
作者: 如果我名王玉珏 | 来源:发表于2018-05-29 08:20 被阅读1次

A Difference of Opinion

The following passage summarizes an important difference of opinion. After reading the statement, use the library and/or the Internet and find what knowledgeable people have said about the issue. Be sure to cover the entire range of views. Then assess the strengths and weaknesses of each. If you conclude that one view is entirely correct and the others are mistaken, explain how you reached that conclusion. If, as is more likely, you find that one view is more insightful than the others but that they all make some valid points, construct a view of your own that combines the insights from all views and explain why that view is the most reasonable of all. Present your response in a composition or an oral report, as your instructor specifies.

Do all claims of discrimination deserve to be taken seriously?

Discrimination may be defined as acting out prejudice toward others. Over

the past half century Americans have become aware of the unfairness of discrimination and the importance of laws that protect people from its effects.Some people believe such laws will continue to have value only if all claims of discrimination are taken seriously. Others, however, believe the opposite.They argue that the key to fighting genuine discrimination is to be aggressive in exposing and denouncing phony claims. In your analysis of this issue, evaluate the following cases, among others.

1. After an Illinois high school basketball player was arrested twice for

driving under the influence of alcohol, the coach kicked him off the

team. The young man responded by claiming that because he was an

alcoholic, his dismissal constituted discrimination under the Americans

with Disabilities Act. Based on that reasoning, he sued for $100,000 in

damages and demanded reinstatement on the team.








