Highlights from Day14

Highlights from Day14

作者: 荆棘海_Ph | 来源:发表于2019-03-16 22:58 被阅读0次
    Finding the Faults in Defaults

    faults in defaults:表示默认规则中的一些误解,find faults in defaults进而引申为打破默认的规则或思维定式,并且faults in defaults还进行了押韵。

    Not long ago, economist Michael Housman was leading a project to figure out why some customer service agents stayed in their jobs longer than others. Armed with data from over thirty thousand employees who handled calls for banks, airlines, and cell-phone companies, he suspected that their employment histories would contain telltale signs about their commitment. He thought that people with a history of job-hopping would quit sooner, but they didn’t: Employees who had held five jobs in the past five years weren’t any more likely to leave their positions than those who had stayed in the same job for five years.

    1.armed with:配备,准备,提供,to provide all the information, skills, or equipment you need to do something.


    例句:Arm yourself with all the facts you need to argue your case. 你要准备好证明你观点所需的全部论据。

    2.telltale signs:signs etc that clearly show something has happened or exists, often something that is a secret 泄露秘密的痕迹/标记等。这个词作名词表示打小报告的人,作形容词表示会透露出某种迹象的,在文中很形象地表达出“显示出他们忠诚度的种种迹象”。

    造个句,你的肢体语言可以透露出你的受教育程度:Your body language contains telltale signs about your education.

    例句:They examined the child carefully, looking for telltale signs of abuse. 他们仔细检查了那个孩子,寻找被虐待的痕迹。

    3.commitment:the hard work and loyalty that someone gives to an organization, activity etc 〔对某一组织﹑某项活动等的〕投入,忠诚,奉献,可以与loyalty做替换。

    例句:I was impressed by the energy and commitment shown by the players. 选手们表现出的活力和奉献精神给我留下了深刻印象。


    例句:Tiffany is job-hopping to advertisement from sales because it pays more than her last job.

    5.hold jobs:在任,在职,to have a particular job or position, especially an important one.

    例句:Do you really think he’s capable of holding such a responsible position? 你真的认为他能担任这个责任重大的职位吗?



          本文标题:Highlights from Day14
