亲爱的小伙伴们,晚上好吖!how have you been?这一周大家都过的怎么样呢?建议大家每周可以对自己一周的工作和生活做一个复盘,那这一周我在工作之余,除了正常销售我的产品,ps在这里顺便感谢一下粉丝们的支持啦!节日的时候,我一定会记得给你们发红包的哟~~
还有闲暇时间就去英语训练营群里讲英语啦,每天进步0.1那就是1.1,杨妈说英语是个体力活,一定要练到肌肉痛,为啥clint老师可以说10几个小时英语呀,哈哈,come on ,practice your muscle~~
这周我还分销了十点的课程和杨妈的英语课,总共大概分销了十几门课程,有时间管理,有英语课,有职场课,副业赚钱,提升女性情商40本名著,还有各种办公技能PPT和PS ,我身边爱学习的小伙伴可真多啊!希望大家买了课程的一定要坚持听完,就一定会有收获啦啦啦~~
除此之外,我还给简书公众号筛选文章,评审打分也一直在进行,能够与大家一起学习进步是一件很开心的事情呀,赚钱对我来说也是一件非常有意义的事情呐! How fun to make money !
1. May I see that ivory horse? 我可以看看那只象牙制的马吗?
2. Paper-cutting is a truly exquisite handicraft. 剪纸确实是精美的手工艺品。
3. Jingdezhen is called “the capital of porcelain”. 景德镇被称为“瓷都”。
4. They are not only ornamental, but also quite useful. 它们不但具有装饰性,而且还很实用。
5. All our reproductions are clearly marked and priced. 我们所有的复制品都有明确的标志和标价。
6. Handicrafts sometimes are unique so that they're of great value. 有时手工艺品因其独特而具有极大的价值。
7. New Year's pictures and embroidery are all famous Chinese handicrafts. 年画和刺绣都是中国有名的工艺品。
8. It’s hard to judge between the two handicraft articles; they're both charming. 很难判定这两件工艺品的优劣,它们都很漂亮。
9. Now, making handicrafts is becoming a lot trend among young citydwellers. 现在,我们手工艺制作正在成为年轻城市居民的新宠。
10. According to our experience, these handicrafts will find a ready market in Japan. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路会很好。
May I see:我可以看看***吗
exquisite handicraft:精美的手工艺品
is called :被称为,被叫做
the capital of porcelain :瓷都
quite useful : 很实用
Be clearly marked and priced :明码标价
great value:极大的价值
New Year's pictures and embroidery :年画和绣花
famous Chinese handicrafts:中国非常有名的手工艺品
It’s hard to judge:很难判断
making handicrafts:制作手工艺品
among young city dwellers:在城市年轻居民中
According to our experience:按我们的经验
find a ready market:有销路
Paper-cutting is called exquisite handicraft in China ,especially in Chinese New Year or when people be getting marry in their new house ,where people always be sticker the new year’s pictures onto window /door or the others showy place ,but the reality is that less and less people would like to learn and make the handicrafts or embroidery among young city dwellers ,so ,in nowadays there are more and more reproductions with lower price instead of the truly handicrafts So that do you think it is hard to judge the truly handicrafts and the reproduction ?
好了,今天的文章就到这里啦,have a good weekend!对了,我有一个英语学习小群,欢迎想学英语朋友加入,免费的群,所以没有服务,我会不定时分享一些关于英语的小文章在里面,所以如果想学好英语,请在里面疯狂的@小伙伴吧,欢迎大家加入,共同进步,语言可不是蒙着头一个人可以学会的哟~~