23 A Writer’s Decisions
the reader is given no chance to squirm away.
squirrel away : to put (something) in a safe or secret place especially so that it can be kept for future use
例 She says the kid's been squirrelling money away like there's no tomorrow.
Synonyms:cache, hive up, hoard, lay away, stash
I asked the usual questions and got the usual answers—yellow fever shots, cholera shots, malaria pills, don’t drink the water—and was given a brochure.
shot the act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a syringe
例 the nurse gave him a flu shot
延伸:like a shot(informal) 立刻;飞快地;毫不犹豫:
a shot across the / sb's 'bows (若不改变就会有某种后果的)警告
a shot in the arm 令人振奋的事情;强心针
shot through with sth 布满,充满,富有(某种颜色、品质或特征):
It’s your opportunity to participate in a once-in-a-lifetime extravaganza
extravaganza 铺张华丽的娱乐表演
■a large, exciting and expensive event or entertainment
例 a musical /dance extravaganza场面宏大华丽的音乐剧/歌曲汇演/舞蹈盛宴
这本书是有关decisions的,上一章讲的是big decisions:matters of shape, structure, compression, focus and intention
这一章讲的是 little decisions: the hundreds of choices that go into organizing a long article.
作者举例自己的游记文章“The News From Timbuktu”
In the morning I noticed paw prints in the sand next to my blanket. Mohammed Ali said that a jackal had come by to clean up the leftovers from our dinner—of which, as I recalled the chicken, there must have been quite a few. But I didn’t hear a thing. I was too busy dreaming that I was Lawrence of Arabia.
作者最后说,If a subject interests you, go after it. It’s not going to come looking for you.
Decide what you want to do. Then decide to do it. Then do it.