原创 2017-09-28 阎成席 [En教练]
Barely Known life struggle of an acrobat: 8-hour daily headstand drilling
阎老师有话说:(1)台上一分钟,台下十年功。没有刻苦训练,何谈成功? One minute on stage takes a decade of painstaking practice. How can you brag about your success without unremitting efforts?
(2) 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。这个小姐姐给我们树立了榜样,我们该仿效才是。No pains,no gains. This lady sets an example to us and we should follow this good example.
(3) 任何一个行当都要求精准掌握其中的玄机和高超技艺, 否则你还是半瓢水,不能独当一面。Any line of business calls for the accurate mastery of profound principles and superb knacks, or otherwise you will be far from an industrial elite, and sure you fail to take charge for optimal performances.(4)业精于勤荒于嬉,学业成功靠的是“冬练三九,夏练三伏”,功到自然成呀!
Achievement is founded on deligence and wasted upon recklessness. Academic success is owing to the principle of "Do sports or exercises either in the sizzling/sweltering/burning/blistering summer or the freezing winter" , so persistnt practice leads to /contributes to success.
1.杂技演员 acrobat
- 幕后人生real life behind the scenes
- 苦练 diligent drilling/practice; work hard on sth.;take pains费苦心;煞费苦心;下苦功; grind away at 苦干;苦学;孜孜不倦地学;
- 倒立handstand;headstand;stand upside down
- 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 Only those who endure the most become the highest.; No gains without pains; No cross,no crown6. 半瓢水:dabbler; smatterer;far from a master hand