topic:how to cook

topic:how to cook

作者: 金马门闲客 | 来源:发表于2023-08-23 22:01 被阅读0次


1.Food 食物

What do you like to have for breakfast? 


bread 面包 

steam bread 馒头

steamed stuffed bread/steamed bun 包子

fried bread sticks/fried dough sticks 油条

pancake 煎饼

cooked rice 米饭

biscuit/cracker 饼干

noodle 面条

hamburger 汉堡

egg tart 蛋挞

dumpling 水饺

fried egg 荷包蛋、煎蛋

boiled egg 煮鸡蛋

100-year-egg 皮蛋(专业用语是preserved egg)

soybean milk 豆浆

fresh milk 鲜奶

yogurt 酸奶

Where should I pay for my meal? 哪里付账?

May I have/take your order,ma'am? 可以点餐了吗?

American breakfast 美式早餐 

Chinese breakfast 中式早餐

Can I get that to go? 这菜能外卖吗?

brunch 早午餐

mineral water 矿泉水

burnt 糊了

Midnight snack 宵夜

MSG 味精

Chef cook 厨师

2.Recipe cookbook 食谱

(1)cooking process 烹饪方法

fry 煎  boil 煮  roast 烤  steam 蒸  stir-fry 炒 bake 烘 braise 闷炖  deep fry 炸

smoke 烟熏   slice 切片 grate 磨、锉 cut up 切碎 dice 切段  chop 切碎 stir 搅拌

shred 切丝 sift 筛 mash 捣

3.Ingredient 调味料

cooking oil 油   salad oil 色拉油  salt 盐 soy sauce 酱油  vinegar 醋  sugar 糖

chicken essence 鸡精  MSG 味精 pepper 胡椒  ginger 生姜  onion 洋葱头

shallot 青葱 garlic 蒜 chili 辣椒 curry 咖喱

4.cooker 炊具

stove 炉子 lid 盖子 plate rack 盘架  oven 烤箱 steamer 蒸笼 kitchen scale 厨房秤

pan 平底锅 cupboard 橱柜  fridge 冰箱  wok 炒锅  cutting board 切菜板 

rice cooker 电饭锅 microwave 微波炉 egg  beater 打蛋器  pressure cooker 高压锅

range hood 抽油烟机 turner 锅铲 cutlery 刀具 knife 刀 fork 叉 spoon 勺 

chopstick 筷子 bowl 碗 plate 盘子 dish 碟子 tray 托盘 napkin 餐巾纸 toothpick 牙签

5.taste 口味

light 清淡的 heavy 重的 salty 太咸  raw 生的 medium 半生半熟的  under done 嫩的

well done 熟的  over done 做的老了 sour 酸 sweet 甜 bitter 苦 spicy 辣 salty 咸



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