,使学生在互动与合作中体会知识习得的乐趣。在轮转完毕后,教师应注意引导学生总结汇报学习成果。

三:While/Post-Reading Work “Draw the plot”


范例:以《哈利波特与魔法石》chapter3 the letters from no one为例 

Draw the scenes from day 1 to day 6 to show what happened to Harry and the family.



四:Post-Reading Individual Work: Literature Analysis



Choose a topic from below and write an analysis paper(at least 500 words).

A.    Appreciate the aesthetic features in The Nightingale and the Rose. Answer the questions: What can you get from the story itself without thinking about the historical background and the author’s experience? 

When you know more about the personal experience of the author, what deeper thinking can you dig out from the story?

B. Explain what the “Five Elements” are in a short story, using examples in The False   


Describe the changes of the two main characters (husband and wife) and analyze what you can get from their changes, considering the social background of France at that time. 

C. You can choose part of the text to analyze the tone and the writing style of The gifts   

of the Magi. There are lots of sentences that aren't really sentences, like the opening one: "One dollar and eighty-seven cents". Likewise, the narrator is fond of starting sentences with words that grammar sticklers would say you're not supposed to start with, like "And" or "Which." 

Finish the paper and answer the following questions: The story is narrated as if someone were telling it to you aloud. How does O. Henry achieve this effect? Does he follow grammar rules in the following sentences?

What kind of tone does it show? What is the author’s writing style? 

D.  Introduce Satire literature, explaining the definition and function of this literature   

genre. Use The Death of a Government Clerkas an example to illustrate what is being satirized and why the author would write this satirical story, considering the social background of the story.


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